# Setting up the Enablement Session > These notes are intended to evolve into a set of shared thoughts on how to set up and facilitate the Open Innovation Labs DevOps Culture and Practice Enablement. _____ ## Booking the space and facilities Key requirements for the venue include: * Desks in workshop format (5 tables of 4-5 people), ideally on wheels and movable (so we can go through the experience of teams configuring the space) * Power socket banks for each table * LOTS of wall space (more than you could think.... we may need to supplement with "portable wall" boards) * Projector that supports HDMI * Ability to play sound from laptop * Strong WiFi (all delegates will need to be connected throughout the Enablement) * At least one break out area - ideally a small room near the main room ## Shopping / Bring List * Print Exercise Booklets - a PDF of all exercises. We have printed these in A4 color, double-sided with wire binding, a clear cover and black card back * Card printouts of "The Big Picture" components * Poster printouts of * Henrik Kniberg Product Ownership in a Nutshell * Henrik Kniberg Skateboard Picture * The Agile Manifesto Values and Principles * What DevOps is Not * Some spare adapters for overseas' participants to connect laptops to power * Bluetac * A1 Sticky Chart Paper * Boards (especially if wall space is lacking) * Post-it / sticky notes (variety of colors and sizes as described in the Facilitation Guides) * Sharpies (enough for one per participant + a few extra) * Whiteboard Pens - mixture of colors * Magic Whiteboard (especially if there is a lack of whiteboard space in the venue) * Painters' Tape - mixture of colors * Bluetooth Speaker * Fun activities (e.g. a mini golf set and mini ping pong set) * Option to project build monitors (e.g. through Rasperry Pis) - organise extra monitors or bring projector * Think about capturing the Enablement by bringing, for example, GoPro Camera, 360 cameera, etc. ## Setting up the Room The day before the Enablement begins, get access to the room and lay out all materials. Specific things to set up include: * Backlog * Burndown * Definition of Done * Target Outcomes * Realtime Retrospective * Big Picture Area * Practice Corner Area * Ping Pong and Golf * Labs is…. * Space for Faces * Space for Animals Think about the wall space that will be used for: * Team's Social Contract * Wider Group Social Contract * Event Storming * Metric Based Process Maps * Value Slicing * End of Day Retros ## Facilitation Guidelines * Facilitation Guides have been prepared for each of the exercises (technical and non-technical). These are intended to be living and breathing documents which will be updated as more Enablement sessions are run. * Slideware includes lots of real world residency examples of practices being taught. It is expected that these examples will change session-by-session and the Labs facilitators will inject their own stories, photos and videos in here. * Catering is an important factor to consider. Having group breakfasts and lunch emulates what we do on Residencies * Having a group social during the week is also an important aspect of the Enablement