2016-06-13 0390c2ec51eac978feb2b81f3c8947ad113652e8
search: marquex (committer)
2016-06-13 marquex
Updates markup to remove buttons.
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2016-06-13 marquex
Merge branch 'idoo-patch-1'
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2016-06-13 marquex
Merge branch 'patch-1' of into idoo-...
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2016-06-13 marquex
Merge branch 'idoo-patch-2'
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2016-05-24 marquex
closeOnSelect now working for controlled datepicker.
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2016-05-23 marquex
Updates react addons for test running.
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2016-04-19 marquex
Month and year pickers don't show the time in input anylonger.
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2016-04-06 marquex
Merge branch 'sridharAJ-master'
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2016-02-29 marquex
Fixes travis badge.
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2016-02-29 marquex
Merge branch 'romainberger-onfocus'
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2016-02-29 marquex
Only try to open the calendar when it is closed.
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2016-02-29 marquex
Merge branch 'podio-feature/dev-setup'
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2016-02-29 marquex
Merge branch 'feature/dev-setup' of
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2016-02-29 marquex
Merge branch 'Telpuk-patch-1'
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2016-02-29 marquex
Merge branch 'patch-1' of into Tel...
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2016-02-29 marquex
Merge branch 'poke-master'
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2016-02-29 marquex
Merge branch 'master' of into poke-m...
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2016-02-29 marquex
Merge branch 'munik-master'
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2016-01-28 marquex
Merge branch 'podio-feature/close-on-date-selection'
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2016-01-28 marquex
Adds closeOnSelect prop.
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2015-12-17 marquex
Bump to 2.0.2
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2015-12-17 marquex
Merge branch 'jugoncalves-new-year-days'
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2015-12-17 marquex
Conflicts solved.
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2015-12-17 marquex
Bump version
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2015-11-20 marquex
Merge branch 'naomifeehanmoran-master'
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2015-11-09 marquex
Fixes name class.
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2015-11-09 marquex
Adds react-dom to peerDependencies.
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2015-11-09 marquex
Version bump to 2.0.0
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2015-11-09 marquex
All the classes have now the rdt prefix.
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2015-11-09 marquex
Adds a modified version of react-onclickoutside to support react 13 and 14.
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2015-10-14 marquex
Version bump. Update react-onclickoutside dependency.
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2015-10-14 marquex
Merge branch 'nbrendler-strict-parsing-prop'
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2015-10-14 marquex
Merges addition of strictParsing attribute.
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2015-10-14 marquex
Adds open attribute
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2015-10-13 marquex
Removes references to min/maxDate and allows to reset the picker value.
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2015-08-24 marquex
Fixes accidentaly removed object-assign
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2015-08-24 marquex
Updated changelog
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2015-08-24 marquex
Removes classlist-polyfill dependency.
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2015-08-22 marquex
Merged PR#13
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2015-08-22 marquex
Bumped react-onclickoutside version
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2015-08-20 marquex
Accepts invalid values for the input. onBlur is not trigg...
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2015-07-30 marquex
Added version badge
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2015-07-30 marquex
Merge branch 'tests'
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2015-07-30 marquex
V1.0.0 built
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2015-07-30 marquex
Finished tests
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2015-07-25 marquex
React is global now in tests to make them work in travis
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2015-07-25 marquex
Made React global to fulfill tests
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2015-07-24 marquex
React object is injected in tests in order to make Travis CI work 2
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2015-07-24 marquex
React object is injected in tests in order to make Travis CI work
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2015-07-24 marquex
Fixing travis
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