# # This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL)". You may # only use this file in accordance with the terms of the CDDL. # # A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this # source. A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at # http://www.illumos.org/license/CDDL. # # # Copyright 2021 Gary Mills # Copyright 2016 Alexander Pyhalov # BUILD_BITS= 64 include ../../../make-rules/shared-macros.mk COMPONENT_NAME= gtk-doc COMPONENT_MAJOR_VERSION= 1.33 COMPONENT_MINOR_VERSION= 2 COMPONENT_VERSION= $(COMPONENT_MAJOR_VERSION).$(COMPONENT_MINOR_VERSION) # COMPONENT_REVISION= 0 COMPONENT_PROJECT_URL= http://www.gtk.org/gtk-doc/ COMPONENT_SUMMARY= GTK+ DocBook Documentation Generator COMPONENT_SRC= $(COMPONENT_NAME)-$(COMPONENT_VERSION) COMPONENT_ARCHIVE= $(COMPONENT_SRC).tar.xz COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_HASH= \ sha256:cc1b709a20eb030a278a1f9842a362e00402b7f834ae1df4c1998a723152bf43 COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_URL= http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/$(COMPONENT_NAME)/$(COMPONENT_MAJOR_VERSION)/$(COMPONENT_ARCHIVE) # Set python version used by this product PYTHON_VERSION= 3.7 # The built-in tests assume the package has already been installed TEST_TARGET= $(NO_TESTS) include $(WS_MAKE_RULES)/common.mk PATH=$(PATH.gnu) # Build configure script COMPONENT_PREP_ACTION += (cd $(@D); autoreconf -fiv) CONFIGURE_OPTIONS+= --bindir=$(USRBINDIR) CONFIGURE_OPTIONS+= --sbindir=$(USRSBINDIR) CONFIGURE_OPTIONS+= --sysconfdir=$(ETCDIR) CONFIGURE_ENV+= PYTHON=$(PYTHON) CONFIGURE_ENV+= PERL=$(PERL) # Auto-generated dependencies REQUIRED_PACKAGES += text/itstool # Auto-generated dependencies REQUIRED_PACKAGES += SUNWcs REQUIRED_PACKAGES += runtime/perl-522 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += runtime/python-37