from codecs import utf_8_decode from codecs import utf_8_encode import datetime import re import time from paste.auth import auth_tkt from paste.request import get_cookies from zope.interface import implements from pyramid.interfaces import IAuthenticationPolicy from pyramid.request import add_global_response_headers from import Authenticated from import Everyone VALID_TOKEN = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+_-]*$") class CallbackAuthenticationPolicy(object): """ Abstract class """ def authenticated_userid(self, request): userid = self.unauthenticated_userid(request) if userid is None: return None if self.callback is None: return userid if self.callback(userid, request) is not None: # is not None! return userid def effective_principals(self, request): effective_principals = [Everyone] userid = self.unauthenticated_userid(request) if userid is None: return effective_principals if self.callback is None: groups = [] else: groups = self.callback(userid, request) if groups is None: # is None! return effective_principals effective_principals.append(Authenticated) effective_principals.append(userid) effective_principals.extend(groups) return effective_principals class RepozeWho1AuthenticationPolicy(CallbackAuthenticationPolicy): """ A :app:`Pyramid` :term:`authentication policy` which obtains data from the :mod:`repoze.who` 1.X WSGI 'API' (the ``repoze.who.identity`` key in the WSGI environment). Constructor Arguments ``identifier_name`` Default: ``auth_tkt``. The :mod:`repoze.who` plugin name that performs remember/forget. Optional. ``callback`` Default: ``None``. A callback passed the :mod:`repoze.who` identity and the :term:`request`, expected to return ``None`` if the user represented by the identity doesn't exist or a sequence of principal identifiers (possibly empty) representing groups if the user does exist. If ``callback`` is None, the userid will be assumed to exist with no group principals. Objects of this class implement the interface described by :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IAuthenticationPolicy`. """ implements(IAuthenticationPolicy) def __init__(self, identifier_name='auth_tkt', callback=None): self.identifier_name = identifier_name self.callback = callback def _get_identity(self, request): return request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity') def _get_identifier(self, request): plugins = request.environ.get('repoze.who.plugins') if plugins is None: return None identifier = plugins[self.identifier_name] return identifier def authenticated_userid(self, request): identity = self._get_identity(request) if identity is None: return None if self.callback is None: return identity['repoze.who.userid'] if self.callback(identity, request) is not None: # is not None! return identity['repoze.who.userid'] def unauthenticated_userid(self, request): identity = self._get_identity(request) if identity is None: return None return identity['repoze.who.userid'] def effective_principals(self, request): effective_principals = [Everyone] identity = self._get_identity(request) if identity is None: return effective_principals if self.callback is None: groups = [] else: groups = self.callback(identity, request) if groups is None: # is None! return effective_principals userid = identity['repoze.who.userid'] effective_principals.append(Authenticated) effective_principals.append(userid) effective_principals.extend(groups) return effective_principals def remember(self, request, principal, **kw): identifier = self._get_identifier(request) if identifier is None: return [] environ = request.environ identity = {'repoze.who.userid':principal} return identifier.remember(environ, identity) def forget(self, request): identifier = self._get_identifier(request) if identifier is None: return [] identity = self._get_identity(request) return identifier.forget(request.environ, identity) class RemoteUserAuthenticationPolicy(CallbackAuthenticationPolicy): """ A :app:`Pyramid` :term:`authentication policy` which obtains data from the ``REMOTE_USER`` WSGI environment variable. Constructor Arguments ``environ_key`` Default: ``REMOTE_USER``. The key in the WSGI environ which provides the userid. ``callback`` Default: ``None``. A callback passed the userid and the request, expected to return None if the userid doesn't exist or a sequence of principal identifiers (possibly empty) representing groups if the user does exist. If ``callback`` is None, the userid will be assumed to exist with no group principals. Objects of this class implement the interface described by :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IAuthenticationPolicy`. """ implements(IAuthenticationPolicy) def __init__(self, environ_key='REMOTE_USER', callback=None): self.environ_key = environ_key self.callback = callback def unauthenticated_userid(self, request): return request.environ.get(self.environ_key) def remember(self, request, principal, **kw): return [] def forget(self, request): return [] class AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy(CallbackAuthenticationPolicy): """ A :app:`Pyramid` :term:`authentication policy` which obtains data from an :class:`paste.auth.auth_tkt` cookie. Constructor Arguments ``secret`` The secret (a string) used for auth_tkt cookie signing. Required. ``callback`` Default: ``None``. A callback passed the userid and the request, expected to return ``None`` if the userid doesn't exist or a sequence of principal identifiers (possibly empty) if the user does exist. If ``callback`` is ``None``, the userid will be assumed to exist with