.. index:: single: URL dispatch .. _urldispatch_chapter: URL Dispatch ============ :term:`URL dispatch` provides a simple way to map URLs to :term:`view` code using a simple pattern matching language. An ordered set of patterns is checked one-by-one. If one of the patterns matches the path information associated with a request, a particular :term:`view callable` is invoked. A view callable is a specific bit of code, defined in your application, that receives the :term:`request` and returns a :term:`response` object. High-Level Operational Overview ------------------------------- If route configuration is present in an application, the :app:`Pyramid` :term:`Router` checks every incoming request against an ordered set of URL matching patterns present in a *route map*. If any route pattern matches the information in the :term:`request`, :app:`Pyramid` will invoke :term:`view lookup` to find a matching view. If no route pattern in the route map matches the information in the :term:`request` provided in your application, :app:`Pyramid` will fail over to using :term:`traversal` to perform resource location and view lookup. .. index:: single: route configuration Route Configuration ------------------- :term:`Route configuration` is the act of adding a new :term:`route` to an application. A route has a *name*, which acts as an identifier to be used for URL generation. The name also allows developers to associate a view configuration with the route. A route also has a *pattern*, meant to match against the ``PATH_INFO`` portion of a URL (the portion following the scheme and port, e.g. ``/foo/bar`` in the URL ``http://localhost:8080/foo/bar``). It also optionally has a ``factory`` and a set of :term:`route predicate` attributes. .. index:: single: add_route .. _config-add-route: Configuring a Route to Match a View ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` method adds a single :term:`route configuration` to the :term:`application registry`. Here's an example: .. ignore-next-block .. code-block:: python # "config" below is presumed to be an instance of the # pyramid.config.Configurator class; "myview" is assumed # to be a "view callable" function from views import myview config.add_route('myroute', '/prefix/{one}/{two}') config.add_view(myview, route_name='myroute') When a :term:`view callable` added to the configuration by way of :meth:`~pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view` becomes associated with a route via its ``route_name`` predicate, that view callable will always be found and invoked when the associated route pattern matches during a request. More commonly, you will not use any ``add_view`` statements in your project's "setup" code, instead only using ``add_route`` statements using a :term:`scan` for to associate view callables with routes. For example, if this is a portion of your project's ``__init__.py``: .. code-block:: python # in your project's __init__.py (mypackage.__init__) config.add_route('myroute', '/prefix/{one}/{two}') config.scan('mypackage') Note that we don't call :meth:`~pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view` in this setup code. However, the above :term:`scan` execution ``config.scan('mypackage')`` will pick up all :term:`configuration decoration`, including any objects decorated with the :class:`pyramid.view.view_config` decorator in the ``mypackage`` Python package. For example, if you have a ``views.py`` in your package, a scan will pick up any of its configuration decorators, so we can add one there that references ``myroute`` as a ``route_name`` parameter: .. code-block:: python # in your project's views.py module (mypackage.views) from pyramid.view import view_config from pyramid.response import Response @view_config(route_name='myroute') def myview(request): return Response('OK') The above combination of ``add_route`` and ``scan`` is completely equivalent to using the previous combination of ``add_route`` and ``add_view``. .. index:: single: route path pattern syntax .. _route_pattern_syntax: Route Pattern Syntax ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The syntax of the pattern matching language used by :app:`Pyramid` URL dispatch in the *pattern* argument is straightforward; it is close to that of the :term:`Routes` system used by :term:`Pylons`. The *pattern* used in route configuration may start with a slash character. If the pattern does not start with a slash character, an implicit slash will be prepended to it at matching time. For example, the following patterns are equivalent: .. code-block:: text {foo}/bar/baz and: .. code-block:: text /{foo}/bar/baz A pattern segment (an individual item between ``/`` characters in the pattern) may either be a literal string (e.g. ``foo``) *or* it may be a replacement marker (e.g. ``{foo}``) or a certain combination of both. A replacement marker does not need to be preceded by a ``/`` character. A replacement marker is in the format ``{name}``, where this means "accept any characters up to the next slash character and use this as the ``name`` :term:`matchdict` value." A replacement marker in a pattern must begin with an uppercase or lowercase ASCII letter or an underscore, and can be composed only of uppercase or lowercase ASCII letters, underscores, and numbers. For example: ``a``, ``a_b``, ``_b``, and ``b9`` are all valid replacement marker names, but ``0a`` is not. .. note:: A replacement marker could not start with an underscore until Pyramid 1.2. Previous versions required that the replacement marker start with an uppercase or lowercase letter. A matchdict is the dictionary representing the dynamic parts extracted from a URL based on the routing pattern. It is available as ``request.matchdict``. For example, the following pattern defines one literal segment (``foo``) and two