From d44913011bcd6990cff8e0a1a261a94068485964 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Steve Piercy <>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2017 04:12:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Merge pull request #3157 from stevepiercy/1.9-branch

 CHANGES.txt |  215 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 208 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
index 59a733b..e00fdbd 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@ -1,21 +1,222 @@
+.. _changes_1.9.1:
+1.9.1 (2017-07-13)
+- Add a ``_depth`` and ``_category`` arguments to all of the venusian
+  decorators. The ``_category`` argument can be used to affect which actions
+  are registered when performing a ``config.scan(..., category=...)`` with a
+  specific category. The ``_depth`` argument should be used when wrapping
+  the decorator in your own. This change affects ``pyramid.view.view_config``,
+  ``pyramid.view.exception_view_config``,
+  ``pyramid.view.forbidden_view_config``, ``pyramid.view.notfound_view_config``,
+  ```` and ``pyramid.response.response_adapter``
+  decorators. See and
+- Fix a circular import which made it impossible to import
+  ``pyramid.viewderivers`` before ``pyramid.config``.
+  See
+- Improve documentation to show the ``pyramid.config.Configurator`` being
+  used as a context manager in more places.
+  See
+1.9 (2017-06-26)
+- No major changes from 1.9b1.
+- Updated documentation links for ```` to use HTTPS.
+1.9b1 (2017-06-19)
+- Add an informative error message when unknown predicates are supplied. The
+  new message suggests alternatives based on the list of known predicates.
+  See
+- Added integrity attributes for JavaScripts in cookiecutters, scaffolds, and
+  resulting source files in tutorials.
+  See
+- Update RELEASING.txt for updating cookiecutters. Change cookiecutter URLs to
+  use shortcut.
+  See
+- Ensure the correct threadlocals are pushed during view execution when
+  invoked from ``request.invoke_exception_view``.
+  See
+- Fix a bug in which ```` failed to return
+  a valid iterator in its ``__iter__`` implementation.
+  See
+- Normalize the permission results to a proper class hierarchy.
+  ```` is now a subclass of
+  ```` and ```` is now a
+  subclass of ````.
+  See
+- Add a ``quote_via`` argument to ``pyramid.encode.urlencode`` to follow
+  the stdlib's version and enable custom quoting functions.
+  See
+- Support `_query=None` and `_anchor=None` in ``request.route_url`` as well
+  as ``query=None`` and ``anchor=None`` in ``request.resource_url``.
+  Previously this would cause an `?` and a `#`, respectively, in the url
+  with nothing after it. Now the unnecessary parts are dropped from the
+  generated URL. See
+- Revamp the ``IRouter`` API used by ``IExecutionPolicy`` to force
+  pushing/popping the request threadlocals. The
+  ``IRouter.make_request(environ)`` API has been replaced by
+  ``IRouter.request_context(environ)`` which should be used as a context
+  manager. See
+1.9a2 (2017-05-09)
+Backward Incompatibilities
+- ``request.exception`` and ``request.exc_info`` will only be set if the
+  response was generated by the EXCVIEW tween. This is to avoid any confusion
+  where a response was generated elsewhere in the pipeline and not in
+  direct relation to the original exception. If anyone upstream wants to
+  catch and render responses for exceptions they should set
+  ``request.exception`` and ``request.exc_info`` themselves to indicate
+  the exception that was squashed when generating the response.
+  Similar behavior occurs with ``request.invoke_exception_view`` in which
+  the exception properties are set to reflect the exception if a response
+  is successfully generated by the method.
+  This is a very minor incompatibility. Most tweens right now would give
+  priority to the raised exception and ignore ``request.exception``. This
+  change just improves and clarifies that bookkeeping by trying to be
+  more clear about the relationship between the response and its squashed
+  exception. See and
+1.9a1 (2017-05-01)
+Major Features
+- The file format used by all ``p*`` command line scripts such as ``pserve``
+  and ``pshell``, as well as the ``pyramid.paster.bootstrap`` function
+  is now replaceable thanks to a new dependency on
+  `plaster <>`_.
+  For now, Pyramid is still shipping with integrated support for the
+  PasteDeploy INI format by depending on the
+  `plaster_pastedeploy <>`_
+  binding library. This may change in the future.