no principals. Optional. ``cookie_name`` Default: ``auth_tkt``. The cookie name used (string). Optional. ``secure`` Default: ``False``. Only send the cookie back over a secure conn. Optional. ``include_ip`` Default: ``False``. Make the requesting IP address part of the authentication data in the cookie. Optional. ``timeout`` Default: ``None``. Maximum number of seconds which a newly issued ticket will be considered valid. After this amount of time, the ticket will expire (effectively logging the user out). If this value is ``None``, the ticket never expires. Optional. ``reissue_time`` Default: ``None``. If this parameter is set, it represents the number of seconds that must pass before an authentication token cookie is automatically reissued as the result of a request which requires authentication. The duration is measured as the number of seconds since the last auth_tkt cookie was issued and 'now'. If this value is ``0``, a new ticket cookie will be reissued on every request which requires authentication. A good rule of thumb: if you want auto-expired cookies based on inactivity: set the ``timeout`` value to 1200 (20 mins) and set the ``reissue_time`` value to perhaps a tenth of the ``timeout`` value (120 or 2 mins). It's nonsensical to set the ``timeout`` value lower than the ``reissue_time`` value, as the ticket will never be reissued if so. However, such a configuration is not explicitly prevented. Optional. ``max_age`` Default: ``None``. The max age of the auth_tkt cookie, in seconds. This differs from ``timeout`` inasmuch as ``timeout`` represents the lifetime of the ticket contained in the cookie, while this value represents the lifetime of the cookie itself. When this value is set, the cookie's ``Max-Age`` and ``Expires`` settings will be set, allowing the auth_tkt cookie to last between browser sessions. It is typically nonsensical to set this to a value that is lower than ``timeout`` or ``reissue_time``, although it is not explicitly prevented. Optional. ``path`` Default: ``/``. The path for which the auth_tkt cookie is valid. May be desirable if the application only serves part of a domain. Optional. ``http_only`` Default: ``False``. Hide cookie from JavaScript by setting the HttpOnly flag. Not honored by all browsers. Optional. ``wild_domain`` Default: ``True``. An auth_tkt cookie will be generated for the wildcard domain. Optional. Objects of this class implement the interface described by :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IAuthenticationPolicy`. """ implements(IAuthenticationPolicy) def __init__(self, secret, callback=None, cookie_name='auth_tkt', secure=False, include_ip=False, timeout=None, reissue_time=None, max_age=None, path="/", http_only=False, wild_domain=True, ): self.cookie = AuthTktCookieHelper( secret, cookie_name=cookie_name, secure=secure, include_ip=include_ip, timeout=timeout, reissue_time=reissue_time, max_age=max_age, http_only=http_only, path=path, wild_domain=wild_domain, ) self.callback = callback def unauthenticated_userid(self, request): result = self.cookie.identify(request) if result: return result['userid'] def remember(self, request, principal, **kw): """ Accepts the following kw args: ``max_age``.""" return self.cookie.remember(request, principal, **kw) def forget(self, request): return self.cookie.forget(request) def b64encode(v): return v.encode('base64').strip().replace('\n', '') def b64decode(v): return v.decode('base64') EXPIRE = object() class AuthTktCookieHelper(object): """ A helper class for use in third-party authentication policy implementations. See :class:`pyramid.authentication.AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy` for the meanings of the constructor arguments. """ auth_tkt = auth_tkt # for tests now = None # for tests userid_type_decoders = { 'int':int, 'unicode':lambda x: utf_8_decode(x)[0], # bw compat for old cookies 'b64unicode': lambda x: utf_8_decode(b64decode(x))[0], 'b64str': lambda x: b64decode(x), } userid_type_encoders = { int: ('int', str), long: ('int', str), unicode: ('b64unicode', lambda x: b64encode(utf_8_encode(x)[0])), str: ('b64str', lambda x: b64encode(x)), } def __init__(self, secret, cookie_name='auth_tkt', secure=False, include_ip=False, timeout=None, reissue_time=None, max_age=None, http_only=False, path="/", wild_domain=True): self.secret = secret self.cookie_name = cookie_name self.include_ip = include_ip = secure self.timeout = timeout self.reissue_time = reissue_time self.max_age = max_age self.http_only = http_only self.path = path self.wild_domain = wild_domain static_flags = [] if static_flags.append('; Secure') if self.http_only: static_flags.append('; HttpOnly') self.static_flags = "".join(static_flags) def _get_cookies(self, environ, value, max_age=None): if max_age is EXPIRE: max_age = "; Max-Age=0; Expires=Wed, 31-Dec-97 23:59:59 GMT" elif max_age is not None: later = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta( seconds=int(max_age)) # Wdy, DD-Mon-YY HH:MM:SS GMT expires = later.