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Setting up the Enablement Session

These notes are intended to evolve into a set of shared notes on how to set up and facilitate the Open Innovation Labs DevOps Culture and Practice Enablement.

Booking the space and facilities

Key requirements for the venue include:

  • Desks in workshop format (5 tables of 4-5 people), ideally on wheels and movable (so we can go through the experience of teams configuring the space)
  • Power socket banks for each table
  • LOTS of wall space (more than you could think.... we may need to supplement with "portable wall" boards)
  • Projector that supports HDMI
  • Ability to play sound from laptop
  • Strong WiFi (all delegates will need to be connected throughout the course)
  • At least one break out area - ideally a small room near the main room

Shopping / Bring List

  • Print Exercise Booklets - a PDF of all exercises. We have printed these in A4 color, double-sided with wire binding, a clear cover and black card back
  • Card printouts of "The Big Picture" components
  • Poster printouts of
    • Henrik Kniberg Product Ownership in a Nutshell
    • Henrik Kniberg Skateboard Picture
    • The Agile Manifesto Values and Principles
    • What DevOps is Not
  • Some spare adapters for overseas' participants to connect laptops to power
  • Bluetac
  • A1 Sticky Chart Paper
  • Boards (especially if wall space is lacking)
  • Post-it / sticky notes (variety of colors and sizes as described in the Facilitation Guides)
  • Sharpies (enough for one per participant + a few extra)
  • Whiteboard Pens - mixture of colors
  • Magic Whiteboard (especially if there is a lack of whiteboard space in the venue)
  • Painters' Tape - mixture of colors
  • Bluetooth Speaker
  • Fun activities (e.g. a mini golf set and mini ping pong set)
  • Option to project build monitors (e.g. through Rasperry Pis) - organise extra monitors or bring projector
  • Think about capturing the Enablement by bringing, for example, GoPro Camera, 360 cameera, etc.

Setting up the Room

The day before the Enablement begins, get access to the room and lay out all materials. Specific things to set up include:
* Backlog
* Burndown
* Definition of Done
* Target Outcomes
* Realtime Retrospective
* Big Picture Area
* Practice Corner Area
* Ping Pong and Golf
* Labs is….
* Space for Faces
* Space for Animals

Think about the wall space that will be used for:
* Team's Social Contract
* Wider Group Social Contract
* Event Storming
* Metric Based Process Maps
* Value Slicing
* End of Day Retros

Facilitation Guidelines

  • Facilitation Guides have been prepared for each of the exercises (technical and non-technical). These are intended to be living and breathing documents which will be updated as more Enablement sessions are run.
  • Slideware includes lots of real world residency examples of practices being taught. It is expected that these examples will change session-by-session and the Labs facilitators will inject their own stories, photos and videos in here.