import { shallow, createLocalVue, mount } from "@vue/test-utils"; import Vuex from "vuex"; import XofYItems from "@/components/XofYItems.vue"; import * as all from "../setup.js"; const localVue = createLocalVue(); localVue.use(Vuex); describe("XofYItems.vue", () => { let store; const todos = [ { title: "Learn awesome things about Labs", completed: false, important: false } ]; // const methods = { // sumDoneTodoItems: jest.fn() // }; const actions = { loadTodos: jest.fn(), clearTodos: jest.fn() }; const getters = { todos: jest.fn() }; beforeEach(() => { store = new Vuex.Store({ state: {}, actions, getters }); }); it("returns the correct length of todos", () => { const mockedTodos = [ { title: "Learn awesome things about Labs", completed: true, important: false }, { title: "Learn more awesome things about Labs", completed: true, important: false }, { title: "Learn even more awesome things about Labs", completed: false, important: false } ]; expect(mockedTodos.length).toEqual(3) // Replace with testing the sumDoneTodoItems function and check it it's called // expect(sumDoneTodoItems).toHaveBeenCalled() }); });