Pyramid TODOs ============= Nice-to-Have ------------ - Consider adding exclog to all scaffolds to print tracebacks to the console while the debug toolbar is enabled. - Add narrative docs for wsgiapp and wsgiapp2. - Better "Extending" chapter. - Flesh out "Paste" narrative docs chapter. - Basic WSGI documentation (pipeline / app / server). - Change docs about creating a venusian decorator to not use ZCA. - Try to better explain the relationship between a renderer and a template in the templates chapter and elsewhere. Scan the documentation for reference to a renderer as *only* view configuration (it's a larger concept now). - Add better docs about what-to-do-when-behind-a-proxy: paste.urlmap ("/foo = app1" and "domain app1.localhost = app1"), ProxyPreserveHost and the nginx equivalent, preserving HTTPS URLs. - _fix_registry should dictify the registry being fixed. - Make "localizer" a property of request (instead of requiring "get_localizer(request)"? - Alias the stupid long default session factory name. - Debug option to print view matching decision (e.g. debug_viewlookup or so). - Non-bwcompat use of threadlocals that need to be documented or ameliorated: security.principals_allowed_by_permission resource.OverrideProvider._get_overrides: can't credibly be removed, because it stores an overrideprovider as a module-scope global. traversal.traverse: this API is a stepchild, and needs to be changed. Configurator.add_translation_dirs: not passed any context but a message, can't credibly be removed. - Deprecate (it only works for traversal). - Create a function which performs a recursive request. - Create a ``render_view`` that works by using config.derive_view against an existing view callable instead of querying the registry (some sort of API for rendering a view callable object to a response from within another view callable). Possible idea: have config.add_view mark up the function/method/class like @view_config does, then use the attached info to derive a view callable whenever called via some API. - Provide a ``has_view`` function. - Update App engine chapter with less creaky directions. - Introspection features (whatever is needed by Alan/ptah). Future ------ - 1.5: turn ``pyramid.settings.Settings`` into a function that returns the original dict (after ``__getattr__`` deprecation period, it was deprecated in 1.2). - 1.3: Kill off ``bfg.routes`` envvars in router. - 1.3/1.4: - Eliminate non-deployment-non-scaffold-related Paste dependencies: ``paste.urlparser.StaticURLParser``, ``paste.auth.auth_tkt`` (cutnpaste or reimplement both). - 1.3/1.4: use zope.registry rather than zope.component. - 1.3/1.4: get rid of zope.configuration dependency. This will also speed up startup time (defer _bootstrap and registerCommonDirectives() until needed). - 1.3: Michael's route group work - 1.3: Add a default-view-config-params decorator that can be applied to a class which names defaults for method-based view_config decorator options. - 1.4: Remove ``chameleon_text`` / ``chameleon_zpt`` deprecated functions (render_*) - 1.4: Remove ``pyramid.configuration.ConfigurationError`` (deprecated). - 1.4: Remove ``pyramid.paster.PyramidTemplate`` (deprecated). - 1.3: Remove ``pyramid.renderers.renderer_from_name`` (deprecated). - 1.5: Remove ``pyramid.requests.DeprecatedRequestMethodsMixin``. - 1.4: Remove ``pyramid.settings.get_settings`` (deprecated). - 1.5: Remove all deprecated ``pyramid.testing`` functions. Probably Bad Ideas ------------------ - Add functionality that mocks the behavior of ``repoze.browserid``. - Consider implementing the API outlined in, phasing out the current auth-n-auth abstractions in a backwards compatible way. - Maybe add ``add_renderer_globals`` method to Configurator. - Supply ``X-Vhm-Host`` support (probably better to do what paste#prefix middleware does).