""" Utility functions for dealing with URLs in repoze.bfg """ import os from repoze.lru import lru_cache from repoze.bfg.interfaces import IContextURL from repoze.bfg.interfaces import IRoutesMapper from repoze.bfg.interfaces import IStaticURLInfo from repoze.bfg.encode import urlencode from repoze.bfg.path import caller_package from repoze.bfg.threadlocal import get_current_registry from repoze.bfg.traversal import TraversalContextURL from repoze.bfg.traversal import quote_path_segment def route_url(route_name, request, *elements, **kw): """Generates a fully qualified URL for a named :mod:`repoze.bfg` :term:`route configuration`. Use the route's ``name`` as the first positional argument. Use a request object as the second positional argument. Additional positional arguments are appended to the URL as path segments after it is generated. Use keyword arguments to supply values which match any dynamic path elements in the route definition. Raises a :exc:`KeyError` exception if the URL cannot be generated for any reason (not enough arguments, for example). For example, if you've defined a route named "foobar" with the path ``:foo/:bar/*traverse``:: route_url('foobar', request, foo='1') => route_url('foobar', request, foo='1', bar='2') => route_url('foobar', request, foo='1', bar='2', 'traverse=('a','b')) => http://e.com/1/2/a/b route_url('foobar', request, foo='1', bar='2', 'traverse=('/a/b')) => http://e.com/1/2/a/b Values replacing ``:segment`` arguments can be passed as strings or Unicode objects. They will be encoded to UTF-8 and URL-quoted before being placed into the generated URL. Values replacing ``*remainder`` arguments can be passed as strings *or* tuples of Unicode/string values. If a tuple is passed as a ``*remainder`` replacement value, its values are URL-quoted and encoded to UTF-8. The resulting strings are joined with slashes and rendered into the URL. If a string is passed as a ``*remainder`` replacement value, it is tacked on to the URL untouched. If a keyword argument ``_query`` is present, it will used to compose a query string that will be tacked on to the end of the URL. The value of ``_query`` must be a sequence of two-tuples *or* a data structure with an ``.items()`` method that returns a sequence of two-tuples (presumably a dictionary). This data structure will be turned into a query string per the documentation of :func:`repoze.bfg.encode.urlencode` function. After the query data is turned into a query string, a leading ``?`` is prepended, and the resulting string is appended to the generated URL. .. note:: Python data structures that are passed as ``_query`` which are sequences or dictionaries are turned into a string under the same rules as when run through :func:`urllib.urlencode` with the ``doseq`` argument equal to ``True``. This means that sequences can be passed as values, and a k=v pair will be placed into the query string for each value. If a keyword argument ``_anchor`` is present, its string representation will be used as a named anchor in the generated URL (e.g. if ``_anchor`` is passed as ``foo`` and the model URL is ``http://example.com/model/url``, the resulting generated URL will be ``http://example.com/model/url#foo``). .. note:: If ``_anchor`` is passed as a string, it should be UTF-8 encoded. If ``_anchor`` is passed as a Unicode object, it will be converted to UTF-8 before being appended to the URL. The anchor value is not quoted in any way before being appended to the generated URL. If both ``_anchor`` and ``_query`` are specified, the anchor element will always follow the query element, e.g. ``http://example.com?foo=1#bar``. If a keyword ``_app_url`` is present, it will be used as the protocol/hostname/port/leading path prefix of the generated URL. For example, using an ``_app_url`` of ``http://example.com:8080/foo`` would cause the URL ``http://example.com:8080/foo/fleeb/flub`` to be returned from this function if the expansion of the route pattern associated with the ``route_name`` expanded to ``/fleeb/flub``. If ``_app_url`` is not specified, the result of ``request.application_url`` will be used as the prefix (the default). .. note:: Special treatment of ``_app_url`` was added in :mod:`repoze.bfg` 1.3. This function raises a :exc:`KeyError` if the URL cannot be generated due to missing replacement names. Extra replacement names are ignored. """ try: reg = request.registry except AttributeError: reg = get_current_registry() # b/c mapper = reg.getUtility(IRoutesMapper) anchor = '' qs = '' app_url = None if '_query' in kw: qs = '?' + urlencode(kw.pop('_query'), doseq=True) if '_anchor' in kw: anchor = kw.pop('_anchor') if isinstance(anchor, unicode): anchor = anchor.encode('utf-8') anchor = '#' + anchor if '_app_url' in kw: app_url = kw.pop('_app_url') path = mapper.generate(route_name, kw) # raises KeyError if generate fails if elements: suffix = _join_elements(elements) if not path.endswith('/'): suffix = '/' + suffix else: suffix = '' if app_url is None: # we only defer lookup of application_url until here because # it's somewhat expensive; we won't need to do it if we've # been passed _app_url app_url = request.application_url return app_url + path + suffix + qs + anchor def model_url(model, request, *elements, **kw): """ Generate a string representing the absolute URL of the ``model`` object based on the ``wsgi.url_scheme``, ``HTTP_HOST`` or ``SERVER_NAME`` in the ``request``, plus any ``SCRIPT_NAME``. The overall result of this function is always a UTF-8 encoded string (never Unicode). Examples:: model_url(context, request) => http://example.com/ model_url(context, request, 'a.html') => http://example.com/a.html model_url(context, request, 'a.html', query={'q':'1'}) => http://example.com/a.html?q=1 model_url(context, request, 'a.html', anchor='abc') => http://example.com/a.html#abc Any positional arguments passed in as ``elements`` must be strings or Unicode objects. These will be joined by slashes and appended to the generated model URL. Each of the elements passed in is URL-quoted before being appended; if any element is Unicode, it will converted to a UTF-8 bytestring before being URL-quoted. .. warning:: if no ``elements`` arguments are specified, the model URL will end with a trailing slash. If any ``elements`` are used, the generated URL will *not* end in trailing a slash. If a keyword argument ``query`` is present, it will used to compose a query string that will be tacked on to the end of the URL. The value of ``query`` must be a sequence of two-tuples *or* a data structure with an ``.items()`` method that returns a sequence of two-tuples (presumably a dictionary). This data structure will be turned into a query string per the documentation of ``repoze.url.urlencode`` function. After the query data is turned into a query string, a leading ``?`` is prepended, and the resulting string is appended to the generated URL. .. note:: Python data structures that are passed as ``query`` which are sequences or dictionaries are turned into a string under the same rules as when run through :func:`urllib.urlencode` with the ``doseq`` argument equal to ``True``. This means that sequences can be passed as values, and a k=v pair will be placed into the query string for each value. If a keyword argument ``anchor`` is present, its string representation will be used as a named anchor in the generated URL (e.g. if ``anchor`` is passed as ``foo`` and the model URL is ``http://example.com/model/url``, the resulting generated URL will be ``http://example.com/model/url#foo``). .. note:: If ``anchor`` is passed as a string, it should be UTF-8 encoded. If ``anchor`` is passed as a Unicode object, it will be converted to UTF-8 before being appended to the URL. The anchor value is not quoted in any way before being appended to the generated URL. If both ``anchor`` and ``query`` are specified, the anchor element will always follow the query element, e.g. ``http://example.com?foo=1#bar``. .. note:: If the ``model`` used is the result of a :term:`traversal`, it must be :term:`location`-aware. The ``model`` can also be the context of a :term:`URL dispatch`; contexts found this way do not need to be location-aware. .. note:: If a 'virtual root path' is present in the request environment (the value of the WSGI environ key ``HTTP_X_VHM_ROOT``), and the ``model`` was obtained via :term:`traversal`, the URL path will not include the virtual root prefix (it will be stripped off the left hand side of the generated URL). """ try: reg = request.registry except AttributeError: reg = get_current_registry() # b/c context_url = reg.queryMultiAdapter((model, request), IContextURL) if context_url is None: context_url = TraversalContextURL(model, request) model_url = context_url() qs = '' anchor = '' if 'query' in kw: qs = '?' + urlencode(kw['query'], doseq=True) if 'anchor' in kw: anchor = kw['anchor'] if isinstance(anchor, unicode): anchor = anchor.encode('utf-8') anchor = '#' + anchor if elements: suffix = _join_elements(elements) else: suffix = '' return model_url + suffix + qs + anchor def static_url(path, request, **kw): """ Generates a fully qualified URL for a static :term:`resource`. The resource must live within a location defined via the :meth:`repoze.bfg.configuration.Configurator.add_static_view` :term:`configuration declaration` or the ```` ZCML directive (see :ref:`static_resources_section`). Example:: static_url('mypackage:static/foo.css', request) => http://example.com/static/foo.css The ``path`` argument points at a file or directory on disk which a URL should be generated for. The ``path`` may be either a relative path (e.g. ``static/foo.css``) or a :term:`resource specification` (e.g. ``mypackage:static/foo.css``). A ``path`` may not be an absolute filesystem path (a :exc:`ValueError` will be raised if this function is supplied with an absolute path). The ``request`` argument should be a :term:`request` object. The purpose of the ``**kw`` argument is the same as the purpose of the :func:`repoze.bfg.url.route_url` ``**kw`` argument. See the documentation for that function to understand the arguments which you can provide to it. However, typically, you don't need to pass anything as ``*kw`` when generating a static resource URL. This function raises a :exc:`ValueError` if a static view definition cannot be found which matches the path specification. .. note:: This feature is new in :mod:`repoze.bfg` 1.1. """ if os.path.isabs(path): raise ValueError('Absolute paths cannot be used to generate static ' 'urls (use a package-relative path or a resource ' 'specification).') if not ':' in path: # if it's not a package:relative/name and it's not an # /absolute/path it's a relative/path; this means its relative # to the package in which the caller's module is defined. package = caller_package() path = '%s:%s' % (package.__name__, path) try: reg = request.registry except AttributeError: reg = get_current_registry() # b/c info = reg.queryUtility(IStaticURLInfo) if info is None: raise ValueError('No static URL definition matching %s' % path) return info.generate(path, request, **kw) @lru_cache(1000) def _join_elements(elements): return '/'.join([quote_path_segment(s) for s in elements])