import jenkins.model.Jenkins @Library("BuildLib") _ /** * Gets the commit hash from a Jenkins build object, if any */ @NonCPS def commitHashForBuild( build ) { def scmAction = build?.actions.find { action -> action instanceof jenkins.scm.api.SCMRevisionAction } return scmAction?.revision?.hash } pipeline { agent { node { label 'userland' } } stages { stage('Ensure is ready to build') { steps { sh 'pfexec /usr/sbin/mountall -F nfs || exit 0' } } stage('Git Checkout') { steps { withSharedWs() { git branch: 'oi/hipster', url: '' } } } stage('Gmake Setup') { steps { sh 'rm -f components/' sh 'rm -f components/' withPublisher('', 'incremental') { sh 'gmake setup' } } } stage('Gmake Publish') { steps { withPublisher('', 'incremental') { script { def last_build = Jenkins.instance.getItem('OpenIndiana').getItem('Userland').lastSuccessfulBuild def last_commit = commitHashForBuild(last_build) } sh './tools/jenkinshelper-main.ksh -s build_changed' } } } stage('copy packages') { steps { pkgcopy() } } stage('update system') { steps { update() sh '/opt/local/bin/' } } } }