Marcel Telka
2023-11-28 29dffc4573392d4b431b383681f1dbecf3b396af
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2023-11-28 Marcel Telka
perl/IO-Tty: update to 1.18
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2023-11-27 Marcel Telka
python/ipython: update to 8.18.1
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2023-11-27 Marcel Telka
Add GitPython Python project
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2023-11-27 Marcel Telka
python/aiohttp: update to 3.9.1
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2023-11-27 Marcel Telka
python/Cython: update to 3.0.6
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2023-11-27 Marcel Telka
python/wheel: update to 0.42.0
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2023-11-27 Marcel Telka
python/hypothesis: update to 6.91.0
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2023-11-27 Marcel Telka
python/flake8-bugbear: update to 23.11.26
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2023-11-26 Marcel Telka
build-essential: add back openjdk8
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2023-11-26 Marcel Telka
python/pexpect: update to 4.9
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2023-11-26 Marcel Telka
Add gitdb Python project
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2023-11-26 Marcel Telka
tools/license-detector: line full of spaces is empty
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2023-11-25 Marcel Telka
python/httpx: update to 0.25.2
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2023-11-25 Marcel Telka
python/gi-docgen: update to 2023.3
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2023-11-25 Marcel Telka
python/types-paramiko: update to
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2023-11-25 Marcel Telka
python/idna: update to 3.6; obsolete package for Python 3.7
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2023-11-24 Marcel Telka
python/pytest-xdist: update to 3.5.0
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2023-11-24 Marcel Telka
python/pytest-rerunfailures: update to 13.0
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2023-11-24 Marcel Telka
python/trove-classifiers: update to 2023.11.22
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2023-11-24 Marcel Telka
desktop-cache: properly handle case without GIO modules installed
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2023-11-24 Marcel Telka
python/virtualenv: update to 20.24.7
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2023-11-24 Marcel Telka
python/setuptools: update to 69.0.2
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2023-11-24 Marcel Telka
python/anyio: update to 4.1.0
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2023-11-24 Marcel Telka
python/wcwidth: update to 0.2.12
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2023-11-24 Marcel Telka
python/types-setuptools: update to
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2023-11-24 Marcel Telka
python/types-paramiko: update to
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2023-11-24 Marcel Telka
python/types-mock: update to
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2023-11-24 Marcel Telka
python/yamlfix: update to 1.16.0
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2023-11-24 Marcel Telka
python/mypy: update to 1.7.1
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2023-11-24 Marcel Telka
python/frozendict: update to 2.3.9; obsolete package for Python 3.7
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2023-11-24 Marcel Telka
perl/Text-CSV_XS: update to 1.53
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2023-11-24 Marcel Telka
perl/Sub-Exporter: update to 0.991
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2023-11-23 Marcel Telka
groff: man wrapper for system package infinitely recurses
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2023-11-23 Marcel Telka
python/pytest-subtests: update to 0.11.0; obsolete package for Python 3.7
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2023-11-22 Marcel Telka
desktop-cache: fix GIO module directory path
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2023-11-22 Marcel Telka
python/pygments: update to 2.17.2
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2023-11-22 Marcel Telka
python/humanize: update to 4.9.0
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2023-11-22 Marcel Telka
python/exceptiongroup: update to 1.2.0
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2023-11-22 Marcel Telka
desktop-cache: GIO module directory must exist; remove 32-bit paths from gi...
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2023-11-22 Marcel Telka
python/expandvars: update to 0.12.0
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2023-11-22 Marcel Telka
illumos-gate: remove unneeded hald patch
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2023-11-22 Marcel Telka
nagios-plugins: update to 2.4.7
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2023-11-22 Marcel Telka
python/yarl: update to 1.9.3
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2023-11-21 Marcel Telka
python/setuptools: update to 69.0.1
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2023-11-21 Marcel Telka
Add expandvars Python project
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2023-11-21 Marcel Telka
python/maturin: update to 1.3.2
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2023-11-21 Marcel Telka
python/wcwidth: update to 0.2.11
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2023-11-21 Marcel Telka
python/rpds_py: update to 0.13.1
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2023-11-21 Marcel Telka
python/pyasn1: update to 0.5.1; obsolete package for Python 3.7
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2023-11-21 Marcel Telka
python/PasteDeploy: update to 3.1.0; obsolete package for Python 3.7
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