From 327b05574f0dc1b1046c72401256ce5afd3e3247 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marcel Telka <>
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2024 11:21:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] python/PyNUTClient: update to 2.8.2

 tools/userland-fetch |  964 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 829 insertions(+), 135 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/userland-fetch b/tools/userland-fetch
index 7279d04..943fd83 100755
--- a/tools/userland-fetch
+++ b/tools/userland-fetch
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -19,180 +19,874 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2010, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-# - a file download utility
+# userland-fetch - a file download utility
 #  A simple program similiar to wget(1), but handles local file copy, ignores
 #  directories, and verifies file hashes.
+import errno
 import os
 import sys
 import shutil
-from urllib import splittype, urlopen
+import json
+import subprocess
+import re
+import gzip
+import bz2
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+from urllib.request import urlopen
+from urllib.error import HTTPError,URLError
+from urllib.request import Request
+from pathlib import Path
+import hashlib
+from http.client import BadStatusLine
-def validate(filename, hash):
-	import hashlib
+# 1 - unspecified error
+# 2 - download uses insecure protocol
+# 3 - was unable to find a suitable download
+# 4 - need-hash specified but no hash was found
+# -n/--need-hash:       Set this to tell userland-fetch to fail if it cannot find a
+#                       correct hash. This also causes userland-fetch to search for
+#                       and download hash files, if they are not already present in
+#                       HASH_DIR. If --hash is provided this effectively does nothing.
+# -N/--need-sig:        Set this to tell userland-fetch to require a signature. This
+#                       also causes userland-fetch to search for signature files. If
+#                       the signature fails then the download is considered corrupted,
+#                       and will be deleted unless --keep is set.
+#                       This means that if the signature can't be checked, the file
+#                       WILL be deleted!
+# -c/--clobber-hash:    Set this to tell userland-fetch to clobber old hash files.
+#                       userland-fetch will replace hash files in HASH_DIR with their
+#                       remote counterparts.
+# convert environment variables to global python variables
+def prep_envvars():
+    # This algorithm is set if it cannot be found in the filename
+    DEFAULT_HASH_ALGO=os.getenv("DEFAULT_HASH_ALGO","sha256")
+    try:
+        DEFAULT_HASH_FILES=[ x for x in os.environ["DEFAULT_HASH_FILES"].split(" ") if x ]
+    except KeyError:
+        DEFAULT_HASH_FILES=["SHA256SUMS","sha256sums.txt"]
+    global HASH_DIR
+    try: 
+        HASH_DIR = os.path.realpath(os.environ["HASH_DIR"])
+    except KeyError:
+        # set after getting cmdline args
+        HASH_DIR = None
+    try:
+        SECURE_PROTOCOLS=["UNCHECKED"]+[ x for x in os.environ["SECURE_PROTOCOLS"].split(" ") if x ]
+    except KeyError:
+    try:
+        SIGNATURE_EXTENSIONS=[ x for x in os.environ["SIGNATURE_EXTENSIONS"].split(" ") if x ]
+    except KeyError:
+        SIGNATURE_EXTENSIONS=["sig","asc"]
+    try:
+    except KeyError:
+LOCAL_SCHEMES = [None, 'file','']
+REMOTE_SCHEMES = ['https','http','ftp']
+def printIOError(e, txt):
+    """ Function to decode and print IOError type exception """
+    print("I/O Error: " + txt + ": ")
+    try:
+        (code, message) = e
+        print(str(message) + " (" + str(code) + ")")
+    except:
+        print(str(e))
+# TODO: refactor this so there aren't any global variables
+def validate_signature(path, signature):
+    """Given paths to a file and a detached PGP signature, verify that
+    the signature is valid for the file.  Current configuration allows for
+    unrecognized keys to be downloaded as necessary."""
+    # Find the root of the repo so that we can point GnuPG at the right
+    # configuration and keyring.
+    proc = subprocess.Popen(["git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                            universal_newlines=True)
+    proc.wait()
+    if proc.returncode != 0:
+        return False
+    out, err = proc.communicate()
+    gpgdir = os.path.join(out.strip(), "tools", ".gnupg")
+    # Skip the permissions warning: none of the information here is private,
+    # so not having to worry about getting git keeping the directory
+    # unreadable is just simplest.
