# Residency Lightning Talks > Short (time boxed) sessions interjected throughout the Enablement session to showcase and share stories of existing Labs residencies. _____ ## Slides There are no set slides or material to present and no specific expecations on presentation of content. ## Facilitation Materials Needed * Big Visible Clock ## Facilitation Guidelines * Around 2 weeks before the Enablement session, identify who in the room has been involved in a Labs residency prior to this session (at a minimum, some of the facilitation team should have been). * Ask if they are interetsed in using 7 minutes to showcase their residency. * There are no set expecations on presentation - it could be a 7 minute talk, a few slides, a set of photos, a demo of an app / apps, etc. etc. * During the Enablement session, include each Residency Lightning Talk on the Enablement Backlog. * We suggest injecting these talks in at various points throughout the 4 day session. Recommended times include: * Just before lunch * Just before a coffee break * When the group need a break away from a lengthy exercise * When the content of the Lightning Talk is particularly pertinent to the exerxise or other content being discussed in the wider session * Time box the talk with a Big Visible Clock