#!/bin/sh # Find the latest (tarball) release under original site # # Copyright 2016-2023 Jim Klimov # BASE_URL="https://get.jenkins.io/war-stable/" DL_PAGE_URL="https://www.jenkins.io/download/" echo "=== Checking latest numbered release under $BASE_URL..." UPSTREAM_VERSION="`wget -q -O - "$BASE_URL" 2>/dev/null | egrep 'href="[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*/"' | grep -vw latest | sed 's,^.*a href="\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\)/*".*,\1,' | sort -t. -k1n,1n -k2n,2n -k3n,3n | tail -1`" \ && [ -n "$UPSTREAM_VERSION" ] && echo "Latest UPSTREAM_VERSION = $UPSTREAM_VERSION" \ || echo "WARNING: Could not fetch an UPSTREAM_VERSION, check manually at $DL_PAGE_URL " >&2 UPSTREAM_CHECKSUM="`wget -O - "$BASE_URL/latest/jenkins.war.sha256" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}'`" \ && [ -n "$UPSTREAM_CHECKSUM" ] && echo "Latest SHA256SUM = sha256:$UPSTREAM_CHECKSUM" \ || echo "WARNING: Could not fetch an UPSTREAM_CHECKSUM" >&2 MF="`dirname $0`/Makefile" echo "=== Data in current ${MF}:" egrep '(^[\t\ ]*(COMPONENT_[A-Z]*_VERSION.*=|JENKINS_RELEASE.*=)|sha256:)' "${MF}" MAKEFILE_CHECKSUM="`grep 'sha256:' ${MF} | sed 's,^.*sha256:,,'`" if [ "$MAKEFILE_CHECKSUM" = "$UPSTREAM_CHECKSUM" ] ; then echo "=== MAKEFILE_CHECKSUM matches the UPSTREAM_CHECKSUM currently" fi echo "=== Please edit the Makefile and commit like this (if needed):" echo " git add -p Makefile; git commit -m 'Bump jenkins-core-lts to v${UPSTREAM_VERSION}'"