From 8f75582e133d7375a691e1e33c1657df5060f3f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: acammies <>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 15:06:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Merge pull request #125 from rht-labs/exercise2/openshift-configs

 exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/ |   76 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/ b/exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/
index fd38609..4dee4a1 100644
--- a/exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/
+++ b/exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/
@@ -306,7 +306,76 @@
 ### Part 3 - Add configs to cluster 
 > _In this exercise; we will use the OpenShift Applier to drive the creation of cluster content required by the app such and MongoDB and the Apps Build / Deploy Config_
-4. TODO - waiting for Justins example before proceeding here
+4. On your terminal navigate to the root of the `todolist-fe` application. The app contains a hidden folder called `.openshift-applier`. Move (cd .openshift-applier) into this directory and you should see a familiar looking directory structure for an ansible playbook. 
+��������� apply.yml
+��������� inventory
+���   ��������� group_vars
+���   ���   ��������� all.yml
+���   ��������� hosts
+��������� params
+���   ��������� build
+���   ��������� dev
+���   ��������� test
+��������� requirements.yml
+��������� templates
+    ��������� todolist-api-build.yml
+    ��������� todolist-api-deploy.yml
+where the following
+    * the `apply.yml` file is the entrypoint.
+    * the `inventory` contains the objects to populate the cluster with.
+    * the `params` contains the variables we'll apply to the `templates`
+    * the `templates` required by the app. These include the Build, Deploy configs as well as the services, health checks and other app definitions.
+4. There are a few updates to these manifests we need to make before applying the cluster content. In the `apply.yml` update the namespace `<YOUR_NAME>` variables accordingly.
+    ci_cd_namespace: donal-ci-cd
+    dev_namespace: donal-dev
+    test_namespace: donal-test
+4. In the `params` folder update the `dev` and `test` files with the correct `<YOUR_NAME>` as you've done above. Example for the `dev` file
+4. With those changes in place we can now run the playbook. First install the `openshift-applier` dependency and then run the playbook. This will populate the cluster with all the config needed for the front end app.
+$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --roles-path=roles
+$ ansible-playbook apply.yml -i inventory/
+4. Back on your terminal navigate to the root of the `todolist-api` application. Open the `.openshift-applier` directory. The same layout of the frontend app should be visible with one noticeable difference; the api requires a `MongoDB` to connect to at runtime.
+4. In the `apply.yml` update the namespace `<YOUR_NAME>` variables accordingly. For example:
+    ci_cd_namespace: donal-ci-cd
+    dev_namespace: donal-dev
+    test_namespace: donal-test
+4. In the `params` folder update the `dev` and `test` files with the correct `<YOUR_NAME>` as you've done above. Example for the `dev` file:
+4. Finally; run the applier and install it's dependencies to run the content into the cluster
+$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --roles-path=roles
+$ ansible-playbook apply.yml -i inventory/
 ### Part 4 - Build > Bake > Deploy 
 > _In this exercise; we take what we have working locally and get it working in OpenShift_
@@ -333,7 +402,7 @@
 #### Part 4a - Build
-5. With the BuildConfig and DeployConfig in place from previous steps; Log into Jenkins and create a `New Item` which is jenkins speak for a new job configuration. ![new-item](../images/exercise2/new-item.png)
+5. With the BuildConfig and DeployConfig in place for both our apps (`*-fe` & `*-api`) from previous steps; Log into Jenkins and create a `New Item`. This is just jenkins speak for a new job configuration. ![new-item](../images/exercise2/new-item.png)
 5. Name this job `dev-todolist-fe-build` and select `Freestyle Job`. All our jobs will take the form of `<ENV>-<APP_NAME>-<JOB_PURPOSE>`. ![freestyle-job](../images/exercise2/freestyle-job.png)
@@ -532,11 +601,12 @@
 - Pipeline Tasks
     * Add pipeline for <master> branch for each project.
     * Use `test-` instead of `dev-` across all config and names
+    * Do the `.openshift-applier` steps as part of the pipeline.
 - Promote build
     * Create a _promote-to-uat_ phase after the <master> branch deploy
     * Create a `uat` env using the OpenShift Applier as seen before
     * Tag and promote the image without rebuilding after the `test-**-deploy`
-- MongoDB tasks 
+- MongoDB tasks
     * Add MongoDB Stateful set for the UAT environment (or test)
     * Inject MongoDB config into the NodeJS app using config map & secrets.
     * Improve the security of the DB by making the user /passwords randomly generated

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