Tres Seaver
2017-12-20 a83610e170325e157726a4649923dff8ae303d12
2016-05-31 Tres Seaver
middleware: Avoid passing extracted 'identity' to 'remember' during egress.
tree@ 455778 commitdiff
2016-05-31 Tres Seaver
Wrap long lines.
tree@ 565160 commitdiff
2016-04-19 David Tulloh
Expand tests to cover alternate digests
tree@ b70ba3 commitdiff
2016-04-18 David Tulloh
Modified _auth_tkt in line with paste upstream
tree@ fcf53b commitdiff
2014-12-12 Tres Seaver
Throw in towel on unit test assertion names.
tree@ 826ba0 commitdiff
2014-12-12 Tres Seaver
Remove cruft, restore test coverage to 100%.
tree@ d13829 commitdiff
2013-12-17 Tres Seaver
middleware: don't barf when wrapped generater yields no items.
tree@ 19d219 commitdiff
2013-04-26 Tres Seaver
Parse INI-file configuration using SafeConfigParser.
tree@ 1d7c19 commitdiff
2013-03-20 Tres Seaver
Note rationale for optional CONTENT_TYPE vs. required REQUEST_METHOD.
tree@ dc6b78 commitdiff
2013-03-20 Tres Seaver
Coverage for r.w._compat.must_encode.
tree@ a07901 commitdiff
2013-02-12 Dag Høidahl
Support requests with no CONTENT_TYPE.
tree@ a5135a commitdiff
2012-03-24 Tres Seaver
Use stdlib's warnings.catch_warnings instead of rolling by hand.
tree@ 679dbc commitdiff
2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Deprecatino clean on Py3k.
tree@ 5bdad5 commitdiff
2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Suppress deprecation warnings under Py3k.
tree@ 9c1e6f commitdiff
2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Get log levels set correctly no matter the order in which tests run.
tree@ e05ebf commitdiff
2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Back to 100% coverage under 2.x.
tree@ ff80e0 commitdiff
2012-03-19 Tres Seaver
Coverage for repoze.who._auth_tkt.AuthTkt.
tree@ 0b4b05 commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Add 'must_decode' smackdown.
tree@ cc04ed commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Coverage (under 3.2) for _compat.
tree@ bf5b5a commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Coverage (under 2.x) for _compat.
tree@ a37aff commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Normalize handling of appiter-as-bytes.
tree@ bc538a commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Centralize compatibility imports in repoze.who._compat.
tree@ adef05 commitdiff
2012-03-18 Tres Seaver
Use 'in' rather than 'has_key'.
tree@ d853a7 commitdiff
2012-01-02 Atsushi Odagiri
ommit deprecated dependencies
tree@ 02a504 commitdiff
2011-09-28 Tres Seaver
Call 'close' even when raising an exception for a missing challenger.
tree@ 493726 commitdiff
2011-05-17 Tres Seaver
Enabled standard use of logging module's configuration mechanism.
tree@ d6b53f commitdiff
2011-04-06 Tres Seaver
All identifiers play on remember / forget.
tree@ fdd86d commitdiff
2011-04-05 Tres Seaver
Add interface conformance tests.
tree@ a86698 commitdiff
2011-02-01 Tres Seaver
Ensure that the middleware calls `close()` on the returned app_iterable.
tree@ b01f44 commitdiff
2011-01-10 Tres Seaver
Make 'make_api_factory_with_config' tolerate bad confi filename/content.
tree@ 03fba8 commitdiff
2011-01-10 Tres Seaver
Fix speling.
tree@ 65c62b commitdiff
2010-12-16 Brian Sutherland
Fix bug in repoze.who.api where the remember() or forget() methods could r...
tree@ cfe26c commitdiff
2010-11-05 Chris McDonough
- Remove repoze.who.identity from the environ when logout is called. This...
tree@ e24a75 commitdiff
2010-10-01 Tres Seaver
Add a logout method to the API for application convenience.
tree@ 924f24 commitdiff
2010-10-01 Tres Seaver
Added a ``login`` method to the ``repoze.who.api.API`` object.
tree@ 9a8e60 commitdiff
2010-10-01 Tres Seaver
Fix examples, tests which used the deprecated plugins.
tree@ d7f613 commitdiff
2010-05-11 Chris McDonough
- Help default request classifier cope with xml submissions with an expli...
tree@ 6b7b34 commitdiff
2010-04-26 Tres Seaver
Added ``repoze.who.config:make_api_factory_with_config``.
tree@ a349a2 commitdiff
2010-04-26 Tres Seaver
Unused imports.
tree@ d11664 commitdiff
2010-02-26 Tres Seaver
Fixed failure to pass substution values in log message string formatting
tree@ 52bc23 commitdiff
2010-02-25 Tres Seaver
Suppress logging module spew.
tree@ 140fb9 commitdiff
2010-02-23 Tres Seaver
Restored the ability to create middleware using the old 'classifier' argument
tree@ cbc983 commitdiff
2009-12-10 Tres Seaver
The API used to allow identifier plugins to "preauthenticate" an identity.
tree@ b213af commitdiff
2009-11-18 Tres Seaver
Finish moving guts from middleware to API; make it fit the interface.
tree@ b482a1 commitdiff
2009-11-07 Tres Seaver
Factored out the API of the middleware object to make it useful from within...
tree@ 993216 commitdiff
2009-08-04 Chris McDonough
- Fixed an issue that caused the following symptom when using the ini con...
tree@ 21a9c5 commitdiff
2009-05-20 Tres Seaver
Fix test breakage on Windows.
tree@ 1810b2 commitdiff
2009-05-09 Tres Seaver
Added 'passthrough_challenge_decider', which avoids re-challenging 401 resp...
tree@ 0dd808 commitdiff
2009-05-08 Tres Seaver
tree@ 69f663 commitdiff
2009-05-08 Tres Seaver
Coverage (D'oh\!)
tree@ 9c92d9 commitdiff
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