import actions from "@/store/actions"; import * as all from "../setup.js"; import axios from "axios"; import MockAdapter from "axios-mock-adapter"; import sinon from "sinon"; const todos = [ { _id: 1, title: "learn testing", completed: true }, { _id: 2, title: "learn testing 2", completed: false } ]; let state; describe("loadTodos", () => { beforeEach(() => { let mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet("http://localhost:9000/api/todos").reply(200, todos); }); it("should call commit to the mutation function twice", done => { const commit = sinon.spy(); actions.loadTodos({ commit }).then(() => { // console.log(commit) expect(commit.calledTwice).toBe(true); done(); }); }); it("should first call SET_LOADING", done => { const commit = sinon.spy(); actions.loadTodos({ commit }).then(() => { // console.log(commit.firstCall.args[0]) expect(commit.firstCall.args[0]).toBe("SET_TODOS"); done(); }); }); it("should second call SET_TODOS", done => { const commit = sinon.spy(); actions.loadTodos({ commit }).then(() => { // console.log(commit) expect(commit.secondCall.args[0]).toBe("SET_LOADING"); done(); }); }); }); describe("addTodos", () => { beforeEach(() => { state = {}; let mock = new MockAdapter(axios); // mock.onPost(/http:\/\/localhost:9000\/api\/todos\/.*/, {}) mock.onPost("http://localhost:9000/api/todos").reply(200, todos); }); it("should call commit to the mutation function once", done => { const commit = sinon.spy(); state.newTodo = "Learn some mocking"; actions.addTodo({ commit, state }).then(() => { // console.log(commit) expect(commit.calledOnce).toBe(true); done(); }); }); it("should first call ADD_TODO", done => { const commit = sinon.spy(); state.newTodo = "Learn some mocking"; actions.addTodo({ commit, state }).then(() => { // console.log(commit.firstCall.args[0]) expect(commit.firstCall.args[0]).toBe("ADD_TODO"); done(); }); }); }); describe("setNewTodo", () => { it("should call SET_NEW_TODO", () => { const commit = sinon.spy(); actions.setNewTodo({ commit, todo: "learn stuff about mockin" }); expect(commit.firstCall.args[0]).toBe("SET_NEW_TODO"); }); }); describe("clearNewTodo", () => { it("should call CLEAR_NEW_TODO", () => { const commit = sinon.spy(); actions.clearNewTodo({ commit }); expect(commit.firstCall.args[0]).toBe("CLEAR_NEW_TODO"); }); }); describe("clearTodos", () => { it("should call CLEAR_ALL_TODOS when all is true", () => { const commit = sinon.spy(); state.todos = todos; actions.clearTodos({ commit, state }, true); expect(commit.firstCall.args[0]).toBe("CLEAR_ALL_TODOS"); }); it("should call CLEAR_ALL_DONE_TODOS when all is not passed", () => { const commit = sinon.spy(); state.todos = todos; actions.clearTodos({ commit, state }); expect(commit.firstCall.args[0]).toBe("CLEAR_ALL_DONE_TODOS"); }); }); /* updateTodo({ commit, state }, { id, important }) { let i = state.todos.findIndex(todo => todo._id === id); // todo - add back end return axios .put(config.todoEndpoint + "/" + state.todos[i]._id, state.todos[i]) .then(data => {"INFO - item " + id + " updated", data); commit("MARK_TODO_COMPLETED", i); }); } */ describe("updateTodo", () => { beforeEach(() => { state = {}; let mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onPut("http://localhost:9000/api/todos/1").reply(200, todos); }); it("should call commit to the mutation function once", done => { const commit = sinon.spy(); state.todos = todos; actions.updateTodo({ commit, state }, { id: 1 }).then(() => { expect(commit.calledOnce).toBe(true); done(); }); }); it("should call MARK_TODO_COMPLETED", done => { const commit = sinon.spy(); state.todos = todos; actions.updateTodo({ commit, state }, { id: 1 }).then(() => { // console.log(commit.firstCall.args[0]) expect(commit.firstCall.args[0]).toBe("MARK_TODO_COMPLETED"); done(); }); }); });