+    try:
+        proc = subprocess.Popen(["gpg2", "--verify",
+                                 "--no-permission-warning", "--homedir", gpgdir, signature,
+                                 path], stdin=open("/dev/null"),
+                                 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+                                universal_newlines=True)
+    except OSError as e:
+        # If the executable simply couldn't be found, just skip the
+        # validation.
+        if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+            return False
+        raise
+    proc.wait()
+    global VALIDATE_CODE
+    VALIDATE_CODE = proc.returncode
+    if proc.returncode != 0:
+        # Only print GnuPG's output when there was a problem.
+        # Make this a global variable so we can output it somewhere tidy.
+        global VALIDATE_ERROR
+        return False
+    return True
+def validate(file, hash):
+    """Given a file-like object and a hash string, verify that the hash
+    matches the file contents."""
+    try:
+        algorithm, hashvalue = hash.split(':')
+    except:
+        algorithm = DEFAULT_HASH_ALGO
+    # force migration away from sha1
+    if algorithm == "sha1":
+        algorithm = DEFAULT_HASH_ALGO
+    try:
+        m =
+    except ValueError:
+        print("Unable to generate hashlib instance for",algorithm)
+        return False
+    try:
+        block =
+        m.update(block)
+        return "%s:%s" % (algorithm, m.hexdigest())
+    except IOError as err:
+        print(str(err), end=' ')
+    except EOFError as err:
+        print(str(err), end=' ')
+    return "%s:" % (algorithm)
+def validate_container(filename, hash):
+    """Given a file path and a hash string, verify that the hash matches the
+    file contents."""
+    try:
+        file = open(filename, 'rb')
+    except IOError as e:
+        printIOError(e, "Can't open file " + filename)
+        return False
+    return validate(file, hash)
+def validate_payload(filename, hash):
+    """Given a file path and a hash string, verify that the hash matches the
+    payload (uncompressed content) of the file."""
+    expr_bz = re.compile('.+\.bz2?$', re.IGNORECASE)
+    expr_gz = re.compile('.+\.gz$', re.IGNORECASE)
+    expr_tgz = re.compile('.+\.tgz$', re.IGNORECASE)
+    expr_tbz = re.compile('.+\.tbz2?$', re.IGNORECASE)
+    try:
+        if expr_bz.match(filename):
+            file = bz2.BZ2File(filename, 'rb')
+        elif expr_gz.match(filename):
+            file = gzip.GzipFile(filename, 'rb')
+        elif expr_tgz.match(filename):
+            file = gzip.GzipFile(filename, 'rb')
+        elif expr_tbz.match(filename):
+            file = bz2.GzipFile(filename, 'rb')
+        else:
+            return False
+    except IOError as e:
+        printIOError(e, "Can't open archive " + filename)
+        return False
+    return validate(file, hash)
+def download(url, filename=None, user_agent_arg=None, quiet=None,allow_partial=True):
+    """Download the content at the given URL to the given filename
+    (defaulting to the basename of the URL if not given.  If 'quiet' is
+    True, throw away any error messages.  Returns the name of the file to
+    which the content was donloaded."""
+    retval = None
+    try:
+        req = Request(url,method="HEAD")
+        if user_agent_arg is not None:
+            req.add_header("User-Agent", user_agent_arg)
+        if filename is None:
+            filename = req.get_full_url().split('/')[-1]
+        retry = 1
+        dl = 0
+        i = urlopen(req)
+        if 'transfer-encoding' in i.headers and i.headers['transfer-encoding'] == 'chunked':
+            length = 0
+            if not quiet:
+                print("length unknown (streamed/chunked)")
+        else:
+            try:
+                length = int(i.headers['content-length'])
+                if not quiet:
+                    print("length %i bytes" % (length))
+            except (KeyError,ValueError,TypeError):
+                length = 0
+                if not quiet:
+                    print("length unknown")
+        if not 'accept-ranges' in i.headers or i.headers['accept-ranges'] != 'bytes':
+            if not quiet:
+                print("No partial download support from server")
+            allow_partial = False
+        i.close()
+        req.method = "GET"
+        # This might speed things up and keep memory usage down
+        while retry <= 3:
+            with open(filename + ".part","ab" if allow_partial else "wb") as o:
+                try:
+                    # seek to end of the file if applicable
+                    if allow_partial:
+              ,2)
+                    dl = o.tell()
+                    if not quiet:
+                        print("(Attempt %i of 3%s)..." % (retry,"; %i bytes done"%(dl) if dl else ""),end=" ")
+                    if dl > 0:
+                        req.add_header("Range","bytes=%i-"%(dl))
+                    with urlopen(req) as i: 
+                        src =
+                        while len(src) > 0:
+                            o.write(src)
+                            src =
+                        retry = 4
+                    if length > 0 and o.tell() < length:
+                        if not quiet:
+                            print("Download of %s stopped abruptly." % (str(url)))
+                        retry += 1
+                except URLError as e:
+                    if not quiet:
+                        print("Error downloading %s at %i bytes: %s" % (str(url),dl,str(e)))
+                    # if we haven't downloaded any bytes since the last URLError, cancel the download.