replacement markers (``baz``, and ``bar``): .. code-block:: text foo/{baz}/{bar} The above pattern will match these URLs, generating the following matchdicts: .. code-block:: text foo/1/2 -> {'baz':u'1', 'bar':u'2'} foo/abc/def -> {'baz':u'abc', 'bar':u'def'} It will not match the following patterns however: .. code-block:: text foo/1/2/ -> No match (trailing slash) bar/abc/def -> First segment literal mismatch The match for a segment replacement marker in a segment will be done only up to the first non-alphanumeric character in the segment in the pattern. So, for instance, if this route pattern was used: .. code-block:: text foo/{name}.html The literal path ``/foo/biz.html`` will match the above route pattern, and the match result will be ``{'name':u'biz'}``. However, the literal path ``/foo/biz`` will not match, because it does not contain a literal ``.html`` at the end of the segment represented by ``{name}.html`` (it only contains ``biz``, not ``biz.html``). To capture both segments, two replacement markers can be used: .. code-block:: text foo/{name}.{ext} The literal path ``/foo/biz.html`` will match the above route pattern, and the match result will be ``{'name': 'biz', 'ext': 'html'}``. This occurs because there is a literal part of ``.`` (period) between the two replacement markers ``{name}`` and ``{ext}``. Replacement markers can optionally specify a regular expression which will be used to decide whether a path segment should match the marker. To specify that a replacement marker should match only a specific set of characters as defined by a regular expression, you must use a slightly extended form of replacement marker syntax. Within braces, the replacement marker name must be followed by a colon, then directly thereafter, the regular expression. The *default* regular expression associated with a replacement marker ``[^/]+`` matches one or more characters which are not a slash. For example, under the hood, the replacement marker ``{foo}`` can more verbosely be spelled as ``{foo:[^/]+}``. You can change this to be an arbitrary regular expression to match an arbitrary sequence of characters, such as ``{foo:\d+}`` to match only digits. It is possible to use two replacement markers without any literal characters between them, for instance ``/{foo}{bar}``. However, this would be a nonsensical pattern without specifying a custom regular expression to restrict what each marker captures. Segments must contain at least one character in order to match a segment replacement marker. For example, for the URL ``/abc/``: - ``/abc/{foo}`` will not match. - ``/{foo}/`` will match. Note that values representing matched path segments will be url-unquoted and decoded from UTF-8 into Unicode within the matchdict. So for instance, the following pattern: .. code-block:: text foo/{bar} When matching the following URL: .. code-block:: text http://example.com/foo/La%20Pe%C3%B1a The matchdict will look like so (the value is URL-decoded / UTF-8 decoded): .. code-block:: text {'bar':u'La Pe\xf1a'} Literal strings in the path segment should represent the *decoded* value of the ``PATH_INFO`` provided to Pyramid. You don't want to use a URL-encoded value or a bytestring representing the literal's UTF-8 in the pattern. For example, rather than this: .. code-block:: text /Foo%20Bar/{baz} You'll want to use something like this: .. code-block:: text /Foo Bar/{baz} For patterns that contain "high-order" characters in its literals, you'll want to use a Unicode value as the pattern as opposed to any URL-encoded or UTF-8-encoded value. For example, you might be tempted to use a bytestring pattern like this: .. code-block:: text /La Pe\xc3\xb1a/{x} But this will either cause an error at startup time or it won't match properly. You'll want to use a Unicode value as the pattern instead rather than raw bytestring escapes. You can use a high-order Unicode value as the pattern by using `Python source file encoding `_ plus the "real" character in the Unicode pattern in the source, like so: .. code-block:: text /La Peña/{x} Or you can ignore source file encoding and use equivalent Unicode escape characters in the pattern. .. code-block:: text /La Pe\xf1a/{x} Dynamic segment names cannot contain high-order characters, so this applies only to literals in the pattern. If the pattern has a ``*`` in it, the name which follows it is considered a "remainder match". A remainder match *must* come at the end of the pattern. Unlike segment replacement markers, it does not need to be preceded by a slash. For example: .. code-block:: text foo/{baz}/{bar}*fizzle The above pattern will match these URLs, generating the following matchdicts: .. code-block:: text foo/1/2/ -> {'baz':u'1', 'bar':u'2', 'fizzle':()} foo/abc/def/a/b/c -> {'baz':u'abc', 'bar':u'def', 'fizzle':(u'a', u'b', u'c')} Note that when a ``*stararg`` remainder match is matched, the value put into the matchdict is turned into a tuple of path segments representing the remainder of the path. These path segments are url-unquoted and decoded from UTF-8 into Unicode. For example, for the following pattern: .. code-block:: text foo/*fizzle When matching the following path: .. code-block:: text /foo/La%20Pe%C3%B1a/a/b/c Will generate the following matchdict: .. code-block:: text {'fizzle':(u'La Pe\xf1a', u'a', u'b', u'c')} By default, the ``*stararg`` will parse the remainder sections into a tuple split by segment. Changing the regular expression used to match a marker can also capture the remainder of the URL, for example: .. code-block:: text foo/{baz}/{bar}{fizzle:.*} The above pattern will match these URLs, generating the following matchdicts: .. code-block:: text foo/1/2/ -> {'baz':u'1', 'bar':u'2', 'fizzle':u''} foo/abc/def/a/b/c -> {'baz':u'abc', 'bar':u'def', 'fizzle': u'a/b/c'} This occurs because the default regular expression for a marker is ``[^/]+`` which will match everything up to the first ``/``, while ``{fizzle:.