# Kick Off and Target Outcomes > Short session with a few slides to introduce the enablement workshop and its the target outcomes / objectives. _____ ## Slides The latest version of slides for the session are available [here](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_UP4w9pzsENHhKRyoqJXlrJiIxF6NTN7kZ6vhx0I1t0) ## Facilitation Materials Needed * Teams in table size of 4 to 6 * Sticky Notes - rectangular size on each table * Sharpie Pens (1 per person) on each table ## Facilitation Guidelines * Presentation of the slides * Early ice breaker activity (provided in slides) * Showcase of the room to point to the visual artefacts to be used as a part of running the session (sign posted in slides)