2024-03-11 eb74cb3b010213636b799190fe2f0fe951072ec8
2024-03-11 iigs
libreoffice: update to
tree@ eb74cb commitdiff
2024-03-11 iigs
keepassxc: update to 2.7.7
tree@ e2e717 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
multimedia/yt-dlp: update to 2024.3.10
tree@ 2f86e0 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-six: update to
tree@ faffe9 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-requests: update to
tree@ c98b1f commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-python-dateutil: update to
tree@ f960e2 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-psutil: update to
tree@ 5bbf32 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-paramiko: update to
tree@ 968cd0 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-mock: update to
tree@ 768270 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-docutils: update to
tree@ d29452 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-PyYAML: update to
tree@ bea9e1 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/redis: update to 5.0.3
tree@ 2b8a02 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/hypothesis: update to 6.99.2
tree@ a235dc commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
perl/libwww-perl: update to 6.77
tree@ 156101 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
perl/LWP-Protocol-https: update to 6.14
tree@ 911f7c commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
tree@ 805437 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/pytest: update to 8.1.1
tree@ df8b14 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/hypothesis: update to 6.99.1
tree@ 09d321 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/packaging: update to 24.0
tree@ 9fa389 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/pyOpenSSL: update to 24.1.0
tree@ 166c17 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-toml: update to
tree@ 9b44d0 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-six: update to
tree@ 9684a8 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-requests: update to
tree@ ce31c0 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-decorator: update to
tree@ 0e34e2 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Jonathan Schleifer
library/objfw: update to 1.0.11
tree@ a5dd88 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/pytest-asyncio: update to 0.23.5.post1
tree@ 311636 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/mypy: update to 1.9.0
tree@ c38af1 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-docutils: update to
tree@ 38c836 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-setuptools: update to
tree@ 5645dd commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/uvicorn: update to 0.28.0
tree@ 90b07f commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/importlib_metadata: update to 7.0.2
tree@ 0d07ab commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/Faker: update to 24.1.0
tree@ e2efe1 commitdiff
2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
perl/Mojolicious: update to 9.36
tree@ 886243 commitdiff
2024-03-11 RAC-oi
web/server/nginx: switch to openssl-3.1
tree@ 2b72f2 commitdiff
2024-03-09 Marcel Telka
python/pytest-timeout: update to 2.3.1
tree@ e32bae commitdiff
2024-03-09 Marcel Telka
python/pytest-subtests: update to 0.12.1
tree@ cd5c5f commitdiff
2024-03-09 Marcel Telka
python/argcomplete: update to 3.2.3
tree@ c47b0a commitdiff
2024-03-09 Marcel Telka
python/types-setuptools: update to
tree@ ad6b06 commitdiff
2024-03-09 Marcel Telka
python/types-docutils: update to
tree@ b85143 commitdiff
2024-03-09 Marcel Telka
python/importlib_resources: update to 6.1.3
tree@ 553d29 commitdiff
2024-03-08 Andreas Wacknitz
xdg-utils: update to 1.2.1
tree@ c87063 commitdiff
2024-03-08 Andreas Wacknitz
sdl2: update to 2.30.1
tree@ ab9b57 commitdiff
2024-03-07 Andreas Wacknitz
openexr: update to 3.2.3
tree@ fffa0a commitdiff
2024-03-07 Andreas Wacknitz
proj: update to 9.4.0
tree@ 0121a6 commitdiff
2024-03-07 Andreas Wacknitz
libassuan: update to 2.5.7
tree@ 52e59f commitdiff
2024-03-07 Marcel Telka
python/pytest-subtests: update to 0.12.0
tree@ 59b8bd commitdiff
2024-03-07 Andreas Wacknitz
pgbouncer: update to 1.22.1; switch to postgresql-16
tree@ 00b6ee commitdiff
2024-03-07 Andreas Wacknitz
thunderbird: update to 115.8.1
tree@ b34694 commitdiff
2024-03-07 Andreas Wacknitz
xpr: update to 1.2.0
tree@ 3443a6 commitdiff
2024-03-07 Till Wegmüller
rebuild openjdk22 with libjpeg-turbo
tree@ f199b0 commitdiff
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