This page (revision-2) was last changed on 15-Feb-2023 21:47 by Olaf Bohlen

This page was created on 13-Feb-2023 22:15 by Olaf Bohlen

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1 13-Feb-2023 22:15 1 KB Olaf Bohlen to last

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At line 66 changed one line
Now, let's set up the networking. We are going to create an Etherstub with two interfaces, one for the laptops global zone and one for the router vm.
Now, let's set up the networking. We are going to create an Etherstub with two interfaces, one for the laptops global zone and one for the router vm:
At line 68 changed 9 lines
First ensure that nwam (NetWork AutoMagic) is turned off:
{{{# svcadm enable svc:/network/physical:default
# svcadm disable svc:/network/physical:nwam
Now we will create the Etherstub (SDN switch) and the virtual NICs:
{{{# dladm create-etherstub dmz0
# dladm create-etherstub dmz0
At line 78 changed one line
# dladm create-vnic -l dmz0 dmzint0}}}
# dladm create-vnic -l dmz0 dmzint0
At line 80 removed 54 lines
We need to create an IP interface, configure a static IP on that interface and set
the new default route persistent ("route -p") to the later configured OpenWRT:
{{{# ipadm create-if dmzint0
# ipadm create-addr -T static -a local= dmzint0/v4
# route -p add default}}}
! Boot OpenWRT the first time
Open two different xterms. In the first we install the zone and then open the zones console:
{{{# zoneadm -z router install
# zlogin -C router}}}
In the other xterm we boot up the zone:
{{{# zoneadm -z router boot}}}
After ca. 60 seconds or even less, OpenWRT should be booted completely and if you hit "return" in the zones console, you should get the OpenWRT root shell:
{{{root@OpenWrt:~# }}}
At this prompt, we need to configure the Ethernet first.
VNICs on illumos have a MTU of 9000 by default, so we should configure the same MTU for the eth0 in the OpenWRT config also. At the same time we change the LAN IP to the one we chose before. For that we open with vi the /etc/config/network file on the OpenWRT and change the relevant parts:
{{{config device
option name 'br-lan'
option type 'bridge'
list ports 'eth0'
option mtu '9000'
option mtu6 '9000'
config interface 'lan'
option device 'br-lan'
option proto 'static'
option netmask ''
option ip6assign '60'
option ipaddr ''
config device
option name 'eth0'
option mtu '9000'
option mtu6 '9000'
after that reboot the OpenWRT instance:
{{{root@OpenWrt:~# reboot}}}
After that step, you need to configure the wifi card correctly, for that you need to install the correct packages to OpenWRT with okpg, please consult the OpenWRT documentation.
After setting up this stuff, I realised that DrScream also already did something very similar here: []