From b6978fee91f511c8f2559198639c12b7465ea5f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: donal <>
Date: Wed, 09 May 2018 17:44:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] FIX - for loopy

 exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/ |  108 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/ b/exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/
index dfcade9..a4fc167 100644
--- a/exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/
+++ b/exercises/2-attack-of-the-pipelines/
@@ -81,31 +81,28 @@
 2. Git clone the `todolist-fe` project to somewhere sensible and checkout the `develop` branch.
-$ git clone
-$ cd todolist-fe
-$ git checkout develop
+git clone
+cd todolist-fe
+git checkout develop
-Followed by;
-$ for branch in `git branch -a | grep remotes | grep -v HEAD | grep -v master`; do
-   git branch --track ${branch#remotes/origin/} $branch
 2. Open up Gitlab and login. Create a new project (internal) in GitLab called `todolist-fe` to host your clone of the project and copy it's remote address. ![new-gitlab-proj](../images/exercise2/new-gitlab-proj.png)
 2. In your local clone of the `todolist-fe`, remove the origin and add the GitLab origin by replacing `<YOUR_GIT_LAB_PROJECT>`. Push your app to GitLab
-$ git remote set-url origin <YOUR_GIT_LAB_PROJECT>
+git remote set-url origin <YOUR_GIT_LAB_PROJECT>
 # verify the origin has been updated
-$ git remote -v
-$ git push -u origin --all
+git remote -v
+git push -u origin --all
 2. To get the app running locally; first check you've got node and npm installed
-$ node -v
-$ npm -v
+node -v
+npm -v
 <p class="tip" > 
 NOTE - If you are missing these dependencies; install them with ease using the [Node Version Manager](
@@ -114,7 +111,7 @@
 2. The `todolist-fe` has a package.json at the root of the project, this defines some configuration for the app including it's dependencies, dev dependencies, scripts and other configuration. Install the apps dependencies
-$ npm install
+npm install
 2. The `todolist-fe` has some scripts defined in the package.json at the root of the project. A snippet of the npm scripts are shown below. To run any of these scripts run `npm run <SCRIPT_NAME>`. Let's start by serving our application
@@ -189,29 +186,28 @@
 2. Now let's move on to the `todolist-api` and wire them together. As with the `todolist-fe` we need to clone the repo and add it to our GitLab in the cluster.
-$ git clone
-$ cd todolist-api
-$ git checkout develop
+git clone
+cd todolist-api
+git checkout develop
-Followed by;
-$ for branch in `git branch -a | grep remotes | grep -v HEAD | grep -v master`; do
-   git branch --track ${branch#remotes/origin/} $branch
 2. On GitLab; create a new project (internal) called `todolist-api` to host your clone of the project and copy it's remote address as you did for the previous repositories.
 2. In your local clone of the `todolist-api`, remove the origin and add the GitLab origin by replacing `<YOUR_GIT_LAB_PROJECT>`. Push your app to GitLab
-$ git remote set-url origin <YOUR_GIT_LAB_PROJECT>
-$ git push -u origin --all
+git remote set-url origin <YOUR_GIT_LAB_PROJECT>
+git push -u origin --all
 2. Once pushed; explore the application. It is a NodeJS application with the Express.js framework and MongoDB for persistent storage. Same as before, the `package.json` defines most of the configuration etc. Install the dependencies
 # npm i === npm install
-$ npm i
+npm i
 2. While the dependencies are being installed; explore the project structure.
@@ -273,7 +269,7 @@
 2. To run the application; start a new instance of the MongoDB by running the following. This will pull a mongodb image from Dockerhub and then start it for our API to connect to. 
-$ npm run mongo
+npm run mongo
 <p class="tip">
 NOTE - `npm run mongo:drop` is used to completely remove the running container. `npm run mongo:stop` & `npm run mongo:start` will preserve data in the container
@@ -281,13 +277,13 @@
 2. Fire up the `todolist-api` by running.
-$ npm run start
+npm run start
 2. Check things are up and running by testing the API with a `curl`. The API should return some seeded data (stored in `server/config/seed.js`)
-$ curl localhost:9000/api/todos
+curl localhost:9000/api/todos
@@ -313,7 +309,7 @@
 3. In order for Jenkins to be able to run `npm` builds and installs as we have done locally, we must configure a `jenkins-build-slave` for Jenkins to use. This slave will be dynamically provisioned when we run a build. It needs to have NodeJS and npm installed in it. In your `enablement-ci-cd` repository, checkout the template and configuration. This will bring in the template, the params & the `Dockerfile`.
-$ git checkout exercise2/jenkins-slave docker/ templates/ params/jenkins-slave-npm
+git checkout exercise2/jenkins-slave docker/ templates/ params/jenkins-slave-npm
 3. Open the `params/jenkins-slave-npm` file and update `<GIT_URL>` accordingly. This set of parameters will clone from the enablement repo and run a docker build of the Dockerfile stored in `docker/jenkins-slave-npm`.
@@ -336,14 +332,18 @@
 3. Commit your changes to the `enablement-ci-cd` repository!
-$ git add .
-$ git commit -m "ADD npm slave node for Jenkins"
-$ git push
+git add .
+git commit -m "ADD npm slave node for Jenkins"
+git push
 3. Run the OpenShift Applier to trigger a build of this jenkins slave image.
-$ ansible-playbook apply.yml -e target=tools \
+ansible-playbook apply.yml -e target=tools \
      -i inventory/ \
      -e "filter_tags=jenkins-slave"
@@ -403,16 +403,22 @@
 4. With those changes in place we can now run the playbook. First install the `openshift-applier` dependency and then run the playbook (from the `.openshift-applier` directory). This will populate the cluster with all the config needed for the front end app.
-$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --roles-path=roles
-$ ansible-playbook apply.yml -i inventory/
+ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --roles-path=roles
+ansible-playbook apply.yml -i inventory/
 4. Once successful, `commit` and `push` your changes to gitlab.
-$ git add .
-$ git commit -m "UPDATE - change namespace vars to donal"
-$ git push
+git add .
+git commit -m "UPDATE - change namespace vars to donal"
+git push
 4. Back on your terminal navigate to the root of the `todolist-api` application. Open the `.openshift-applier` directory. The same layout as seen in `todolist-fe` should be visible with one noticeable difference; the api requires `MongoDB` to connect to at runtime.
@@ -435,15 +441,21 @@
 4. Finally; run the Openshift Applier and install its dependencies to run the content into the cluster
-$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --roles-path=roles
-$ ansible-playbook apply.yml -i inventory/
+ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --roles-path=roles
+ansible-playbook apply.yml -i inventory/
 4. Once successful, `commit` and `push` your changes to gitlab.
-$ git add .
-$ git commit -m "UPDATE - change namespace vars to donal"
-$ git push
+git add .
+git commit -m "UPDATE - change namespace vars to donal"
+git push
 4. Validate the build and deploy configs have been created in Openshift by checking `<YOUR_NAME> CI-CD builds` for the `BuildConfigs`
@@ -614,9 +626,13 @@
 5. Repeat this for `src/config/test.js` file. If you copy the URL from the previous step; change `dev` to `test`. Once done; commit your chanages and push them to GitLab
-$ git add .
-$ git commit -m "ADD config for api"
-$ git push
+git add .
+git commit -m "ADD config for api"
+git push
 5. Back on Jenkins; We can tie all the jobs in the pipeline together into a nice single view using the Build Pipeline view. Back on the Jenkins home screen Click the + beside the all tab on the top.

Gitblit v1.9.3