.. _qtut_cookiecutters: ================================================= Prelude: Quick Project Startup with Cookiecutters ================================================= To ease the process of getting started on a project, the Pylons Project provides :term:`cookiecutter`\ s that generate sample :app:`Pyramid` projects from project templates. These cookiecutters will install :app:`Pyramid` and its dependencies as well. We will still cover many topics of web application development using :app:`Pyramid`, but it's good to know of this facility. This prelude will demonstrate how to get a working :app:`Pyramid` web application running via ``cookiecutter``. Objectives ========== - Use a cookiecutter to make a new project. - Start up a :app:`Pyramid` application and visit it in a web browser. Steps ===== #. Install cookiecutter into your virtual environment. .. code-block:: bash $VENV/bin/pip install cookiecutter #. Let's use the cookiecutter ``pyramid-cookiecutter-starter`` to create a starter :app:`Pyramid` project in the current directory, entering values at the prompts as shown below for the following command. .. code-block:: bash $ $VENV/bin/cookiecutter https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid-cookiecutter-starter If prompted for the first item, accept the default ``yes`` by hitting return. .. code-block:: text You've cloned ~/.cookiecutters/pyramid-cookiecutter-starter before. Is it okay to delete and re-clone it? [yes]: yes project_name [Pyramid Scaffold]: cc_starter repo_name [cc_starter]: cc_starter Select template_language: 1 - jinja2 2 - chameleon 3 - mako Choose from 1, 2, 3 [1]: 1 #. We then run through the following commands. .. code-block:: bash # Change directory into your newly created project. $ cd cc_starter # Create a new virtual environment... $ python3 -m venv env # ...where we upgrade packaging tools... $ env/bin/pip install --upgrade pip setuptools # ...and into which we install our project. $ env/bin/pip install -e . #. Start up the application by pointing :app:`Pyramid`'s ``pserve`` command at the project's (generated) configuration file: .. code-block:: bash $ env/bin/pserve development.ini --reload On start up, ``pserve`` logs some output: .. code-block:: text Starting subprocess with file monitor Starting server in PID 73732. Serving on http://localhost:6543 Serving on http://localhost:6543 #. Open http://localhost:6543/ in your browser. Analysis ======== Rather than starting from scratch, a cookiecutter can make it easy to get a Python project containing a working :app:`Pyramid` application. The Pylons Project provides `several cookiecutters `_. ``pserve`` is :app:`Pyramid`'s application runner, separating operational details from your code. When you install :app:`Pyramid`, a small command program called ``pserve`` is written to your ``bin`` directory. This program is an executable Python module. It is passed a configuration file (in this case, ``development.ini``).