*}`` will result in a regular expression match of ``.*`` capturing the remainder into a single value. .. index:: single: route ordering Route Declaration Ordering ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Route configuration declarations are evaluated in a specific order when a request enters the system. As a result, the order of route configuration declarations is very important. The order that routes declarations are evaluated is the order in which they are added to the application at startup time. (This is unlike a different way of mapping URLs to code that :app:`Pyramid` provides, named :term:`traversal`, which does not depend on pattern ordering). For routes added via the :mod:`~pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` method, the order that routes are evaluated is the order in which they are added to the configuration imperatively. For example, route configuration statements with the following patterns might be added in the following order: .. code-block:: text members/{def} members/abc In such a configuration, the ``members/abc`` pattern would *never* be matched. This is because the match ordering will always match ``members/{def}`` first; the route configuration with ``members/abc`` will never be evaluated. .. index:: single: route configuration arguments Route Configuration Arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Route configuration ``add_route`` statements may specify a large number of arguments. They are documented as part of the API documentation at :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route`. Many of these arguments are :term:`route predicate` arguments. A route predicate argument specifies that some aspect of the request must be true for the associated route to be considered a match during the route matching process. Examples of route predicate arguments are ``pattern``, ``xhr``, and ``request_method``. Other arguments are ``name`` and ``factory``. These arguments represent neither predicates nor view configuration information. .. warning:: Some arguments are view-configuration related arguments, such as ``view_renderer``. These only have an effect when the route configuration names a ``view`` and these arguments have been deprecated as of :app:`Pyramid` 1.1. .. index:: single: route matching Route Matching -------------- The main purpose of route configuration is to match (or not match) the ``PATH_INFO`` present in the WSGI environment provided during a request against a URL path pattern. ``PATH_INFO`` represents the path portion of the URL that was requested. The way that :app:`Pyramid` does this is very simple. When a request enters the system, for each route configuration declaration present in the system, :app:`Pyramid` checks the request's ``PATH_INFO`` against the pattern declared. This checking happens in the order that the routes were declared via :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route`. When a route configuration is declared, it may contain :term:`route predicate` arguments. All route predicates associated with a route declaration must be ``True`` for the route configuration to be used for a given request during a check. If any predicate in the set of :term:`route predicate` arguments provided to a route configuration returns ``False`` during a check, that route is skipped and route matching continues through the ordered set of routes. If any route matches, the route matching process stops and the :term:`view lookup` subsystem takes over to find the most reasonable view callable for the matched route. Most often, there's only one view that will match (a view configured with a ``route_name`` argument matching the matched route). To gain a better understanding of how routes and views are associated in a real application, you can use the ``pviews`` command, as documented in :ref:`displaying_matching_views`. If no route matches after all route patterns are exhausted, :app:`Pyramid` falls back to :term:`traversal` to do :term:`resource location` and :term:`view lookup`. .. index:: single: matchdict .. _matchdict: The Matchdict ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the URL pattern associated with a particular route configuration is matched by a request, a dictionary named ``matchdict`` is added as an attribute of the :term:`request` object. Thus, ``request.matchdict`` will contain the values that match replacement patterns in the ``pattern`` element. The keys in a matchdict will be strings. The values will be Unicode objects. .. note:: If no route URL pattern matches, the ``matchdict`` object attached to the request will be ``None``. .. index:: single: matched_route .. _matched_route: The Matched Route ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the URL pattern associated with a particular route configuration is matched by a request, an object named ``matched_route`` is added as an attribute of the :term:`request` object. Thus, ``request.matched_route`` will be an object implementing the :class:`~pyramid.interfaces.IRoute` interface which matched the request. The most useful attribute of the route object is ``name``, which is the name of the route that matched. .. note:: If no route URL pattern matches, the ``matched_route`` object attached to the request will be ``None``. Routing Examples ---------------- Let's check out some examples of how route configuration statements might be commonly declared, and what will happen if they are matched by the information present in a request. .. _urldispatch_example1: Example 1 ~~~~~~~~~ The simplest route declaration which configures a route match to *directly* result in a particular view callable being invoked: .. code-block:: python :linenos: