import axios from "axios"; import config from "@/config"; const dummyData = [ { _id: 0, title: "Learn awesome things about Labs 🔬", completed: false, important: false }, { _id: 1, title: "Learn about my friend Jenkins 🎉", completed: true, important: false }, { _id: 2, title: "Drink Coffee ☕💩", completed: false, important: true } ]; export default { loadTodos({ commit }) { return axios .get(config.todoEndpoint) .then(r => .then(todos => { commit("SET_TODOS", todos); commit("SET_LOADING", false); }) .catch(err => { if (err) {"INFO - setting dummy data because of ", err); commit("SET_TODOS", dummyData); commit("SET_LOADING", false); } }); }, addTodo({ commit, state }) { if (!state.newTodo) { // do not add empty todos return; } // debugger const todo = { title: state.newTodo, completed: false }; //"TESTINT BLAH BLAH ", todo); return axios .post(config.todoEndpoint, todo) .then(mongoTodo => { commit("ADD_TODO",; }) .catch(err => { if (err) {"INFO - Adding dummy todo because of ", err); let mongoTodo = todo; mongoTodo._id = "fake-todo-item-" + Math.random(); commit("ADD_TODO", mongoTodo); } }); }, setNewTodo({ commit }, todo) { // debugger commit("SET_NEW_TODO", todo); }, clearNewTodo({ commit }) { commit("CLEAR_NEW_TODO"); }, clearTodos({ commit, state }, all) { // 1 fire and forget or const deleteStuff = id => { axios.delete(config.todoEndpoint + "/" + id).then(data => {"INFO - item " + id + " deleted", data); }); }; if (all) { => { deleteStuff(todo._id); }); commit("CLEAR_ALL_TODOS"); } else { => { // axios remove all done by the id if (todo.completed) { deleteStuff(todo._id); } }); commit("CLEAR_ALL_DONE_TODOS"); } // 2 return array of promises and resolve all }, /* eslint: ignore */ updateTodo({ commit, state }, { id, important }) { let i = state.todos.findIndex(todo => todo._id === id); if (important) { commit("MARK_TODO_IMPORTANT", i); } else { commit("MARK_TODO_COMPLETED", i); } // Fire and forget style backend update ;) return axios .put(config.todoEndpoint + "/" + state.todos[i]._id, state.todos[i]) .then(data => { console.log("INFO - item " + id + " updated"); }); } };