+                    if dl > 0 and o.tell() > dl:
+                        dl = o.tell()
+                        retry += 1
+                        req.add_header("Range","bytes=%i-"%(o.tell()+1))
+                    else:
+                        retry = 4
+                except HTTPError as e:
+                    if not quiet:
+                        print("Error downloading %s: %s" % (str(url),str(e)))
+                    retry = 4
+    # return the name of the file that we downloaded the data to.
+        os.rename(filename+".part",filename)
+        retval = filename
+    except IOError as e:
+        if not quiet:
+            printIOError(e, "Can't open url " + url)
+    except BadStatusLine as e:
+        if not quiet:
+            print("Can't open url %s: server answered with code which we couldn't understand " % (url))
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        print("Cancelling download...")
+    return retval
+def download_paths(search, filenames, url):
+    """Returns a list of URLs where the file 'filename' might be found,
+    using 'url', 'search', and $DOWNLOAD_SEARCH_PATH as places to look.
+    If 'filename' is None, then the list will simply contain 'url'."""
+    urls = list()
+    if type(filenames) == str:
+        filenames = [filenames]
+    if filenames is not None:
+        tmp = os.getenv('DOWNLOAD_SEARCH_PATH')
+        if tmp:
+            search += tmp.split(' ')
+        for filename in filenames:
+            file = os.path.basename(filename)
+            urls += [base + '/' + file for base in search]
+            # filename should always be first
+            if filename in urls:
+                urls.remove(filename)
+            urls.insert(0, filename)
+    # command line url is a fallback, so it's last
+    if url is not None and url not in urls:
+        parse_result = urlparse(url)
+        scheme = parse_result.scheme
+        path = parse_result.path
+        if scheme == "pypi":
+            url = pypi_url(url, os.path.basename(filename))
+        if url != None and url not in urls:
+            urls.append(url)
+    # last resort path
+    if filenames is not None:
+        tmp = os.getenv('DOWNLOAD_FALLBACK_PATH')
+        if tmp:
+            for filename in filenames:
+                file = os.path.basename(filename)
+                urls += [base + '/' + file for base in tmp.split(' ')]
+    local_urls = list()
+    remote_urls = list()
+    # sort entries by local first, then remote:
+    for entry in urls:
+        if urlparse(entry).scheme in LOCAL_SCHEMES:
+            local_urls.append(entry)
+        else:
+            remote_urls.append(entry)
+    return local_urls + remote_urls
+def pypi_url(url, filename):
+	"""Given a pypi: URL, return the real URL for that component/version.
+	The pypi scheme has a host (with an empty host defaulting to
+, and a path that should be of the form
+	"component==version".  Other specs could be supported, but == is the
+	only thing that makes sense in this context.
+	The filename argument is the name of the expected file to download, so
+	that when pypi gives us multiple archives to choose from, we can pick
+	the right one.
+	"""
+	parse_result = urlparse(url)
+	host = parse_result.netloc
+	path = parse_result.path
+	# We have to use ==; anything fancier would require pkg_resources, but
+	# really that's the only thing that makes sense in this context.