config.add_route('idea', 'site/{id}') config.add_view('mypackage.views.site_view', route_name='idea') When a route configuration with a ``view`` attribute is added to the system, and an incoming request matches the *pattern* of the route configuration, the :term:`view callable` named as the ``view`` attribute of the route configuration will be invoked. In the case of the above example, when the URL of a request matches ``/site/{id}``, the view callable at the Python dotted path name ``mypackage.views.site_view`` will be called with the request. In other words, we've associated a view callable directly with a route pattern. When the ``/site/{id}`` route pattern matches during a request, the ``site_view`` view callable is invoked with that request as its sole argument. When this route matches, a ``matchdict`` will be generated and attached to the request as ``request.matchdict``. If the specific URL matched is ``/site/1``, the ``matchdict`` will be a dictionary with a single key, ``id``; the value will be the string ``'1'``, ex.: ``{'id':'1'}``. The ``mypackage.views`` module referred to above might look like so: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from pyramid.response import Response def site_view(request): return Response(request.matchdict['id']) The view has access to the matchdict directly via the request, and can access variables within it that match keys present as a result of the route pattern. See :ref:`views_chapter`, and :ref:`view_config_chapter` for more information about views. Example 2 ~~~~~~~~~ Below is an example of a more complicated set of route statements you might add to your application: .. code-block:: python :linenos: config.add_route('idea', 'ideas/{idea}') config.add_route('user', 'users/{user}') config.add_route('tag', 'tags/{tag}') config.add_view('mypackage.views.idea_view', route_name='idea') config.add_view('mypackage.views.user_view', route_name='user') config.add_view('mypackage.views.tag_view', route_name='tag') The above configuration will allow :app:`Pyramid` to service URLs in these forms: .. code-block:: text /ideas/{idea} /users/{user} /tags/{tag} - When a URL matches the pattern ``/ideas/{idea}``, the view callable available at the dotted Python pathname ``mypackage.views.idea_view`` will be called. For the specific URL ``/ideas/1``, the ``matchdict`` generated and attached to the :term:`request` will consist of ``{'idea':'1'}``. - When a URL matches the pattern ``/users/{user}``, the view callable available at the dotted Python pathname ``mypackage.views.user_view`` will be called. For the specific URL ``/users/1``, the ``matchdict`` generated and attached to the :term:`request` will consist of ``{'user':'1'}``. - When a URL matches the pattern ``/tags/{tag}``, the view callable available at the dotted Python pathname ``mypackage.views.tag_view`` will be called. For the specific URL ``/tags/1``, the ``matchdict`` generated and attached to the :term:`request` will consist of ``{'tag':'1'}``. In this example we've again associated each of our routes with a :term:`view callable` directly. In all cases, the request, which will have a ``matchdict`` attribute detailing the information found in the URL by the process will be passed to the view callable. Example 3 ~~~~~~~~~ The :term:`context` resource object passed in to a view found as the result of URL dispatch will, by default, be an instance of the object returned by the :term:`root factory` configured at startup time (the ``root_factory`` argument to the :term:`Configurator` used to configure the application). You can override this behavior by passing in a ``factory`` argument to the :meth:`~pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` method for a particular route. The ``factory`` should be a callable that accepts a :term:`request` and returns an instance of a class that will be the context resource used by the view. An example of using a route with a factory: .. code-block:: python :linenos: config.add_route('idea', 'ideas/{idea}', factory='myproject.resources.Idea') config.add_view('myproject.views.idea_view', route_name='idea') The above route will manufacture an ``Idea`` resource as a :term:`context`, assuming that ``mypackage.resources.Idea`` resolves to a class that accepts a request in its ``__init__``. For example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: class Idea(object): def __init__(self, request): pass In a more complicated application, this root factory might be a class representing a :term:`SQLAlchemy` model. See :ref:`route_factories` for more details about how to use route factories. .. index:: single: matching the root URL single: root url (matching) pair: matching; root URL Matching the Root URL --------------------- It's not entirely obvious how to use a route pattern to match the root URL ("/"). To do so, give the empty string as a pattern in a call to :meth:`~pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route`: .. code-block:: python :linenos: config.add_route('root', '') Or provide the literal string ``/`` as the pattern: .. code-block:: python :linenos: config.add_route('root', '/') .. index:: single: generating route URLs single: route URLs .. _generating_route_urls: Generating Route URLs --------------------- Use the :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.route_url` method to generate URLs based on route patterns. For example, if you've configured a route with the ``name`` "foo" and the ``pattern`` "{a}/{b}/{c}", you might do this. .. code-block:: python :linenos: url = request.route_url('foo', a='1', b='2', c='3') This would return something like the string ``http://example.com/1/2/3`` (at least if the current protocol and hostname implied ``http://example.com``). To generate only the *path* portion of a URL from a route, use the :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.route_path` API instead of :meth:`~pyramid.request.Request.route_url`. .. code-block:: python url = request.route_path('foo', a='1', b='2', c='3') This will return the string ``/1/2/3`` rather than a full URL. Replacement values passed to ``route_url`` or ``route_path`` must be Unicode or bytestrings encoded in UTF-8. One exception to this rule exists: if you're trying to replace a "remainder" match value (a ``*stararg`` replacement value), the value may be a tuple containing Unicode strings or UTF-8 strings. Note that URLs and paths generated by ``route_path`` and ``route_url`` are always URL-quoted string types (they contain no non-ASCII characters). Therefore, if you've added a route like so: .. code-block:: python config.add_route('la', u'/La Peña/{city}') And you later generate a URL using ``route_path`` or ``route_url`` like so: .. code-block:: python url = request.route_path('la', city=u'Québec') You will wind up with the path encoded to UTF-8 and URL quoted like so: .. code-block:: text /La%20Pe%C3%B1a/Qu%C3%A9bec If you have a ``*stararg`` remainder dynamic part of your route pattern: .. code-block:: python config.add_route('abc', 'a/b/c/*foo') And you later generate a URL using ``route_path`` or ``route_url`` using a *string* as the replacement value: .. code-block:: python url = request.route_path('abc', foo=u'Québec/biz') The value you pass will be URL-quoted except for embedded slashes in the result: .. code-block:: text /a/b/c/Qu%C3%A9bec/biz You can get a similar result by passing a tuple composed of path elements: .. code-block:: python url = request.route_path('abc', foo=(u'Québec', u'biz')) Each value in the tuple will be url-quoted and joined by slashes in this case: .. code-block:: text /a/b/c/Qu%C3%A9bec/biz .. index:: single: static routes .. _static_route_narr: Static Routes ------------- Routes may be added with a ``static`` keyword argument. For example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: config = Configurator() config.add_route('page', '/page/{action}', static=True) Routes added with a ``True`` ``static`` keyword argument will never be considered for matching at request time. Static routes are useful for URL generation purposes only. As a result, it is usually nonsensical to provide other non-``name`` and non-``pattern`` arguments to :meth:`~pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` when ``static`` is passed as ``True``, as none of the other arguments will ever be employed. A single exception to this rule is use of the ``pregenerator`` argument, which is not ignored when ``static`` is ``True``. .. note:: the ``static`` argument to :meth:`~pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` is new as of :app:`Pyramid` 1.1. .. index:: single: redirecting to slash-appended routes .. _redirecting_to_slash_appended_routes: Redirecting to Slash-Appended Routes ------------------------------------ For behavior like Django's ``APPEND_SLASH=True``, use the ``append_slash`` argument to :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_notfound_view` or the equivalent ``append_slash`` argument to the :class:`pyramid.view.notfound_view_config` decorator. Adding ``append_slash=True`` is a way to automatically redirect requests where the URL lacks a trailing slash, but requires one to match the proper route. When configured, along with at least one other route in your application, this view will be invoked if the value of ``PATH_INFO`` does not already end in a slash, and if the value of ``PATH_INFO`` *plus* a slash matches any route's pattern. In this case it does an HTTP redirect to the slash-appended ``PATH_INFO``. Let's use an example. If the following routes are configured in your application: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound def notfound(request): return HTTPNotFound('Not found, bro.') def no_slash(request): return Response('No slash') def has_slash(request): return Response('Has slash') def main(g, **settings): config = Configurator() config.add_route('noslash', 'no_slash') config.add_route('hasslash', 'has_slash/') config.add_view(no_slash, route_name='noslash') config.add_view(has_slash, route_name='hasslash') config.add_notfound_view(notfound, append_slash=True) If a request enters the application with the ``PATH_INFO`` value of ``/no_slash``, the first route will match and the browser will show "No slash". However, if a request enters the application with the ``PATH_INFO`` value of ``/no_slash/``, *no* route will match, and the slash-appending not found view will not find a matching route with an appended slash. As a result, the ``notfound`` view will be called and it will return a "Not found, bro." body. If a request enters the application with the ``PATH_INFO`` value of ``/has_slash/``, the second route will match. If a request enters the application with the ``PATH_INFO`` value of ``/has_slash``, a route *will* be found by the slash-appending not found view. An HTTP redirect to ``/has_slash/`` will be returned to the user's browser. As a result, the ``notfound`` view will never actually be called. The following application uses the :class:`pyramid.view.notfound_view_config` and :class:`pyramid.view.view_config` decorators and a :term:`scan` to do exactly the same job: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound from pyramid.view import notfound_view_config, view_config @notfound_view_config(append_slash=True) def notfound(request): return HTTPNotFound('Not found, bro.') @view_config(route_name='noslash') def no_slash(request): return Response('No slash') @view_config(route_name='hasslash') def has_slash(request): return Response('Has slash') def main(g, **settings): config = Configurator() config.add_route('noslash', 'no_slash') config.add_route('hasslash', 