/** * angular-strap * @version v2.0.3 - 2014-05-30 * @link http://mgcrea.github.io/angular-strap * @author Olivier Louvignes (olivier@mg-crea.com) * @license MIT License, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ 'use strict'; angular.module('mgcrea.ngStrap.datepicker', [ 'mgcrea.ngStrap.helpers.dateParser', 'mgcrea.ngStrap.tooltip' ]).provider('$datepicker', function () { var defaults = this.defaults = { animation: 'am-fade', prefixClass: 'datepicker', placement: 'bottom-left', template: 'datepicker/datepicker.tpl.html', trigger: 'focus', container: false, keyboard: true, html: false, delay: 0, useNative: false, dateType: 'date', dateFormat: 'shortDate', modelDateFormat: null, dayFormat: 'dd', strictFormat: false, autoclose: false, minDate: -Infinity, maxDate: +Infinity, startView: 0, minView: 0, startWeek: 0, iconLeft: 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left', iconRight: 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right' }; this.$get = [ '$window', '$document', '$rootScope', '$sce', '$locale', 'dateFilter', 'datepickerViews', '$tooltip', function ($window, $document, $rootScope, $sce, $locale, dateFilter, datepickerViews, $tooltip) { var bodyEl = angular.element($window.document.body); var isTouch = 'createTouch' in $window.document; var isNative = /(ip(a|o)d|iphone|android)/gi.test($window.navigator.userAgent); if (!defaults.lang) defaults.lang = $locale.id; function DatepickerFactory(element, controller, config) { var $datepicker = $tooltip(element, angular.extend({}, defaults, config)); var parentScope = config.scope; var options = $datepicker.$options; var scope = $datepicker.$scope; if (options.startView) options.startView -= options.minView; // View vars var pickerViews = datepickerViews($datepicker); $datepicker.$views = pickerViews.views; var viewDate = pickerViews.viewDate; scope.$mode = options.startView; scope.$iconLeft = options.iconLeft; scope.$iconRight = options.iconRight; var $picker = $datepicker.$views[scope.$mode]; // Scope methods scope.$select = function (date) { $datepicker.select(date); }; scope.$selectPane = function (value) { $datepicker.$selectPane(value); }; scope.$toggleMode = function () { $datepicker.setMode((scope.$mode + 1) % $datepicker.$views.length); }; // Public methods $datepicker.update = function (date) { // console.warn('$datepicker.update() newValue=%o', date); if (angular.isDate(date) && !isNaN(date.getTime())) { $datepicker.$date = date; $picker.update.call($picker, date); } // Build only if pristine $datepicker.$build(true); }; $datepicker.select = function (date, keep) { // console.warn('$datepicker.select', date, scope.$mode); if (!angular.isDate(controller.$dateValue)) controller.$dateValue = new Date(date); controller.$dateValue.setFullYear(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()); if (!scope.$mode || keep) { controller.$setViewValue(controller.$dateValue); controller.$render(); if (options.autoclose && !keep) { $datepicker.hide(true); } } else { angular.extend(viewDate, { year: date.getFullYear(), month: date.getMonth(), date: date.getDate() }); $datepicker.setMode(scope.$mode - 1); $datepicker.$build(); } }; $datepicker.setMode = function (mode) { // console.warn('$datepicker.setMode', mode); scope.$mode = mode; $picker = $datepicker.$views[scope.$mode]; $datepicker.$build(); }; // Protected methods $datepicker.$build = function (pristine) { // console.warn('$datepicker.$build() viewDate=%o', viewDate); if (pristine === true && $picker.built) return; if (pristine === false && !$picker.built) return; $picker.build.call($picker); }; $datepicker.$updateSelected = function () { for (var i = 0, l = scope.rows.length; i < l; i++) { angular.forEach(scope.rows[i], updateSelected); } }; $datepicker.$isSelected = function (date) { return $picker.isSelected(date); }; $datepicker.$selectPane = function (value) { var steps = $picker.steps; var targetDate = new Date(Date.UTC(viewDate.year + (steps.year || 0) * value, viewDate.month + (steps.month || 0) * value, viewDate.date + (steps.day || 0) * value)); angular.extend(viewDate, { year: targetDate.getUTCFullYear(), month: targetDate.getUTCMonth(), date: targetDate.getUTCDate() }); $datepicker.$build(); }; $datepicker.$onMouseDown = function (evt) { // Prevent blur on mousedown on .dropdown-menu evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); // Emulate click for mobile devices if (isTouch) { var targetEl = angular.element(evt.target); if (targetEl[0].nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'button') { targetEl = targetEl.parent(); } targetEl.triggerHandler('click'); } }; $datepicker.