import os import pkg_resources from urlparse import urljoin from urlparse import urlparse from paste import httpexceptions from paste import request from paste.httpheaders import ETAG from paste.urlparser import StaticURLParser from zope.interface import implements from pyramid.asset import resolve_asset_spec from pyramid.interfaces import IStaticURLInfo from pyramid.path import caller_package from pyramid.request import call_app_with_subpath_as_path_info from import NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED from pyramid.url import route_url class PackageURLParser(StaticURLParser): """ This probably won't work with zipimported resources """ def __init__(self, package_name, resource_name, root_resource=None, cache_max_age=None): self.package_name = package_name self.resource_name = os.path.normpath(resource_name) if root_resource is None: root_resource = self.resource_name self.root_resource = root_resource self.cache_max_age = cache_max_age def __call__(self, environ, start_response): path_info = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '') if not path_info: return self.add_slash(environ, start_response) if path_info == '/': # @@: This should obviously be configurable filename = 'index.html' else: filename = request.path_info_pop(environ) resource = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath( self.resource_name + '/' + filename)) if not resource.startswith(self.root_resource): # Out of bounds return self.not_found(environ, start_response) if not pkg_resources.resource_exists(self.package_name, resource): return self.not_found(environ, start_response) if pkg_resources.resource_isdir(self.package_name, resource): # @@: Cache? return self.__class__( self.package_name, resource, root_resource=self.resource_name, cache_max_age=self.cache_max_age)(environ, start_response) pi = environ.get('PATH_INFO') if pi and pi != '/': return self.error_extra_path(environ, start_response) full = pkg_resources.resource_filename(self.package_name, resource) if_none_match = environ.get('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH') if if_none_match: mytime = os.stat(full).st_mtime if str(mytime) == if_none_match: headers = [] ETAG.update(headers, mytime) start_response('304 Not Modified', headers) return [''] # empty body fa = self.make_app(full) if self.cache_max_age: fa.cache_control(max_age=self.cache_max_age) return fa(environ, start_response) def not_found(self, environ, start_response, debug_message=None): comment=('SCRIPT_NAME=%r; PATH_INFO=%r; looking in package %s; ' 'subdir %s ;debug: %s' % (environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME'), environ.get('PATH_INFO'), self.package_name, self.resource_name, debug_message or '(none)')) exc = httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound( 'The resource at %s could not be found' % request.construct_url(environ), comment=comment) return exc.wsgi_application(environ, start_response) def __repr__(self): return '<%s %s:%s at %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.package_name, self.root_resource, id(self)) class StaticURLInfo(object): implements(IStaticURLInfo) route_url = staticmethod(route_url) # for testing only def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.registrations = [] def generate(self, path, request, **kw): for (name, spec, is_url) in self.registrations: if path.startswith(spec): subpath = path[len(spec):] if is_url: return urljoin(name, subpath) else: kw['subpath'] = subpath return self.route_url(name, request, **kw) raise ValueError('No static URL definition matching %s' % path) def add(self, name, spec, **extra): # This feature only allows for the serving of a directory and # the files contained within, not of a single asset; # appending a slash here if the spec doesn't have one is # required for proper prefix matching done in ``generate`` # (``subpath = path[len(spec):]``). if not spec.endswith('/'): spec = spec + '/' # we also make sure the name ends with a slash, purely as a # convenience: a name that is a url is required to end in a # slash, so that ``urljoin(name, subpath))`` will work above # when the name is a URL, and it doesn't hurt things for it to # have a name that ends in a slash if it's used as a route # name instead of a URL. if not name.endswith('/'): # make sure it ends with a slash name = name + '/' names = [ t[0] for t in self.registrations ] if name in names: idx = names.index(name) self.registrations.pop(idx) if urlparse(name)[0]: # it's a URL self.registrations.append((name, spec, True)) else: # it's a view name cache_max_age = extra.pop('cache_max_age', None) # create a view view = static_view(spec, cache_max_age=cache_max_age, use_subpath=True) # Mutate extra to allow factory, etc to be passed through here. # Treat permission specially because we'd like to default to # permissiveness (see docs of config.add_static_view). We need # to deal with both ``view_permission`` and ``permission`` # because ``permission`` is used in the docs for add_static_view, # but ``add_route`` prefers ``view_permission`` permission = extra.pop('view_permission', None) if permission is None: permission = extra.pop('permission', None) if permission is None: permission = NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED context = extra.pop('view_context', None) if context is None: context = extra.pop('view_for', None) if context is None: context = extra.pop('for_', None) renderer = extra.pop('view_renderer', None) if renderer is None: renderer = extra.pop('renderer', None) attr = extra.pop('view_attr', None) # register a route using the computed view, permission, and # pattern, plus any extras passed to us via add_static_view pattern = "%s*subpath" % name # name already ends with slash self.config.add_route(name, pattern, **extra) self.config.add_view(route_name=name, view=view, permission=permission, context=context, renderer=renderer, attr=attr) self.registrations.append((name, spec, False)) class static_view(object): """ An instance of this class is a callable which can act as a :app:`Pyramid` :term:`view callable`; this view will serve static files from a directory on disk based on the ``root_dir`` you provide to its constructor. The directory may contain subdirectories (recursively); the static view implementation will descend into these directories as necessary based on the components of the URL in order to resolve a path into a response. You may pass an absolute or relative filesystem path or a :term:`asset specification` representing the directory containing static files as the ``root_dir`` argument to this class' constructor. If the ``root_dir`` path is relative, and the ``package_name`` argument is ``None``, ``root_dir`` will be considered relative to the directory in which the Python file which *calls* ``static`` resides. If the ``package_name`` name argument is provided, and a relative ``root_dir`` is provided, the ``root_dir`` will be considered relative to the Python :term:`package` specified by ``package_name`` (a dotted path to a Python package). ``cache_max_age`` influences the ``Expires`` and ``Max-Age`` response headers returned by the view (default is 3600 seconds or five minutes). ``use_subpath`` influences whether ``request.subpath`` will be used as ``PATH_INFO`` when calling the underlying WSGI application which actually serves the static files. If it is ``True``, the static application will consider ``request.subpath`` as ``PATH_INFO`` input. If it is ``False``, the static application will consider request.path_info as ``PATH_INFO`` input. By default, this is ``False``. .. note:: If the ``root_dir`` is relative to a :term:`package`, or is a :term:`asset specification` the :app:`Pyramid` :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` method can be used to override assets within the named ``root_dir`` package-relative directory. However, if the ``root_dir`` is absolute, configuration will not be able to override the assets it contains. """ def __init__(self, root_dir, cache_max_age=3600, package_name=None, use_subpath=False): # package_name is for bw compat; it is preferred to pass in a # package-relative path as root_dir # (e.g. ``anotherpackage:foo/static``). if package_name is None: package_name = caller_package().__name__ package_name, root_dir = resolve_asset_spec(root_dir, package_name) if package_name is None: app = StaticURLParser(root_dir, cache_max_age=cache_max_age) else: app = PackageURLParser( package_name, root_dir, cache_max_age=cache_max_age) = app self.use_subpath = use_subpath def __call__(self, context, request): if self.use_subpath: return call_app_with_subpath_as_path_info(request, return request.get_response(