'has_slash/') config.scan() .. warning:: You **should not** rely on this mechanism to redirect ``POST`` requests. The redirect of the slash-appending not found view will turn a ``POST`` request into a ``GET``, losing any ``POST`` data in the original request. See :ref:`view_module` and :ref:`changing_the_notfound_view` for a more general description of how to configure a view and/or a not found view. .. index:: pair: debugging; route matching .. _debug_routematch_section: Debugging Route Matching ------------------------ It's useful to be able to take a peek under the hood when requests that enter your application arent matching your routes as you expect them to. To debug route matching, use the ``PYRAMID_DEBUG_ROUTEMATCH`` environment variable or the ``pyramid.debug_routematch`` configuration file setting (set either to ``true``). Details of the route matching decision for a particular request to the :app:`Pyramid` application will be printed to the ``stderr`` of the console which you started the application from. For example: .. code-block:: text :linenos: [chrism@thinko pylonsbasic]$ PYRAMID_DEBUG_ROUTEMATCH=true \ bin/pserve development.ini Starting server in PID 13586. serving on view at 2010-12-16 14:45:19,956 no route matched for url \ http://localhost:6543/wontmatch 2010-12-16 14:45:20,010 no route matched for url \ http://localhost:6543/favicon.ico 2010-12-16 14:41:52,084 route matched for url \ http://localhost:6543/static/logo.png; \ route_name: 'static/', .... See :ref:`environment_chapter` for more information about how, and where to set these values. You can also use the ``proutes`` command to see a display of all the routes configured in your application; for more information, see :ref:`displaying_application_routes`. .. _route_prefix: Using a Route Prefix to Compose Applications -------------------------------------------- .. note:: This feature is new as of :app:`Pyramid` 1.2. The :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.include` method allows configuration statements to be included from separate files. See :ref:`building_an_extensible_app` for information about this method. Using :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.include` allows you to build your application from small and potentially reusable components. The :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.include` method accepts an argument named ``route_prefix`` which can be useful to authors of URL-dispatch-based applications. If ``route_prefix`` is supplied to the include method, it must be a string. This string represents a route prefix that will be prepended to all route patterns added by the *included* configuration. Any calls to :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` within the included callable will have their pattern prefixed with the value of ``route_prefix``. This can be used to help mount a set of routes at a different location than the included callable's author intended while still maintaining the same route names. For example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from pyramid.config import Configurator def users_include(config): config.add_route('show_users', '/show') def main(global_config, **settings): config = Configurator() config.include(users_include, route_prefix='/users') In the above configuration, the ``show_users`` route will have an effective route pattern of ``/users/show``, instead of ``/show`` because the ``route_prefix`` argument will be prepended to the pattern. The route will then only match if the URL path is ``/users/show``, and when the :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.route_url` function is called with the route name ``show_users``, it will generate a URL with that same path. Route prefixes are recursive, so if a callable executed via an include itself turns around and includes another callable, the second-level route prefix will be prepended with the first: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from pyramid.config import Configurator def timing_include(config): config.add_route('show_times', '/times') def users_include(config): config.add_route('show_users', '/show') config.include(timing_include, route_prefix='/timing') def main(global_config, **settings): config = Configurator() config.include(users_include, route_prefix='/users') In the above configuration, the ``show_users`` route will still have an effective route pattern of ``/users/show``. The ``show_times`` route however, will have an effective pattern of ``/users/timing/times``. Route prefixes have no impact on the requirement that the set of route *names* in any given Pyramid configuration must be entirely unique. If you compose your URL dispatch application out of many small subapplications using :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.include`, it's wise to use a dotted name for your route names, so they'll be unlikely to conflict with other packages that may be added in the future. For example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from pyramid.config import Configurator def timing_include(config): config.add_route('timing.show_times', '/times') def users_include(config): config.add_route('users.show_users', '/show') config.include(timing_include, route_prefix='/timing') def main(global_config, **settings): config = Configurator() config.include(users_include, route_prefix='/users') .. index:: single: route predicates (custom) .. _custom_route_predicates: Custom Route Predicates ----------------------- Each of the predicate callables fed to the ``custom_predicates`` argument of :meth:`~pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` must be a callable accepting two arguments. The first argument passed to a custom predicate is a dictionary conventionally named ``info``. The second argument is the current :term:`request` object. The ``info`` dictionary has a number of contained values: ``match`` is a dictionary: it represents the arguments matched in the URL by the route. ``route`` is an object representing the route which was matched (see :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IRoute` for the API of such a route object). ``info['match']`` is useful when predicates need access to the route match. For example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: def any_of(segment_name, *allowed): def predicate(info, request): if info['match'][segment_name] in allowed: return True return predicate num_one_two_or_three = any_of('num', 'one', 'two', 'three') config.add_route('route_to_num', '/{num}', custom_predicates=(num_one_two_or_three,)) The above ``any_of`` function generates a predicate which ensures that the match value named ``segment_name`` is in the set of allowable values represented by ``allowed``. We use this ``any_of`` function to generate a predicate function named ``num_one_two_or_three``, which ensures that the ``num`` segment is one of the values ``one``, ``two``, or ``three`` , and use the result as a custom predicate by feeding it inside a tuple to the ``custom_predicates`` argument to :meth:`~pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route`. A custom route predicate may also *modify* the ``match`` dictionary. For instance, a predicate might do some type conversion of values: .. code-block:: python :linenos: def integers(*segment_names): def predicate(info, request): match = info['match'] for segment_name in segment_names: try: match[segment_name] = int(match[segment_name]) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass return True return predicate ymd_to_int = integers('year', 'month', 'day') config.add_route('ymd', '/{year}/{month}/{day}', custom_predicates=(ymd_to_int,)) Note that a conversion predicate is still a predicate so it must return ``True`` or ``False``; a predicate that does *only* conversion, such as the one we demonstrate above should unconditionally return ``True``. To avoid the try/except uncertainty, the route pattern can contain regular expressions specifying requirements for that marker. For instance: .. code-block:: python :linenos: def integers(*segment_names): def predicate(info, request): match = info['match'] for segment_name in segment_names: match[segment_name] = int(match[segment_name]) return True return predicate ymd_to_int = integers('year', 'month', 'day') config.add_route('ymd', '/{year:\d+}/{month:\d+}/{day:\d+}', custom_predicates=(ymd_to_int,)) Now the try/except is no longer needed because the route will not match at all unless these markers match ``\d+`` which requires them to be valid digits for an ``int`` type conversion. The ``match`` dictionary passed within ``info`` to each predicate attached to a route will be the same dictionary. Therefore, when registering a custom predicate which modifies the ``match`` dict, the code registering the predicate should usually arrange for the predicate to be the *last* custom predicate in the custom predicate list. Otherwise, custom predicates which fire subsequent to the predicate which performs the ``match`` modification will receive the *modified* match dictionary. .. warning:: It is a poor idea to rely on ordering of custom predicates to build a conversion pipeline, where one predicate depends on the side effect of another. For instance, it's a poor idea to register two custom predicates, one which handles conversion of a value to an int, the next which handles conversion of that integer to some custom object. Just do all that in a single custom predicate. The ``route`` object in the ``info`` dict is an object that has two useful attributes: ``name`` and ``pattern``. The ``name`` attribute is the route name. The ``pattern`` attribute is the route pattern. An example of using the route in a set of route predicates: .. code-block:: python :linenos: def twenty_ten(info, request): if info['route'].name in ('ymd', 'ym', 'y'): return info['match']['year'] == '2010' config.add_route('y', '/{year}', custom_predicates=(twenty_ten,)) config.add_route('ym', '/{year}/{month}', custom_predicates=(twenty_ten,)) config.add_route('ymd', '/{year}/{month}/{day}', custom_predicates=(twenty_ten,)) The above predicate, when added to a number of route configurations ensures that the year match argument is '2010' if and only if the route name is 'ymd', 'ym', or 'y'. You can also caption the predicates by setting the ``__text__`` attribute. This will help you with the ``pviews`` command (see :ref:`displaying_application_routes`) and the ``pyramid_debugtoolbar``. If a predicate is a class just add __text__ property in a standard manner. .. code-block:: python :linenos: class DummyCustomPredicate1(object): def __init__(self): self.__text__ = 'my custom class predicate' class DummyCustomPredicate2(object): __text__ = 'my custom class predicate' If a predicate is a method you'll need to assign it after method declaration (see `PEP 232 `_) .. code-block:: python :linenos: def custom_predicate(): pass custom_predicate.__text__ = 'my custom method predicate' If a predicate is a classmethod using @classmethod will not work, but you can still easily do it by wrapping it in classmethod call. .. code-block:: python :linenos: def classmethod_predicate(): pass classmethod_predicate.