From 34fb362b4c056f9a384a4676e962127779cf49f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: donal <>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2018 16:07:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] ADD - ocp pipeline lesson

 exercises/4-an-enslaved-hope/ |   74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/exercises/4-an-enslaved-hope/ b/exercises/4-an-enslaved-hope/
index 68d107f..7814bd9 100644
--- a/exercises/4-an-enslaved-hope/
+++ b/exercises/4-an-enslaved-hope/
@@ -151,10 +151,75 @@
 2. Run the jobs and validate the app is working as expected in the `test` environment!
-### Part 2 - Security Scanning Slaves
+### Part 2 - OCP Pipeline
+> _This exercise adds a new BuildConfig to our cluster for the todolist-apps to run their pipelines in OpenShift using the OpenShift Jenkins Sync Plugin. We will use the OpenShift Applier to create the content in the cluster_
+2. Open the `todolist-api` app in your favourite editor. Move to the `.openshift-applier` directory. Explore the `template/ocp-pipeline`. This template creates a BuildConfig for OpenShift with a Jenkinsfile from a given repo. In this case; it will be the `Jenkinsfile` at the root of our application.
+2. Open the `params/ocp-pipeline` file and update `PIPELINE_SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL` with the git url of your project (Don't forget to add the `.git` at the end). For example:
+2. Create a new object in `inventory/group_vars/all.yml` to drive the `ocp-pipeline` template with the parameters file you've just created. It can be put under the existing `todolist-api-build` object.
+  - name: todolist-ocp-pipeline
+    template: "{{ playbook_dir }}/templates/ocp-pipeline.yml"
+    params: "{{ playbook_dir }}/params/ocp-pipeline"
+    namespace: "{{ ci_cd_namespace }}"
+    tags:
+    - pipeline
+2. Use the OpenShift Applier to create the cluster content 
+$ cd .openshift-applier
+$ ansible-playbook apply.yml -i inventory/ \
+     -e "filter_tags=pipeline"
+2. Login to your OpenShift Cluster and go to the `<YOUR_NAME>-ci-cd` namespace. On the side menu; hit Builds > Pipeline to see your newly created pipeline running in OCP Land.
+2. Running the pipeline from here will run it in Jenkins. You can see the job sync between OpenShift and Jenkins if you login to Jenkins. You should see a folder with `<YOUR_NAME>-ci-cd` and your pipeline jobs inside of it.
+2. With the configuration in place for the `todolist-fe`; repeat the process for the `todolist-api`. Update the `todolist-api/.openshift-applier/inventory/group_vars/all.yml` with a new object to drive the params and template
+    - name: todolist-ocp-pipeline
+    template: "{{ playbook_dir }}/templates/ocp-pipeline.yml"
+    params: "{{ playbook_dir }}/params/ocp-pipeline"
+    namespace: "{{ ci_cd_namespace }}"
+    tags:
+    - pipeline
+2. Update the `todolist-api/.openshift-applier/params/ocp-pipeline`
+2. Use the OpenShift Applier to create the cluster content 
+$ cd .openshift-applier
+$ ansible-playbook apply.yml -i inventory/ \
+     -e "filter_tags=pipeline"
+2. Login to your OpenShift Cluster and go to the `<YOUR_NAME>-ci-cd` namespace. On the side menu; hit Builds > Pipeline to see your newly created pipeline running in OCP Land.
+### Part 3 - Security Scanning Slaves
 > _This exercise focuses on updating the `enablement-ci-cd` repo with some new jenkins-slave pods for use in future exercise_
-#### Part 2a - OWASP ZAP
+#### Part 3a - OWASP ZAP
 > _OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy) is a free open source security tool used for finding security vulnerabilities in web applications._
@@ -193,7 +258,7 @@
 3. Head to (<YOUR_NAME>-ci-cd/browse/builds) on Openshift and you should see `zap-build-pod`.
 include screenshot here.
-#### Part 2b - Arachni Scan
+#### Part 3b - Arachni Scan
 > _Arachni is a feature-full, modular, high-performance Ruby framework aimed towards helping penetration testers and administrators evaluate the security of web applications._
 3. Create an object in `inventory/host_vars/ci-cd-tooling.yml` called `arachni-build-pod` with the following content:
@@ -220,9 +285,6 @@
 ## Extension Tasks
 > _Ideas for go-getters. Advanced topic for doers to get on with if they finish early. These will usually not have a solution and are provided for additional scope._
-OpenShift Sync plugin
- - Use the `Jenkinsfile` provided to create a pipeline that runs in OpenShift's pipeline ie using it as the BuildConfig.
 Jenkins S2I
  - Add the multi-branch configuration to the S2I to have Jenkins come alive with the `todolist-api` and `-fe` configuration cooked into it for future uses.

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