$onKeyDown = function (evt) { if (!/(38|37|39|40|13)/.test(evt.keyCode) || evt.shiftKey || evt.altKey) return; evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); if (evt.keyCode === 13) { if (!scope.$mode) { return $datepicker.hide(true); } else { return scope.$apply(function () { $datepicker.setMode(scope.$mode - 1); }); } } // Navigate with keyboard $picker.onKeyDown(evt); parentScope.$digest(); }; // Private function updateSelected(el) { el.selected = $datepicker.$isSelected(el.date); } function focusElement() { element[0].focus(); } // Overrides var _init = $datepicker.init; $datepicker.init = function () { if (isNative && options.useNative) { element.prop('type', 'date'); element.css('-webkit-appearance', 'textfield'); return; } else if (isTouch) { element.prop('type', 'text'); element.attr('readonly', 'true'); element.on('click', focusElement); } _init(); }; var _destroy = $datepicker.destroy; $datepicker.destroy = function () { if (isNative && options.useNative) { element.off('click', focusElement); } _destroy(); }; var _show = $datepicker.show; $datepicker.show = function () { _show(); setTimeout(function () { $datepicker.$element.on(isTouch ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown', $datepicker.$onMouseDown); if (options.keyboard) { element.on('keydown', $datepicker.$onKeyDown); } }); }; var _hide = $datepicker.hide; $datepicker.hide = function (blur) { $datepicker.$element.off(isTouch ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown', $datepicker.$onMouseDown); if (options.keyboard) { element.off('keydown', $datepicker.$onKeyDown); } _hide(blur); }; return $datepicker; } DatepickerFactory.defaults = defaults; return DatepickerFactory; } ]; }).directive('bsDatepicker', [ '$window', '$parse', '$q', '$locale', 'dateFilter', '$datepicker', '$dateParser', '$timeout', function ($window, $parse, $q, $locale, dateFilter, $datepicker, $dateParser, $timeout) { var defaults = $datepicker.defaults; var isNative = /(ip(a|o)d|iphone|android)/gi.test($window.navigator.userAgent); var isNumeric = function (n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); }; return { restrict: 'EAC', require: 'ngModel', link: function postLink(scope, element, attr, controller) { // Directive options var options = { scope: scope, controller: controller }; angular.forEach([ 'placement', 'container', 'delay', 'trigger', 'keyboard', 'html', 'animation', 'template', 'autoclose', 'dateType', 'dateFormat', 'modelDateFormat', 'dayFormat', 'strictFormat', 'startWeek', 'useNative', 'lang', 'startView', 'minView' ], function (key) { if (angular.isDefined(attr[key])) options[key] = attr[key]; }); // Initialize datepicker if (isNative && options.useNative) options.dateFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd'; var datepicker = $datepicker(element, controller, options); options = datepicker.$options; // Observe attributes for changes angular.forEach([ 'minDate', 'maxDate' ], function (key) { // console.warn('attr.$observe(%s)', key, attr[key]); angular.isDefined(attr[key]) && attr.$observe(key, function (newValue) { // console.warn('attr.$observe(%s)=%o', key, newValue); if (newValue === 'today') { var today = new Date(); datepicker.$options[key] = +new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate() + (key === 'maxDate' ? 1 : 0), 0, 0, 0, key === 'minDate' ? 0 : -1); } else if (angular.isString(newValue) && newValue.match(/^".+"$/)) { // Support {{ dateObj }} datepicker.$options[key] = +new Date(newValue.substr(1, newValue.length - 2)); } else if (isNumeric(newValue)) { datepicker.$options[key] = +new Date(parseInt(newValue, 10)); } else { datepicker.$options[key] = +new Date(newValue); } // Build only if dirty !isNaN(datepicker.$options[key]) && datepicker.$build(false); }); }); // Watch model for changes scope.$watch(attr.ngModel, function (newValue, oldValue) { datepicker.update(controller.$dateValue); }, true); var dateParser = $dateParser({ format: options.dateFormat, lang: options.lang, strict: options.strictFormat }); // viewValue -> $parsers -> modelValue controller.$parsers.unshift(function (viewValue) { // console.warn('$parser("%s"): viewValue=%o', element.attr('ng-model'), viewValue); // Null values should correctly reset the model value & validity if (!viewValue) { controller.