-		file = open(filename, 'r')
-	except IOError:
-		return False
-	algorithm, hashvalue = hash.split(':')
-	try:
-		m =
-	except ValueError:
-		return False
-	while True:
-		block =
-		m.update(block)
-		if block == '':
-			break
-	return "%s:%s" % (algorithm, m.hexdigest())
-def download(url, filename = None):
-	src = None
-	try:
-		src = urlopen(url)
-	except IOError:
+	        name, version = re.match("/(.*)==(.*)$", path).groups()
+	except AttributeError:
+		print("PyPI URLs must be of the form 'pypi:///component==version'")
 		return None
-	if filename == None:
-		filename = src.geturl().split('/')[-1]
+	if not host:
+		jsurl = "" % name
+	else:
+		jsurl = "https://%s/pypi/%s/json" % (host, name)
-		dst = open(filename, 'wb');
-	except IOError:
-		src.close()
+		f = urlopen(jsurl, data=None)
+	except HTTPError as e:
+		if e.getcode() == 404:
+			print("Unknown component '%s'" % name)
+		else:
+			printIOError(e, "Can't open PyPI JSON url %s" % url)
+		return None
+	except IOError as e:
+		printIOError(e, "Can't open PyPI JSON url %s" % url)
+		return None
+	content ="utf-8")
+	js = json.loads(content)
+	try:
+		verblock = js["releases"][version]
+	except KeyError:
+		print("Unknown version '%s'" % version)
 		return None
-	while True:
-		block =
-		if block == '':
-			break;
-		dst.write(block)
+	urls = [ d["url"] for d in verblock ]
+	for archiveurl in urls:
+		if archiveurl.endswith("/%s" % filename):
+			return archiveurl
-	src.close()
-	dst.close()
+	if urls:
+		print("None of the following URLs delivers '%s':" % filename)
+		print("  " + "\n  ".join(urls))
+	else:
+		print("Couldn't find any suitable URLs")
+	return None
-	# return the name of the file that we downloaded the data to.
-	return filename
+def download_from_paths(search_list, file_arg, url, link_arg, quiet=False,get_signature=False,download_dir=None):
+    """Attempts to download a file from a number of possible locations.
+    Generates a list of paths where the file ends up on the local
+    filesystem.  This is a generator because while a download might be
+    successful, the signature or hash may not validate, and the caller may
+    want to try again from the next location.  The 'link_arg' argument is a
+    boolean which, when True, specifies that if the source is not a remote
+    URL and not already found where it should be, to make a symlink to the
+    source rather than copying it."""
-def download_paths(search, filename, url):
-	urls = list()
+    for url in download_paths(search_list, file_arg, url):
+        if not quiet:
+            print("Source %s..." % url, end=' ')
+        elif quiet == 2:
+            if len(url) > 53:
+                p = url[:24] + ' ... ' + url[-24:]
+            else:
+                p = url
+            print("      {:54s}".format(p), end='')
-	if filename != None:
-		tmp = os.getenv('DOWNLOAD_SEARCH_PATH')
-		if tmp:
-			search += tmp.split(' ')
+        parse_result = urlparse(url)
+        scheme = parse_result.scheme
+        path = parse_result.path
-		file = os.path.basename(filename)
+        if scheme in LOCAL_SCHEMES:
+            name = None
+            if type(file_arg) == str:
+                names = [file_arg]
+            else:
+                names = file_arg
+            notfound = False
+            for n in names:
+                # don't rename stuff - there shouldn't be a file list here anyway
+                if os.path.basename(n) != os.path.basename(url):
+                    continue
+                if os.path.exists(path) is False:
+                    notfound = True
+                    if not quiet:
+                        print("not found, skipping file copy")
+                    elif quiet == 2:
+                        print("{:10s}".format("-"))
+                    break
+                elif n and n != path:
+                    if link_arg is False:
+                        if not quiet:
+                            print("\n    copying...")
+                        shutil.copy2(path, n)
+                    else:
+                        if not quiet:
+                            print("\n    linking...")