+  See
+- Added an execution policy hook to the request pipeline. An execution
+  policy has the ability to control creation and execution of the request
+  objects before they enter the rest of the pipeline. This means for a single
+  request environ the policy may create more than one request object.
+  The first library to use this feature is
+  `pyramid_retry
+  <>`_.
+  See
+- CSRF support has been refactored out of sessions and into its own
+  independent API in the ``pyramid.csrf`` module. It supports a pluggable
+  ``pyramid.interfaces.ICSRFStoragePolicy`` which can be used to define your
+  own mechanism for generating and validating CSRF tokens. By default,
+  Pyramid continues to use the ``pyramid.csrf.LegacySessionCSRFStoragePolicy``
+  that uses the ``request.session.get_csrf_token`` and
+  ``request.session.new_csrf_token`` APIs under the hood to preserve
+  compatibility. Two new policies are shipped as well,
+  ``pyramid.csrf.SessionCSRFStoragePolicy`` and
+  ``pyramid.csrf.CookieCSRFStoragePolicy`` which will store the CSRF tokens
+  in the session and in a standalone cookie, respectively. The storage policy
+  can be changed by using the new
+  ``pyramid.config.Configurator.set_csrf_storage_policy`` config directive.
+  CSRF tokens should be used via the new ``pyramid.csrf.get_csrf_token``,
+  ``pyramid.csrf.new_csrf_token`` and ``pyramid.csrf.check_csrf_token`` APIs
+  in order to continue working if the storage policy is changed. Also, the
+  ``pyramid.csrf.get_csrf_token`` function is injected into templates to be
+  used conveniently in UI code.
+  See and
+Minor Features
+- Support an ``open_url`` config setting in the ``pserve`` section of the
+  config file. This url is used to open a web browser when ``pserve --browser``
+  is invoked. When this setting is unavailable the ``pserve`` script will
+  attempt to guess the port the server is using from the
+  ``server:<server_name>`` section of the config file but there is no
+  requirement that the server is being run in this format so it may fail.
+  See
+- The ``pyramid.config.Configurator`` can now be used as a context manager
+  which will automatically push/pop threadlocals (similar to
+  ``config.begin()`` and ``config.end()``). It will also automatically perform
+  a ``config.commit()`` and thus it is only recommended to be used at the
+  top-level of your app. See
+- The threadlocals are now available inside any function invoked via
+  ``config.include``. This means the only config-time code that cannot rely
+  on threadlocals is code executed from non-actions inside the main. This
+  can be alleviated by invoking ``config.begin()`` and ``config.end()``
+  appropriately or using the new context manager feature of the configurator.
+  See
 Bug Fixes
 - HTTPException's accepts a detail kwarg that may be used to pass additional
   details to the exception. You may now pass objects so long as they have a
-  valid __str__ method. See 
+  valid __str__ method. See
+- Fix a reference cycle causing memory leaks in which the registry
+  would keep a ``Configurator`` instance alive even after the configurator
+  was discarded. Another fix was also added for the ``global_registries``
+  object in which the registry was stored in a closure preventing it from
+  being deallocated. See
+- Fix a bug directly invoking ``pyramid.scripts.pserve.main`` with the
+  ``--reload`` option in which ``sys.argv`` is always used in the subprocess
+  instead of the supplied ``argv``.
+  See
-Backward Incompatibilities
+- Pyramid currently depends on ``plaster_pastedeploy`` to simplify the
+  transition to ``plaster`` by maintaining integrated support for INI files.
+  This dependency on ``plaster_pastedeploy`` should be considered subject to
+  Pyramid's deprecation policy and may be removed in the future.
+  Applications should depend on the appropriate plaster binding to satisfy
+  their needs.
+- Retrieving CSRF token from the session has been deprecated in favor of
+  equivalent methods in the ``pyramid.csrf`` module. The CSRF methods
+  (``ISession.get_csrf_token`` and ``ISession.new_csrf_token``) are no longer
+  required on the ``ISession`` interface except when using the default
+  ``pyramid.csrf.LegacySessionCSRFStoragePolicy``.
+  Also, ``pyramid.session.check_csrf_token`` is now located at
+  ``pyramid.csrf.check_csrf_token``.
+  See and
 Documentation Changes
+- Added the execution policy to the routing diagram in the Request Processing
+  chapter. See

Gitblit v1.9.3