# Red Hat Open Innovation Labs Enablement Materials This repo will house all the slides and lab exercises for the Enablement course. It will also be used to track issues, features and new additions to the course. [Course Content](https://rht-labs.github.io/enablement-docs/#/) ## Slides Use the [Open Innovation Labs reveal.js template](https://github.com/rht-labs/slides-template) to create new content. Add your slides and commit them to the `slides` dir ## Exercises Exercises are created using [Docsify](https://docsify.js.org/#/). Write docs in Markdown and use [Docsify](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify-cli) cli to serve them. Store your lab exercises in the `exercises/` dir. A template layout for the lab exercise with headings and what should be included is stored in `exercises/0-docs-template`. Use this as a base point when creating new materials. Add items to the sidebar on the homepage by updating the `_sidebar` To run and serve the docs 1. `npm i -g docsify-cli` 2. `cd exercises && docsify serve -p 8085 -P 35727` and open your browser to 8085 ## Publishing The `exercises` folder is served as the root of the gitpages site from master branch. To update the published content run: 1. `git checkout master` 2. `git subtree push --prefix exercises origin gh-pages` ## Contributing & Issues For tracking of feature development and task management add the ZenHub plugin extension to [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zenhub-for-github/ogcgkffhplmphkaahpmffcafajaocjbd) or [Firefox](https://www.zenhub.com/extension). To contribute raise an issue and submit a PR to correspond to that feature.