+                        os.symlink(path, n)
+                else:
+                    name = n
+                    if not quiet:
+                        print("cached")
+                    elif quiet == 2:
+                        print("{:10s}".format("cached"),end="")
+                    break
+            if notfound:
+                continue
+        elif scheme in REMOTE_SCHEMES:
+            if not quiet:
+                print("\n    downloading...", end=' ')
+            if type(file_arg) == str:
+                name = download(url, file_arg, quiet,(scheme != 'ftp'))
+            else:
+                if not download_dir:
+                    download_dir = os.curdir
+                name = download(url, os.path.join(download_dir,os.path.basename(url)),quiet,(scheme != 'ftp'))
+            if get_signature and name:
+                for ext in SIGNATURE_EXTENSIONS:
+                    sig = download(url+"."+ext, name+"."+ext, quiet,(scheme != 'ftp'))
+                    if sig:
+                        break
+            if name is None:
+                if not quiet:
+                    print("failed")
+                elif quiet == 2:
+                    print("{:10s}".format("-"))
+                continue
+            else:
+                if not quiet:
+                    print("ok")
+                elif quiet == 2:
+                    print("{:10s}".format("fetched"),end="")
+        yield (name,url)
-		urls = [ base + '/' + file for base in search ]
-		# filename should always be first
-		if filename in urls:
-			urls.remove(filename)
-		urls.insert(0, filename)
+def find_hash_in_file(filename,hash_file):
+    splits = hash_file.split('.')
+    regex = re.compile('([0-9a-fA-F]+)( [ \*](.*/)?)('+os.path.basename(filename)+'$)')
+    match = re.match("(^[a-z0-9]+)(sums?(.txt)?$)",hash_file.lower())
+    if '.'.join(splits[:-1]) == filename:
+        algo = re.match('([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(sums?)',hash_file.split('.')[-1]).group(1)
+    elif match:
+        algo =
+    else:
+        algo = DEFAULT_HASH_ALGO
+    with open(os.path.join(HASH_DIR,hash_file),"r") as file:
+        hash_value = None
+        for line in file.readlines():
+            hash_value = regex.match(line)
+            if hash_value is not None:
+                hash_value =
+                break
+    if hash_value is not None:
+        return "%s:%s" % (algo,hash_value)
+    return None
-	# command line url is a fallback, so it's last
-	if url != None and url not in urls:
-		urls.append(url)
-	return urls
+def find_hash_in_hash_dir(filename):
+    try:
+        hash_value = None
+        if not os.path.exists(HASH_DIR):
+            return None, None
+        for hash_file in sorted(os.listdir(HASH_DIR)):
+            splits = hash_file.split('.')
+            if '.'.join(splits[:-1]) in SIGNATURE_EXTENSIONS:
+                continue
+            hash_value = find_hash_in_file(filename,hash_file)
+            if hash_value:
+                return hash_value, hash_file
+        return None, None
+    except NotADirectoryError:
+        print(HASH_DIR,"should be a directory containing hashfiles in the",DEFAULT_HASH_ALGO+"sum","format.")
+        return (1)
+    except IsADirectoryError:
+        print(hash_file,"should be a file containing hashes, not a directory.")
+        return 1
 def usage():
-	print "Usage: %s [-f|--file (file)] [-l|--link] [-h|--hash (hash)] [-s|--search (search-dir)] --url (url)" % (sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1])
-	sys.exit(1)
+    print("Usage: %s [-a|--user-agent (user-agent)] [-f|--file (file)] [-l|--link] " \
+        "[-k|--keep] [-h|--hash (hash)] [-n|--need-hash] [-s|--search (search-dir)] " \
+        "[-g|--get-hashes] [-G|--get-sigs] " \
+        "[-S|--sigurl (signature-url)] [-N|--need-sig] --url (url)" % (sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1]))
+    return 1
 def main():
-	import getopt
+    import getopt
+    sys.stdout.flush()
+    try:
