From 4db502bc5bfa7a5f3fdbcf9a34ea72cde5bbffcb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: acammies <>
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2018 13:52:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Merge pull request #195 from rht-labs/exercise5/linting-coverage

 exercises/5-non-functionals-strike-back/ |   86 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 exercises/images/exercise5/result-plot.png        |    0 
 exercises/images/exercise5/report-coverage.png    |    0 
 exercises/images/exercise5/jenkins-plot.png       |    0 
 4 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/exercises/5-non-functionals-strike-back/ b/exercises/5-non-functionals-strike-back/
index 19c22af..b6a431c 100644
--- a/exercises/5-non-functionals-strike-back/
+++ b/exercises/5-non-functionals-strike-back/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # The Non-Functionals Strike back
-> In this exercise we explore the non-functional side of testing. 
+> In this exercise we explore the non-functional side of testing.
 ## Learning Outcomes
@@ -174,18 +175,95 @@
 ### Part 2 - Add Code Coverage & Linting to the pipeline
-> _prefix of exercise and why we're doing it_
+> _Let's continue to enhance our pipeline with some non-functional testing. Static code analysis and testing coverage reports can provide a useful indicator on code quality and testing distribution_
-3. Do other things
+3. Coverage reports are already being generated as part of the tests. We can have Jenkins produce a HTML report showing in detail where our testing is lacking. Open the `todolist-fe` in your favourite editor.
+3. Open the `Jenkinsfile` in the root of the project; move to the `stage("node-build"){ ... }` section. In the post section add a block for producing a `HTML` report as part of our builds.
+    // Post can be used both on individual stages and for the entire build.
+    post {
+        always {
+            archive "**"
+            junit 'test-report.xml'
+            // publish html
+            publishHTML target: [
+                allowMissing: false,
+                alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false,
+                keepAll: true,
+                reportDir: 'reports/coverage',
+                reportFiles: 'index.html',
+                reportName: 'Code Coverage'
+            ]
+        }
+3. We will add a new step to our `stage("node-build"){ }` section to lint the Javascript code. After the `npm install`; add a command to run the linting.
+echo '### Install deps ###'
+sh 'npm install'
+echo '### Running linting ###'
+sh 'npm run lint:ci'
+3. Save the `Jenkinsfile` and commit it to trigger a build with some more enhancements.
+$ git add .
+$ git commit -m "ADD - linting and coverage to the pipeline"
+$ git push
+3. To view the resulting graph; go to the job's build page and open the `Code Coverage` report from the nav bar on the side. Open the report to drill down into detail of where testing coverage could be improved! 
+<p class="tip">
+NOTE - a good practice for teams is to try and increase the code coverage metrics over the life of a project. Teams will often start low and use practices such as retrospective to increase the quality at specific times. 
+3. (Optional Step) - Install the Checkstyle plugin; and add `checkstyle pattern: 'eslint-report.xml'` below the `publishHTML` block to add reporting to Jenkins!
+### Part 3 - Nightly light performance testing
+> _In this exercise, we will execute the light performance tasks in our API to collect data about throughtput time in hopes if the API ever has some `Sam` quality code checked in, we will spot it_
+4. Create a new Item on Jenkins, `nightly-perf-test`
+4. Set the label for where this job can execute to the `jenkins-slave-npm` one used by the build jobs previously.
+4. In the SCM section; set the project to use the `todolist-api` git project. Set the credentials accordingly.
+4. Create a step to execute shell and add the following to it, replacing `<YOUR_NAME>` and `somedomain` as expected. We will just test the `create` and `show` API for the moment. We are grabbing the response code of the perf-test to keep Jenkins running both shells steps and then exiting with whichever fails:
+export E2E_TEST_ROUTE=todolist-api-<YOUR_NAME>
+npm install
+set +e
+npm run perf-test:create
+npm run perf-test:show
+set ��-e
+exit $(($rc1 | $rc2))
+4. On the Post Build actions section we will plot the data from the perf tests in Jenkins. Add a `Post-build Action > Plot Build Data`.
+4. On the new dialog, name the Plot group eg `benchmark��-tests` and add `create��-api` as the Plot title. Set the `Number of Builds to Include` to a large number like `100`. Set the Data Series file to be `reports/server/perf/create��-perf��-score.csv` and mark the Load data from CSV checkbox. Apply those changes
+4. Hit `Add Plot` to add another. Fill out the information again but this time setting the Plot title to `show��-api`. Keep the Plot group the same as before: `bench��-tests`. Set the Data Series file to be `reports/server/perf/show��-perf��-score.csv` and mark the `Load data from CSV checkbox`. Save those changes and run the job (Job could take a while to execute!).
+4. Run it a few times to start to generate the data points on the plot. The `bench-tests` plot is available on the job's homepage
 ## Extension Tasks
 > _Ideas for go-getters. Advanced topic for doers to get on with if they finish early. These will usually not have a solution and are provided for additional scope._
+ - Enhance the `todolist-api` with the security scanning tools as you've done for the `todolist-api`
+ - Enhance the `todolist-api` with the coverage reporting as you've done for `todolist-api`
  - Add Black Duck or other package scanning tooling for our NodeJS app
  - Add Container Vulnerability scanning tooling to the pipeline
- - Add security scanning tools to the API
+ - Add `Stryker` to create mutants and do additional non functional testing of the App
+ - Add the Checkstyle plugin to Jenkins for reporting scores
 ## Additional Reading
 > List of links or other reading that might be of use / reference for the exercise
diff --git a/exercises/images/exercise5/jenkins-plot.png b/exercises/images/exercise5/jenkins-plot.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..393ac7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exercises/images/exercise5/jenkins-plot.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/exercises/images/exercise5/report-coverage.png b/exercises/images/exercise5/report-coverage.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06f55c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exercises/images/exercise5/report-coverage.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/exercises/images/exercise5/result-plot.png b/exercises/images/exercise5/result-plot.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33fd106
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exercises/images/exercise5/result-plot.png
Binary files differ

Gitblit v1.9.3