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT') # the Expires header is *required* at least for IE7 (IE7 does # not respect Max-Age) max_age = "; Max-Age=%s; Expires=%s" % (max_age, expires) else: max_age = '' cur_domain = environ.get('HTTP_HOST', environ.get('SERVER_NAME')) # While Chrome, IE, and Firefox can cope, Opera (at least) cannot # cope with a port number in the cookie domain when the URL it # receives the cookie from does not also have that port number in it # (e.g via a proxy). In the meantime, HTTP_HOST is sent with port # number, and neither Firefox nor Chrome do anything with the # information when it's provided in a cookie domain except strip it # out. So we strip out any port number from the cookie domain # aggressively to avoid problems. See also # if ':' in cur_domain: cur_domain = cur_domain.split(':', 1)[0] cookies = [ ('Set-Cookie', '%s="%s"; Path=%s%s%s' % ( self.cookie_name, value, self.path, max_age, self.static_flags)), ('Set-Cookie', '%s="%s"; Path=%s; Domain=%s%s%s' % ( self.cookie_name, value, self.path, cur_domain, max_age, self.static_flags)), ] if self.wild_domain: wild_domain = '.' + cur_domain cookies.append(('Set-Cookie', '%s="%s"; Path=%s; Domain=%s%s%s' % ( self.cookie_name, value, self.path, wild_domain, max_age, self.static_flags))) return cookies def identify(self, request): """ Return a dictionary with authentication information, or ``None`` if no valid auth_tkt is attached to ``request``""" environ = request.environ cookies = get_cookies(environ) cookie = cookies.get(self.cookie_name) if cookie is None or not cookie.value: return None if self.include_ip: remote_addr = environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] else: remote_addr = '' try: timestamp, userid, tokens, user_data = self.auth_tkt.parse_ticket( self.secret, cookie.value, remote_addr) except self.auth_tkt.BadTicket: return None now = # service tests if now is None: now = time.time() if self.timeout and ( (timestamp + self.timeout) < now ): # the auth_tkt data has expired return None userid_typename = 'userid_type:' user_data_info = user_data.split('|') for datum in filter(None, user_data_info): if datum.startswith(userid_typename): userid_type = datum[len(userid_typename):] decoder = self.userid_type_decoders.get(userid_type) if decoder: userid = decoder(userid) reissue = self.reissue_time is not None if reissue and not hasattr(request, '_authtkt_reissued'): if ( (now - timestamp) > self.reissue_time ): # work around tokens = filter(None, tokens) headers = self.remember(request, userid, max_age=self.max_age, tokens=tokens) add_global_response_headers(request, headers) request._authtkt_reissued = True environ['REMOTE_USER_TOKENS'] = tokens environ['REMOTE_USER_DATA'] = user_data environ['AUTH_TYPE'] = 'cookie' identity = {} identity['timestamp'] = timestamp identity['userid'] = userid identity['tokens'] = tokens identity['userdata'] = user_data return identity def forget(self, request): """ Return a set of expires Set-Cookie headers, which will destroy any existing auth_tkt cookie when attached to a response""" environ = request.environ return self._get_cookies(environ, '', max_age=EXPIRE) def remember(self, request, userid, max_age=None, tokens=()): """ Return a set of Set-Cookie headers; when set into a response, these headers will represent a valid authentication ticket. ``max_age`` The max age of the auth_tkt cookie, in seconds. When this value is set, the cookie's ``Max-Age`` and ``Expires`` settings will be set, allowing the auth_tkt cookie to last between browser sessions. If this value is ``None``, the ``max_age`` value provided to the helper itself will be used as the ``max_age`` value. Default: ``None``. ``tokens`` A sequence of strings that will be placed into the auth_tkt tokens field. Each string in the sequence must be of the Python ``str`` type and must match the regex ``^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+_-]*$``. Tokens are available in the returned identity when an auth_tkt is found in the request and unpacked. Default: ``()``. """ if max_age is None: max_age = self.max_age environ = request.environ if self.include_ip: remote_addr = environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] else: remote_addr = '' user_data = '' encoding_data = self.userid_type_encoders.get(type(userid)) if encoding_data: encoding, encoder = encoding_data userid = encoder(userid) user_data = 'userid_type:%s' % encoding for token in tokens: if not (isinstance(token, str) and VALID_TOKEN.match(token)): raise ValueError("Invalid token %r" % (token,)) ticket = self.auth_tkt.AuthTicket( self.secret, userid, remote_addr, tokens=tokens, user_data=user_data, cookie_name=self.cookie_name, cookie_value = ticket.cookie_value() return self._get_cookies(environ, cookie_value, max_age) class SessionAuthenticationPolicy(CallbackAuthenticationPolicy): """ A :app:`Pyramid` authentication policy which gets its data from the configured :term:`session`. For this authentication policy to work, you will have to follow the instructions in the :ref:`sessions_chapter` to configure a :term:`session factory`. Constructor Arguments ``prefix`` A prefix used when storing the authentication parameters in the session. Defaults to 'auth.'. Optional. ``callback`` Default: ``None``. A callback passed the userid and the request, expected to return ``None`` if the userid doesn't exist or a sequence of principal identifiers (possibly empty) if the user does exist. If ``callback`` is ``None``, the userid will be assumed to exist with no principals. Optional. """ implements(IAuthenticationPolicy) def __init__(self, prefix='auth.', callback=None): self.callback = callback self.prefix = prefix or '' self.userid_key = prefix + 'userid' def remember(self, request, principal, **kw): """ Store a principal in the session.""" request.session[self.userid_key] = principal return [] def forget(self, request): """ Remove the stored principal from the session.""" if self.userid_key in request.session: del request.session[self.userid_key] return [] def unauthenticated_userid(self, request): return request.session.get(self.userid_key)