+        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "a:f:h:lks:u:GgNnc",
+                                   ["file=", "link", "keep", "hash=", "search=", "url=","get-sigs","get-hashes",
+                                    "sigurl=", "user-agent=", "need-sig", "need-hash","clobber-hash"])
+        sys.exit(realmain(opts, args))
+    except getopt.GetoptError as err:
+        print(str(err))
+        usage()
-	sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 0)
+def realmain(opts, args):
+    prep_envvars()
+    user_agent_arg = None
+    file_arg = None
+    link_arg = False
+    keep_arg = False
+    hash_arg = None
+    url_arg = None
+    sig_arg = None
+    need_sig = False
+    get_signature = False
+    need_hash = False
+    get_hash = False
+    clobber_hash = False
+    search_list = list()
+    retval = 1
-	file_arg = None
-	link_arg = False
-	hash_arg = None
-	url_arg = None
-	search_list = list()
+    for opt, arg in opts:
+        if opt in ["-a", "--user-agent"]:
+            user_agent_arg = arg
+        elif opt in ["-f", "--file"]:
+            file_arg = arg
+        elif opt in ["-l", "--link"]:
+            link_arg = True
+        elif opt in ["-k", "--keep"]:
+            keep_arg = True
+        elif opt in ["-h", "--hash"]:
+            hash_arg = arg
+        elif opt in ["-n", "--need-hash"]:
+            need_hash = True
+        elif opt in ["-g", "--get-hashes"]:
+            get_hash = True
+        elif opt in ["-s", "--search"]:
+            search_list.append(arg)
+        elif opt in ["-S", "--sigurl"]:
+            sig_arg = arg
+        elif opt in ["-u", "--url"]:
+            url_arg = arg
+        elif opt in ["-N", "--need-sig"]:
+            need_sig = True
+        elif opt in ["-G", "--get-sigs"]:
+            get_signature = True
+        elif opt in ["-c", "--clobber-hash"]:
+            clobber_hash = True
+        else:
+            assert False, "unknown option"
-	try:
-		opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:h:ls:u:",
-			["file=", "link", "hash=", "search=", "url="])
-	except getopt.GetoptError, err:
-		print str(err)
-		usage()
+    if url_arg is None:
+        if clobber_hash and len(search_list) == 0:
+            print("WARN: -c/--clobber-hash is meaningless without --search or --url. Ignoring.")
+            clobber_hash = False
+        if file_arg is None:
+            usage()
+        scheme = "UNCHECKED"
+    else:
+        parse_result = urlparse(url_arg)
+        scheme = parse_result.scheme
+        path = parse_result.path
+        if file_arg is None:
+            file_arg = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.curdir,os.path.basename(path)))
-	for opt, arg in opts:
-		if opt in [ "-f", "--file" ]:
-			file_arg = arg
-		elif opt in [ "-l", "--link" ]:
-			link_arg = True
-		elif opt in [ "-h", "--hash" ]:
-			hash_arg = arg
-		elif opt in [ "-s", "--search" ]:
-			search_list.append(arg)
-		elif opt in [ "-u", "--url" ]:
-			url_arg = arg
-		else:
-			assert False, "unknown option"
+    file_arg = os.path.realpath(file_arg)
+    filename = os.path.basename(file_arg)
+    global HASH_DIR
+    if not HASH_DIR:
+        HASH_DIR = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_arg),"hashes"))
+    valid_sig = False
-	if url_arg == None:
-		usage()
+    if clobber_hash or get_hash:
+        print("Hash directory: %s [clobbering: %s]" % (HASH_DIR,str(clobber_hash)))
+        if clobber_hash:
+            HASH_DIR_ORIG = HASH_DIR
+            HASH_DIR = HASH_DIR + ".tmp"
+        try:
+            os.mkdir(HASH_DIR)
+        except FileNotFoundError:
+            print("Refusing to create %s recursively - is HASH_DIR set correctly?" % (HASH_DIR))
+            return 1
+        except FileExistsError:
+            pass
-	for url in download_paths(search_list, file_arg, url_arg):
-		print "Source %s..." % url,
+        # We need to account for the following possibilities for hash files:
+        # 1: .asc with embedded checksums (1 file, needs PGP stripping)
