From 30c96c324e99c98d6a96ee2373e3eb12dedcb8e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ryan DeBeasi <>
Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2018 21:19:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Use SaaS GitLab

 exercises/1-the-manual-menace/ |   79 ++++-----------------------------------
 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

diff --git a/exercises/1-the-manual-menace/ b/exercises/1-the-manual-menace/
index 16b62e3..b66de0b 100644
--- a/exercises/1-the-manual-menace/
+++ b/exercises/1-the-manual-menace/
@@ -30,11 +30,10 @@
 * [Ansible]( - IT Automation tool used to provision and manage state of cloud and physical infrastructure.
 * [OpenShift Applier]( - used to apply OpenShift objects to an OpenShift Cluster.
 ## Big Picture
 > The Big Picture is our emerging architecture; starting with an empty cluster we populate it with projects and some ci/cd tooling.
@@ -43,20 +42,20 @@
 If you're feeling confident and don't want to follow the step-by-step guide these high-level instructions should provide a challenge for you:
-2. Clone the repo `` which contains the scaffold of the project. Ensure you get all remote branches.
+1. Clone the repo `` which contains the scaffold of the project. Ensure you get all remote branches.
 2. Create `<your-name>-ci-cd`, `<your-name>-dev` and `<your-name>-test` project namespaces using the inventory and run them with the OpenShift Applier to populate the cluster
-2. Use the templates provided to create build of the jenkins-s2i. The templates are in `exercise1/jenkins-s2i`
+3. Use the templates provided to create build of the jenkins-s2i. The templates are in `exercise1/jenkins-s2i`
-2. Use the templates provided to create build and deployment configs in `<your-name>-ci-cd` for. Templates are on a branch called `exercise1/git-nexus` && `exercise1/jenkins`:
+4. Use the templates provided to create build and deployment configs in `<your-name>-ci-cd` for. Templates are on a branch called `exercise1/git-nexus` && `exercise1/jenkins`:
     * Nexus
     * GitLab
     * Jenkins (using an s2i to pre-configure Jenkins)
-2. Commit your `enablement-ci-cd` repository to the GitLab Instance you've created
+5. Commit your `enablement-ci-cd` repository to the GitLab Instance you've created
-2. Burn it all down and re-apply your inventory proving config-as-code works.
+6. Burn it all down and re-apply your inventory proving config-as-code works.
 ## Step by Step Instructions
 > This is a structured guide with references to exact filenames and explanations.
@@ -227,74 +226,12 @@
 ### Part 3 - GitLab
-#### 3a - GitLab install
-<p class="tip">
-NOTE - This section may already have been completed for you, please check with your tutor. If this is the case, skip to section 3b "Commit CI/CD" below to add your code to GitLab.
-4. Now let's do the same thing for GitLab to get it up and running. Checkout the template and params provided by running
-git checkout exercise1/git-nexus templates/gitlab.yml params/gitlab
-Explore the template; it contains the PVC, buildConfig and services. The DeploymentConfig is made up of these apps
- - Redis (3.2.3)
- - PostgreSQL (9.4)
- - GitLab CE (v10.2.3)
-4. Open the `params/gitlab` file and complete the following params
-<p class="tip">
-Note - The values here for the LDAP and BIND credentials will be provided by your tutor.
-where the following need to be replaced by actual values:
-    * `<BIND_USER>` is the user used to query the LDAP
-    * `<BIND_USER_PASSWORD>` is the password used when querying the LDAP
-    * `<YOUR_DOMAIN>` is the domain the LDAP is hosted on
-    * `<LDAP_HOST>` is fqdn of the LDAP server
-    * `<LDAP_DESCRIPTION>` is the description to be used on the sign-in header for GitLab e.g. "Name LDAP Login"
-    * `<GITLAB_ROOT_USER_PASSWORD>` is the root user for GOD access on the GitLab instance e.g. password123
-    * `<GITLAB_URL>` is the endpoint for gitlab. It will take the form `gitlab-<YOUR_NAME>-ci-cd.apps.<ENV_ID>.<YOUR_DOMAIN>.com`
-4. Create another object in the inventory `inventory/host_vars/ci-cd-tooling.yml` file to run the build & deploy of this template. Add the following and update the `namespace:` accordingly
-    - name: "gitlab"
-      namespace: "{{ ci_cd_namespace }}"
-      template: "{{ playbook_dir }}/templates/gitlab.yml"
-      params: "{{ playbook_dir }}/params/gitlab"
-      tags:
-      - gitlab
-4. Run the OpenShift applier, specifying the tag `gitlab` to speed up its execution.
-ansible-playbook apply.yml -e target=tools \
-     -i inventory/ \
-     -e "filter_tags=gitlab"
-4. Once successful; login to the cluster and navigate to the `<YOUR_NAME>-ci-cd`. You should see GitLab up and running. ![gitlab-up-and-running](../images/exercise1/gitlab-up-and-running.png)
-#### 3b - Commit CI/CD
-4. Navigate to GitLab (if you have just skipped straight to this step; ask your tutor for the URL). You can login using your cluster credentials using the LDAP tab
+Go to and create an account, or sign in with an existing account.
 4. Once logged in create a new project called `enablement-ci-cd` and mark it as internal. Once created; copy out the `git url` for use on the next step.
 <p class="tip">
-Note - we would not normally make the project under your name but create a group and add the project there on residency but for simplicity of the exercise we'll do that here
+Note - On a residency, you would create a group and add the project there. In this exercise, we'll add create the project under your name for simplicity's sake.
 4. If you have not used Git before; you may need to tell Git who you are and what your email is before we commit. Run the following commands, substituting your email and "Your Name". If you've done this before move on to the next step.

Gitblit v1.9.3