2018-04-26 78d1103d9ac295e0f5d80e33c5dee7cf72756c33
2018-04-26 donal
perf test stuff
tree@ a82977 commitdiff
2018-04-26 donal
Linting exercise updates
tree@ 6b9713 commitdiff
2018-04-26 donal
Merge branch 'master' of
tree@ b0af64 commitdiff
2018-04-26 donal
Linting exercise updates
tree@ ac41ef commitdiff
2018-04-26 acammies
Merge branch 'master' into fixes/tdd-flag-fix
tree@ 9fd718 commitdiff
2018-04-26 acammies
added instructions to get the important flags working properly - better lat...
tree@ 9f3a7a commitdiff
2018-04-26 donal
tidy up instructions and rename build-pods
tree@ 09d869 commitdiff
2018-04-26 donal
FIX - headings and minor tweaks
tree@ 752f2a commitdiff
2018-04-26 donal
FIX - labs on Jenkinsfile
tree@ abb5b1 commitdiff
2018-04-25 donal
FIX - end of testing stuff
tree@ 3ee499 commitdiff
2018-04-25 donal
WIP - testing changes
tree@ 1329f3 commitdiff
2018-04-25 donal
FIX - e2e url
tree@ 8bf642 commitdiff
2018-04-25 donal
FIX - missing mongodb steps from test
tree@ 5da0fd commitdiff
2018-04-25 donal
FIX - missing mongodb steps from test
tree@ 55df0e commitdiff
2018-04-25 donal
TESTS - fixes for e2e runnins
tree@ b62fab commitdiff
2018-04-24 donal
FIXES - lab3 first part
tree@ d82125 commitdiff
2018-04-24 donal
FIX - image of pipleline
tree@ 204a7b commitdiff
2018-04-24 donal
FIX - pipleline stuff from run through
tree@ 8a47e6 commitdiff
2018-04-24 donal
FIXES - collection of first part of lab fixes
tree@ ee4a9b commitdiff
2018-04-24 donal
FIXES - collection of first part of lab fixes
tree@ 3f9666 commitdiff
2018-04-24 donal
FIX - intro to app exercise
tree@ 514d1d commitdiff
2018-04-24 donal
FIX - lab instructions Jenkins
tree@ a7a123 commitdiff
2018-04-24 donal
FIXES - lab1 gitlab stuff
tree@ 4c20f0 commitdiff
2018-04-24 donal
tree@ f49b0d commitdiff
2018-04-23 donal
More exercise 6 stuff
tree@ 364c66 commitdiff
2018-04-23 donal
More exercise 6 stuff
tree@ fd42cf commitdiff
2018-04-23 donal
WIP - adding the first bunch of dashbaords
tree@ 6bd3ef commitdiff
2018-04-23 donal
ADD - including the perf test stuff
tree@ 64c32e commitdiff
2018-04-22 donal
ADD some more pics
tree@ c452bb commitdiff
2018-04-20 acammies
Merge pull request #152 from rht-labs/exercise4/ocp-pipeline
tree@ 20669e commitdiff
2018-04-20 donal
Swap Docker for CRI-O
tree@ 5708c6 commitdiff
2018-04-19 donal
ADD - ocp pipeline lesson
tree@ 40c2e4 commitdiff
2018-04-18 donal
FIXES based on MR conflicts
tree@ 74f305 commitdiff
2018-04-18 Donal Spring
Merge pull request #146 from rht-labs/exercise3/what-is-tdd
tree@ c70a64 commitdiff
2018-04-18 donal
Merge branch 'master' into exercise4/zap-braniscan-and-arachniboy
tree@ b6fbfc commitdiff
2018-04-18 donal
DONE - added tests to e2e dev pipleine
tree@ a47ec2 commitdiff
2018-04-18 donal
ADD tests running in pipleine
tree@ 4ce512 commitdiff
2018-04-18 acammies
added screenshot and cleaned up spelling errors
tree@ 64ae3c commitdiff
2018-04-17 donal
FIX lab instructions cuz of the rework
tree@ b92135 commitdiff
2018-04-17 donal
rework of the projects structure based on Justin feedback
tree@ fd78e6 commitdiff
2018-04-17 acammies
added a small bit more
tree@ 15c296 commitdiff
2018-04-17 acammies
Merge pull request #143 from rht-labs/exercise4/pipeline-as-code
tree@ 11ccb9 commitdiff
2018-04-17 donal
ADD - exercise 4; the Jenkinsfile
tree@ b586be commitdiff
2018-04-17 Rob Harris
Added images and header image for ex3
tree@ 9e07af commitdiff
2018-04-17 acammies
gitlab webhook section ready for PR
tree@ c50c7b commitdiff
2018-04-17 acammies
partway through gitlab webhook
tree@ f50a94 commitdiff
2018-04-16 donal
FIX - changes from bringing in master
tree@ 655873 commitdiff
2018-04-16 acammies
Cleaned up some little errors and screenshots, ready for pr
tree@ 8fc8df commitdiff
2018-04-16 acammies
Added in API pipeline testing
tree@ ff561b commitdiff
2018-04-16 acammies
execute shell and post-build actions for fe done
tree@ b81187 commitdiff
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