+        # TODO: ^
+        # 2: .asc or .sig, detached from hash file (2 files)
+        # 3: checksums without signature (need a secure protocol)
-		scheme, path = splittype(url)
-		name = file_arg
+        print("Sourcing hash files... ",end="")
+        search_hash_files = DEFAULT_HASH_FILES + [
+          filename + '.' + DEFAULT_HASH_ALGO,
+          filename + '.' + DEFAULT_HASH_ALGO + 'sum',
+          filename + '.' + DEFAULT_HASH_ALGO + 'sums'
+        ]
+        hash_file = None
+        print("\n      {:54s}{:10s}{:10s}".format("URL","LOCALITY","HAS HASH"))
+        if url_arg:
+            if not search_list:
+                search_list = []
+            search_list.append(os.path.dirname(url_arg))
+        search_hash_files = [ os.path.join(HASH_DIR,x) for x in search_hash_files ]
+        for hashname, hashurl in download_from_paths(search_list, search_hash_files , None, link_arg, quiet=2,get_signature=True,download_dir=HASH_DIR):
+            scheme = urlparse(hashurl).scheme
+            safe = scheme in SECURE_PROTOCOLS or scheme in LOCAL_SCHEMES
+            valid_sig = False
+            for sigext in SIGNATURE_EXTENSIONS:
+                signame = hashname + "." + sigext
+                if os.path.exists(signame):
+                    valid_sig = validate_signature(hashname,signame)
+            if not valid_sig and (not safe or need_sig):
+                print("denied (hashfile download did not meet security criteria)")
+                os.remove(hashname)
+                Path(signame).unlink(missing_ok=True)
+                continue
+            hash_arg = find_hash_in_file(filename, hashname)
+            if not hash_arg:
+                print("no")
+            else:
+                print("YES")
+                hash_file = hashname
+                break
+        if hash_file is not None:
+            print("INFO: hash found for",filename,"in",hash_file)
-		if scheme in [ None, 'file' ]:
-			if os.path.exists(path) == False:
-				print "not found, skipping file copy"
-				continue
-			elif name != path:
-				if link_arg == False:
-					print "\n    copying..."
-					shutil.copy2(path, name)
-				else:
-					print "\n    linking..."
-					os.symlink(path, name)
-			else:
-				pass
-		elif scheme in [ 'http', 'https', 'ftp' ]:
-			print "\n    downloading...",
-			name = download(url, file_arg)
-			if name == None:
-				print "failed"
-				continue
+        if clobber_hash:
+            for file in os.listdir(HASH_DIR):
+                orig_file = None
+                new_file = None
+                try:
+                    orig_file = os.path.join(HASH_DIR_ORIG,os.path.basename(file))
+                    new_file = os.path.join(HASH_DIR,file)
+                    os.rename(new_file,orig_file)
+                except IsADirectoryError as e:
+                    print("ERROR: moving hashfiles to HASH_DIR failed: %s" % (str(e)))
+                except OSError as e:
+                    print("OSError: %s (%s -> %s)" %(str(e),new_file,orig_file))
+            try:
+                os.rmdir(HASH_DIR)
+            except OSError as e:
+                print("Couldn't remove %s: %s" % (HASH_DIR,str(e)))
+            HASH_DIR = HASH_DIR_ORIG
+    elif hash_arg == None:
+        hash_arg, hash_file = find_hash_in_hash_dir(filename)
+        if hash_file is not None:
+            print("INFO: hash found for",filename,"in",hash_file)
+    else:
+        print("INFO: not using any hashes in %s for" % (HASH_DIR),filename,"(overridden with --hash)")
-		print "\n    validating...",
-		if hash_arg == None:
-			print "skipping (no hash)"
-			sys.exit(0)
-		realhash = validate(name, hash_arg)
-		if realhash == hash_arg:
-			print "ok"
-			sys.exit(0)
-		else:
-			print "corruption detected"
-			print "    expected: %s" % hash_arg
-			print "    actual:   %s" % realhash
-		try:
-			os.remove(name)
-		except OSError:
-			pass
+    if (hash_arg is None or hash_arg == 'none') and need_hash:
+        print("-n/--need-hash and no hash found. Exiting.")
