--- kind: Template apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: todolist-fe-build annotations: openshift.io/display-name: S2I App Build Template description: S2I binary build config to create an image with your app baked in. iconClass: fa-cube tags: s2i objects: - apiVersion: v1 kind: BuildConfig metadata: labels: build: "${NAME}" name: "${NAME}" spec: nodeSelector: output: to: kind: ImageStreamTag name: "${NAME}:{BUILD_TAG}" postCommit: {} resources: {} runPolicy: Serial source: binary: {} type: Binary strategy: dockerStrategy: dockerfilePath: Dockerfile status: lastVersion: 1 - apiVersion: v1 kind: ImageStream metadata: labels: build: "${NAME}" name: "${NAME}" spec: {} parameters: - name: NAME displayName: Name description: The name assigned to all objects and the resulting imagestream. required: true value: s2i-app - name: BUILD_TAG displayName: Build Tag for Docker image description: The tag to apply to the Docker image being built. required: true value: latest labels: template: todolist-fe-build-template