# Rogue Cluster > This section contains information needed when setting up the cluster for the learners. _____

NOTE - This section is a WIP and will evolve over time.

## Cluster Requirements Learners will create 3 to 4 project namespaces running lightweight NodeJS app * 2 and a MongoDB in up to three of these namespace (dev, test, uat for example). The learners ci-cd namespace will house GitLab, Nexus and Jenkins as well as any slave pods used by jenkins. - Jenkins requires 5Gi of Persistent Storage and 4Gi of RAM - GitLab requires 2Gi of storage and 2Gi of RAM - PostgreSQL requires 1Gi of Storage and 512Mi of RAM - Redis requires 512Mi of storage - Nexus requires ## Cluster Access - Learners are in LDAP and can access cluster via `oc login` - Learners have access to LDAP bind credentials to be able to auth against gitlab - ## User privileges - Learners will require privileges to run SCC containers ie GitLab -