+        return 4
-	sys.exit(1)
+    if sig_arg:
+        if get_signature:
+            print("INFO: not searching with -g (--sigurl provided)")
+        get_signature=False
+    for name, url in download_from_paths(search_list, file_arg, url_arg, link_arg,get_signature=get_signature):
+        scheme = urlparse(url).scheme
+        if not name:
+            print("    was not downloaded")
+            continue
+        print("    validating signature...", end=' ')
+        if valid_sig:
+            print("hashfile had valid signature")
+        else:
+            sig_file = None
+            if sig_arg:
+                if sig_arg == 'none':
+                    print("skipping (--sigurl none)")
+                else:
+                    print("using %s..." % sig_arg,end=' ')
+                    if urlparse(sig_arg).scheme in REMOTE_SCHEMES:
+                        sig_file = download(sig_arg,filename=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(name),os.path.basename(sig_arg)),quiet=True,allow_partial=False)
+            else:
+                if get_signature:
+                    print("checking remote signature...",end=' ')
+                else:
+                    print("checking local signature...",end=' ')
+            errors = []
+            if not sig_file:
+                for ext in SIGNATURE_EXTENSIONS:
+                    if os.path.exists(name+'.'+ext):
+                        sig_file = name+'.'+ext
+                        break
+            if sig_file:
+                if validate_signature(name, sig_file):
+                    print("VALID")
+                    valid_sig = True
+                else:
+                    print("invalid")
+                    errors.append((sig_file,VALIDATE_CODE,VALIDATE_ERROR))
+                    break
+            else:
+                print("not found")
+        if not valid_sig:
+            print("    signature validation failed\n")
+            bad_signature = False
+            for error in errors:
+                print("---%s output(exit code %d):\n%s---" % error)
+                if error[1] == 1:
+                    bad_signature = True
+            if need_sig:
+                if not keep_arg or bad_signature:
+                    print("WARN: Deleting corrupt file.")
+                    try:
+                        os.remove(name)
+                    except OSError:
+                        pass
+                print("-N/--need-sig is set. This download cannot be used.")
+                retval = 3
+                continue
+        elif not need_hash:
+            retval = 0
+            break
+        print("    validating hash...", end=' ')
+        if hash_arg and hash_arg != 'none':
+            realhash = validate_container(name, hash_arg)
+        else:
+            realhash = "skipped calculation (--hash none)"
+            hash_arg = None
+        if realhash == hash_arg:
+            print("ok")
+            retval = 0
+        else:
+            if hash_arg and hash_arg != 'none':
+                payloadhash = validate_payload(name, hash_arg)
+            else:
+                payloadhash = "skipped calculation (--hash none)"
+            if payloadhash == hash_arg:
+                print("ok")
+                retval = 0
+            else:
+                if not hash_arg or hash_arg == 'none':
+                    scheme = urlparse(url).scheme
+                    if not ALLOW_UNVERIFIED_DOWNLOADS:
+                        print("ERROR: Cannot validate download (no hash or signature).")
+                        if keep_arg == False:
+                            try:
+                                print("\nWARN: Removing the downloaded file")
+                                os.remove(name)
+                            except OSError:
+                                pass
+                        retval = 3
+                        continue
+                    elif scheme not in SECURE_PROTOCOLS and scheme not in LOCAL_SCHEMES:
+                        print("ERROR: This download uses an insecure protocol: '%s'." % (str(scheme),))
+                        if keep_arg == False:
+                            try:
+                                print("\nWARN: Removing the downloaded file")
+                                os.remove(name)
+                            except OSError:
+                                pass
+                        retval = 2
+                        continue
+                    print("ignoring errors")
+                    retval = 0
+                else:
+                    print("invalid hash!")
+                    print("    expected: %s" % hash_arg)
+                    print("    actual:   %s" % realhash)
+                    print("    payload:  %s" % payloadhash)
+                    if valid_sig:
+                        if need_hash:
+                            print("-n/--need-hash is set. This download cannot be used.")
+                            if keep_arg == False:
+                                try:
+                                    print("\nWARN: Removing the downloaded file")
+                                    os.remove(name)
+                                except OSError:
+                                    pass
+                            retval = 3
+                            continue
+                        # If the signature validated, then we assume
+                        # that the expected hash is just a typo.
+                        # An invalid hash shouldn't cause us to remove
+                        # the target file if the signature was valid.
+                        # Also, if the developer is in progress of upgrading
+                        # some package version or introduces a new one, and
+                        # explicitly ran "gmake fetch", keep the downloaded
+                        # file (Makefile is not in position to have a valid
+                        # checksum entry just yet) so it does not have to be
+                        # downloaded twice.
+                        retval = 0
+                    else:
+                        print("ERROR: This download failed to validate.")
+                        if keep_arg == False:
+                            try:
+                                print("\nWARN: Removing the corrupt downloaded file")
+                                os.remove(name)
+                            except OSError:
+                                pass
+                        retval = 3
+                        continue
+        if retval == 0:
+            break
+    return retval
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	main()
+    main()

Gitblit v1.9.3