$setValidity('date', true); return; } var parsedDate = dateParser.parse(viewValue, controller.$dateValue); if (!parsedDate || isNaN(parsedDate.getTime())) { controller.$setValidity('date', false); return; } else { var isMinValid = isNaN(datepicker.$options.minDate) || parsedDate.getTime() >= datepicker.$options.minDate; var isMaxValid = isNaN(datepicker.$options.maxDate) || parsedDate.getTime() <= datepicker.$options.maxDate; var isValid = isMinValid && isMaxValid; controller.$setValidity('date', isValid); controller.$setValidity('min', isMinValid); controller.$setValidity('max', isMaxValid); // Only update the model when we have a valid date if (isValid) controller.$dateValue = parsedDate; } if (options.dateType === 'string') { return dateFilter(parsedDate, options.modelDateFormat || options.dateFormat); } else if (options.dateType === 'number') { return controller.$dateValue.getTime(); } else if (options.dateType === 'iso') { return controller.$dateValue.toISOString(); } else { return new Date(controller.$dateValue); } }); // modelValue -> $formatters -> viewValue controller.$formatters.push(function (modelValue) { // console.warn('$formatter("%s"): modelValue=%o (%o)', element.attr('ng-model'), modelValue, typeof modelValue); var date; if (angular.isUndefined(modelValue) || modelValue === null) { date = NaN; } else if (angular.isDate(modelValue)) { date = modelValue; } else if (options.dateType === 'string') { date = dateParser.parse(modelValue, null, options.modelDateFormat); } else { date = new Date(modelValue); } // Setup default value? // if(isNaN(date.getTime())) { // var today = new Date(); // date = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate(), 0, 0, 0, 0); // } controller.$dateValue = date; return controller.$dateValue; }); // viewValue -> element controller.$render = function () { // console.warn('$render("%s"): viewValue=%o', element.attr('ng-model'), controller.$viewValue); element.val(!controller.$dateValue || isNaN(controller.$dateValue.getTime()) ? '' : dateFilter(controller.$dateValue, options.dateFormat)); }; // Garbage collection scope.$on('$destroy', function () { datepicker.destroy(); options = null; datepicker = null; }); } }; } ]).provider('datepickerViews', function () { var defaults = this.defaults = { dayFormat: 'dd', daySplit: 7 }; // Split array into smaller arrays function split(arr, size) { var arrays = []; while (arr.length > 0) { arrays.push(arr.splice(0, size)); } return arrays; } // Modulus operator function mod(n, m) { return (n % m + m) % m; } this.$get = [ '$locale', '$sce', 'dateFilter', function ($locale, $sce, dateFilter) { return function (picker) { var scope = picker.$scope; var options = picker.$options; var weekDaysMin = $locale.DATETIME_FORMATS.SHORTDAY; var weekDaysLabels = weekDaysMin.slice(options.startWeek).concat(weekDaysMin.slice(0, options.startWeek)); var weekDaysLabelsHtml = $sce.trustAsHtml('' + weekDaysLabels.join('') + ''); var startDate = picker.$date || new Date(); var viewDate = { year: startDate.getFullYear(), month: startDate.getMonth(), date: startDate.getDate() }; var timezoneOffset = startDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; var views = [ { format: options.dayFormat, split: 7, steps: { month: 1 }, update: function (date, force) { if (!this.built || force || date.getFullYear() !== viewDate.year || date.getMonth() !== viewDate.month) { angular.extend(viewDate, { year: picker.$date.getFullYear(), month: picker.$date.getMonth(), date: picker.$date.getDate() }); picker.$build(); } else if (date.getDate() !== viewDate.date) { viewDate.date = picker.$date.getDate(); picker.$updateSelected(); } }, build: function () { var firstDayOfMonth = new Date(viewDate.year, viewDate.month, 1), firstDayOfMonthOffset = firstDayOfMonth.getTimezoneOffset(); var firstDate = new Date(+firstDayOfMonth - mod(firstDayOfMonth.getDay() - options.startWeek, 7) * 86400000), firstDateOffset = firstDate.getTimezoneOffset(); // Handle daylight time switch if (firstDateOffset !== firstDayOfMonthOffset) firstDate = new Date(+firstDate + (firstDateOffset - firstDayOfMonthOffset) * 60000); var days = [], day; for (var i = 0; i < 42; i++) { // < 7 * 6 day = new Date(firstDate.getFullYear(), firstDate.getMonth(), firstDate.getDate() + i); days.push({ date: day, label: dateFilter(day, this.format), selected: picker.$date && this.isSelected(day), muted: day.getMonth() !