.. _configuration_module: :mod:`pyramid.config` --------------------- .. automodule:: pyramid.config .. autoclass:: Configurator(registry=None, package=None, settings=None, root_factory=None, authentication_policy=None, authorization_policy=None, renderers=DEFAULT_RENDERERS, debug_logger=None, locale_negotiator=None, request_factory=None, renderer_globals_factory=None, default_permission=None, session_factory=None, autocommit=False) .. attribute:: registry The :term:`application registry` which holds the configuration associated with this configurator. .. automethod:: begin .. automethod:: end .. automethod:: hook_zca .. automethod:: unhook_zca .. automethod:: get_settings .. automethod:: commit .. automethod:: action .. automethod:: include .. automethod:: add_directive .. automethod:: with_package .. automethod:: maybe_dotted .. automethod:: absolute_asset_spec .. automethod:: setup_registry(settings=None, root_factory=None, authentication_policy=None, renderers=DEFAULT_RENDERERS, debug_logger=None, locale_negotiator=None, request_factory=None, renderer_globals_factory=None) .. automethod:: add_renderer(name, factory) .. automethod:: add_response_adapter .. automethod:: add_route .. automethod:: add_static_view(name, path, cache_max_age=3600, permission=NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED) .. automethod:: add_settings .. automethod:: add_subscriber .. automethod:: add_translation_dirs .. automethod:: add_view .. automethod:: derive_view .. automethod:: make_wsgi_app() .. automethod:: override_asset(to_override, override_with) .. automethod:: scan .. automethod:: set_forbidden_view .. automethod:: set_notfound_view .. automethod:: set_locale_negotiator .. automethod:: set_default_permission .. automethod:: set_session_factory .. automethod:: set_request_factory .. automethod:: set_renderer_globals_factory(factory) .. automethod:: set_view_mapper .. automethod:: add_tween .. automethod:: testing_securitypolicy .. automethod:: testing_resources .. automethod:: testing_add_subscriber .. automethod:: testing_add_renderer .. attribute:: global_registries The set of registries that have been created for :app:`Pyramid` applications, one per each call to :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.make_wsgi_app` in the current process. The object itself supports iteration and has a ``last`` property containing the last registry loaded. The registries contained in this object are stored as weakrefs, thus they will only exist for the lifetime of the actual applications for which they are being used.