__text__ = 'my classmethod predicate' classmethod_predicate = classmethod(classmethod_predicate) Same will work with staticmethod, just use ``staticmethod`` instead of ``classmethod``. See also :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IRoute` for more API documentation about route objects. .. index:: single: route factory .. _route_factories: Route Factories --------------- Although it is not a particular common need in basic applications, a "route" configuration declaration can mention a "factory". When that route matches a request, and a factory is attached to a route, the :term:`root factory` passed at startup time to the :term:`Configurator` is ignored; instead the factory associated with the route is used to generate a :term:`root` object. This object will usually be used as the :term:`context` resource of the view callable ultimately found via :term:`view lookup`. .. code-block:: python :linenos: config.add_route('abc', '/abc', factory='myproject.resources.root_factory') config.add_view('myproject.views.theview', route_name='abc') The factory can either be a Python object or a :term:`dotted Python name` (a string) which points to such a Python object, as it is above. In this way, each route can use a different factory, making it possible to supply a different :term:`context` resource object to the view related to each particular route. A factory must be a callable which accepts a request and returns an arbitrary Python object. For example, the below class can be used as a factory: .. code-block:: python :linenos: class Mine(object): def __init__(self, request): pass A route factory is actually conceptually identical to the :term:`root factory` described at :ref:`the_resource_tree`. Supplying a different resource factory for each route is useful when you're trying to use a :app:`Pyramid` :term:`authorization policy` to provide declarative, "context sensitive" security checks; each resource can maintain a separate :term:`ACL`, as documented in :ref:`using_security_with_urldispatch`. It is also useful when you wish to combine URL dispatch with :term:`traversal` as documented within :ref:`hybrid_chapter`. .. index:: pair: URL dispatch; security .. _using_security_with_urldispatch: Using :app:`Pyramid` Security With URL Dispatch -------------------------------------------------- :app:`Pyramid` provides its own security framework which consults an :term:`authorization policy` before allowing any application code to be called. This framework operates in terms of an access control list, which is stored as an ``__acl__`` attribute of a resource object. A common thing to want to do is to attach an ``__acl__`` to the resource object dynamically for declarative security purposes. You can use the ``factory`` argument that points at a factory which attaches a custom ``__acl__`` to an object at its creation time. Such a ``factory`` might look like so: .. code-block:: python :linenos: class Article(object): def __init__(self, request): matchdict = request.matchdict article = matchdict.get('article', None) if article == '1': self.__acl__ = [ (Allow, 'editor', 'view') ] If the route ``archives/{article}`` is matched, and the article number is ``1``, :app:`Pyramid` will generate an ``Article`` :term:`context` resource with an ACL on it that allows the ``editor`` principal the ``view`` permission. Obviously you can do more generic things than inspect the routes match dict to see if the ``article`` argument matches a particular string; our sample ``Article`` factory class is not very ambitious. .. note:: See :ref:`security_chapter` for more information about :app:`Pyramid` security and ACLs. .. index:: pair: route; view callable lookup details Route View Callable Registration and Lookup Details --------------------------------------------------- When a request enters the system which matches the pattern of the route, the usual result is simple: the view callable associated with the route is invoked with the request that caused the invocation. For most usage, you needn't understand more than this; how it works is an implementation detail. In the interest of completeness, however, we'll explain how it *does* work in the this section. You can skip it if you're uninterested. When a view is associated with a route configuration, :app:`Pyramid` ensures that a :term:`view configuration` is registered that will always be found when the route pattern is matched during a request. To do so: - A special route-specific :term:`interface` is created at startup time for each route configuration declaration. - When an ``add_view`` statement mentions a ``route name`` attribute, a :term:`view configuration` is registered at startup time. This view configuration uses a route-specific interface as a :term:`request` type. - At runtime, when a request causes any route to match, the :term:`request` object is decorated with the route-specific interface. - The fact that the request is decorated with a route-specific interface causes the :term:`view lookup` machinery to always use the view callable registered using that interface by the route configuration to service requests that match the route pattern. As we can see from the above description, technically, URL dispatch doesn't actually map a URL pattern directly to a view callable. Instead, URL dispatch is a :term:`resource location` mechanism. A :app:`Pyramid` :term:`resource location` subsystem (i.e., :term:`URL dispatch` or :term:`traversal`) finds a :term:`resource` object that is the :term:`context` of a :term:`request`. Once the :term:`context` is determined, a separate subsystem named :term:`view lookup` is then responsible for finding and invoking a :term:`view callable` based on information available in the context and the request. When URL dispatch is used, the resource location and view lookup subsystems provided by :app:`Pyramid` are still being utilized, but in a way which does not require a developer to understand either of them in detail. If no route is matched using :term:`URL dispatch`, :app:`Pyramid` falls back to :term:`traversal` to handle the :term:`request`. References ---------- A tutorial showing how :term:`URL dispatch` can be used to create a :app:`Pyramid` application exists in :ref:`bfg_sql_wiki_tutorial`.