== viewDate.month, disabled: this.isDisabled(day) }); } scope.title = dateFilter(firstDayOfMonth, 'MMMM yyyy'); scope.showLabels = true; scope.labels = weekDaysLabelsHtml; scope.rows = split(days, this.split); this.built = true; }, isSelected: function (date) { return picker.$date && date.getFullYear() === picker.$date.getFullYear() && date.getMonth() === picker.$date.getMonth() && date.getDate() === picker.$date.getDate(); }, isDisabled: function (date) { return date.getTime() < options.minDate || date.getTime() > options.maxDate; }, onKeyDown: function (evt) { var actualTime = picker.$date.getTime(); var newDate; if (evt.keyCode === 37) newDate = new Date(actualTime - 1 * 86400000); else if (evt.keyCode === 38) newDate = new Date(actualTime - 7 * 86400000); else if (evt.keyCode === 39) newDate = new Date(actualTime + 1 * 86400000); else if (evt.keyCode === 40) newDate = new Date(actualTime + 7 * 86400000); if (!this.isDisabled(newDate)) picker.select(newDate, true); } }, { name: 'month', format: 'MMM', split: 4, steps: { year: 1 }, update: function (date, force) { if (!this.built || date.getFullYear() !== viewDate.year) { angular.extend(viewDate, { year: picker.$date.getFullYear(), month: picker.$date.getMonth(), date: picker.$date.getDate() }); picker.$build(); } else if (date.getMonth() !== viewDate.month) { angular.extend(viewDate, { month: picker.$date.getMonth(), date: picker.$date.getDate() }); picker.$updateSelected(); } }, build: function () { var firstMonth = new Date(viewDate.year, 0, 1); var months = [], month; for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { month = new Date(viewDate.year, i, 1); months.push({ date: month, label: dateFilter(month, this.format), selected: picker.$isSelected(month), disabled: this.isDisabled(month) }); } scope.title = dateFilter(month, 'yyyy'); scope.showLabels = false; scope.rows = split(months, this.split); this.built = true; }, isSelected: function (date) { return picker.$date && date.getFullYear() === picker.$date.getFullYear() && date.getMonth() === picker.$date.getMonth(); }, isDisabled: function (date) { var lastDate = +new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0); return lastDate < options.minDate || date.getTime() > options.maxDate; }, onKeyDown: function (evt) { var actualMonth = picker.$date.getMonth(); var newDate = new Date(picker.$date); if (evt.keyCode === 37) newDate.setMonth(actualMonth - 1); else if (evt.keyCode === 38) newDate.setMonth(actualMonth - 4); else if (evt.keyCode === 39) newDate.setMonth(actualMonth + 1); else if (evt.keyCode === 40) newDate.setMonth(actualMonth + 4); if (!this.isDisabled(newDate)) picker.select(newDate, true); } }, { name: 'year', format: 'yyyy', split: 4, steps: { year: 12 }, update: function (date, force) { if (!this.built || force || parseInt(date.getFullYear() / 20, 10) !== parseInt(viewDate.year / 20, 10)) { angular.extend(viewDate, { year: picker.$date.getFullYear(), month: picker.$date.getMonth(), date: picker.$date.getDate() }); picker.$build(); } else if (date.getFullYear() !== viewDate.year) { angular.extend(viewDate, { year: picker.$date.getFullYear(), month: picker.$date.getMonth(), date: picker.$date.getDate() }); picker.$updateSelected(); } }, build: function () { var firstYear = viewDate.year - viewDate.year % (this.split * 3); var years = [], year; for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { year = new Date(firstYear + i, 0, 1); years.push({ date: year, label: dateFilter(year, this.format), selected: picker.$isSelected(year), disabled: this.isDisabled(year) }); } scope.title = years[0].label + '-' + years[years.length - 1].label; scope.showLabels = false; scope.rows = split(years, this.split); this.built = true; }, isSelected: function (date) { return picker.$date && date.getFullYear() === picker.$date.getFullYear(); }, isDisabled: function (date) { var lastDate = +new Date(date.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 0); return lastDate < options.minDate || date.getTime() > options.maxDate; }, onKeyDown: function (evt) { var actualYear = picker.$date.getFullYear(), newDate = new Date(picker.$date); if (evt.keyCode === 37) newDate.setYear(actualYear - 1); else if (evt.keyCode === 38) newDate.setYear(actualYear - 4); else if (evt.keyCode === 39) newDate.setYear(actualYear + 1); else if (evt.keyCode === 40) newDate.setYear(actualYear + 4); if (!this.isDisabled(newDate)) picker.select(newDate, true); } } ]; return { views: options.minView ? Array.prototype.slice.call(views, options.minView) : views, viewDate: viewDate }; }; } ]; });