From 0d9dc7d77f8e5fb48c1b10ac5508cb400fc076fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: marquex <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2015 19:15:36 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fixes timepicker not showing when dateFormat=false. Added tests.

--- |   10 +++++-----
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 31542e5..348c8c7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
 | Name         | Type    | Default | Description |
 | ------------ | ------- | ------- | ----------- |
-| **value** | Date | new Date() | Represents the value for the compones, in order to use it as a [controlled component]( This prop is parsed by moment.js, so it is possible to use a date string or a moment.js date. |
-| **defaultValue** | Date | new Date() | Represents the inital value for the component to use it as a [uncontrolled component]( This prop is parsed by moment.js, so it is possible to use a date string or a moment.js date. |
+| **value** | Date | new Date() | Represents the selected date by the component, in order to use it as a [controlled component]( This prop is parsed by moment.js, so it is possible to use a date string or a moment.js date. |
+| **defaultValue** | Date | new Date() | Represents the selected date for the component to use it as a [uncontrolled component]( This prop is parsed by moment.js, so it is possible to use a date string or a moment.js date. |
 | **dateFormat**   | `bool` or `string`  | `true` | Defines the format for the date. It accepts any [moment.js date format]( If `true` the date will be displayed using the defaults for the current locale. If `false` the datepicker is disabled and the component can be used as timepicker. |
 | **timeFormat**   | `bool` or `string`  | `true` | Defines the format for the time. It accepts any [moment.js time format]( If `true` the time will be displayed using the defaults for the current locale. If `false` the timepicker is disabled and the component can be used as datepicker. |
 | **input** | boolean | true | Wether to show an input field to edit the date manually. |
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
 | **className** | string | `""` | Extra class names for the component markup. |
 | **inputProps** | object | undefined | Defines additional attributes for the input element of the component. |
 | **isValidDate** | function | () => true | Define the dates that can be selected. The function receives `(currentDate, selectedDate)` and should return a `true` or `false` whether the `currentDate` is valid or not. See [selectable dates](#selectable-dates).|
-| **renderDay** | function | day ) | Customize the way that the days are shown in the day picker. The accepted function has the `selectedDate`, the current date and the default calculated `props` for the cell, and must return a React component. See [appearance customization](#appearance_customization) |
-| **renderMonth** | function | month ) | Customize the way that the months are shown in the month picker. The accepted function has the `selectedDate`, the current date and the default calculated `props` for the cell, the `month` and the `year` to be shown, and must return a React component. See [appearance customization](#appearance_customization) |
-| **renderYear** | function | year ) | Customize the way that the years are shown in the year picker. The accepted function has the `selectedDate`, the current date and the default calculated `props` for the cell, the `year` to be shown, and must return a React component. See [appearance customization](#appearance_customization) |
+| **renderDay** | function | day ) | Customize the way that the days are shown in the day picker. The accepted function has the `selectedDate`, the current date and the default calculated `props` for the cell, and must return a React component. See [appearance customization](#appearance-customization) |
+| **renderMonth** | function | month ) | Customize the way that the months are shown in the month picker. The accepted function has the `selectedDate`, the current date and the default calculated `props` for the cell, the `month` and the `year` to be shown, and must return a React component. See [appearance customization](#appearance-customization) |
+| **renderYear** | function | year ) | Customize the way that the years are shown in the year picker. The accepted function has the `selectedDate`, the current date and the default calculated `props` for the cell, the `year` to be shown, and must return a React component. See [appearance customization](#appearance-customization) |
 ## i18n
 Different language and date formats are supported by react-datetime. React uses [moment.js]( to format the dates, and the easiest way of changing the language of the calendar is [changing the moment.js locale](

Gitblit v1.9.3