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This repo contains a sample s2i for jenkins used by the Red Hat Open Innovation Labs.

Adding plugins

Add plugins to the plugins.txt file by including them in the form of <plugin-id>:<version>. Eg email-ext:2.11.

To get a list of all plugins and their version on an existing Jenkins in this format run this command in the Groovy console.

  plugin ->
    println ("${plugin.getShortName()}:${plugin.getVersion()}")

Adding seed jobs

The JENKINS created by this s2i is loaded with a seed for creating a react app and golang pipeline. Additional seeds can be created by including them in configuration/jobs/. Create a new folder (for the jenkins job name) and add a config.xml. The example seeds point to a DSL stored with sample apps.

Slack Integration

Edit the configuration/jenkins.plugins.slack.SlackNotifier.xml and replace YOUR_TOKEN_GOES_HERE with the slack endpoint token. Edit the domain name to match your team one too.

Git Credentials Generation

The init.groovy contains some code run on launch. When deploying Jenkins, set the GIT_USERNAME and GIT_PASSWORD env variables to have them read in my this config generator