Marcel Telka
2024-03-31 36c3e7ac8eea47e1385f134881bc5b1511ef080f
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2024-03-14 Marcel Telka
python/pytest-rerunfailures: update to 14.0
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2024-03-14 Marcel Telka
Obsolete library/motif and cde-incorporation
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2024-03-14 Marcel Telka
python/traitlets: update to 5.14.2
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2024-03-14 Marcel Telka
python/zipp: update to 3.18.0
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2024-03-14 Marcel Telka
python/pytest-lazy-fixtures: update to 1.0.6
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2024-03-13 Marcel Telka
python/xmlschema: update to 3.1.0
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2024-03-13 Marcel Telka
python/pytest-mypy-plugins: update to 3.1.1
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2024-03-13 Marcel Telka
python/nbformat: update to 5.10.2
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2024-03-13 Marcel Telka
python/jupyter_core: update to 5.7.2
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2024-03-13 Marcel Telka
python/importlib_resources: update to 6.3.0
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2024-03-13 Marcel Telka
python/flaky: update to 3.8.1
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2024-03-13 Marcel Telka
python/sybil: add test results
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2024-03-12 Marcel Telka
hpn-ssh: fix dtrace; simplify dependencies
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2024-03-12 Marcel Telka
Add testfixtures Python project
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2024-03-12 Marcel Telka
perl/HTML-Tagset: update to 3.24
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2024-03-12 Marcel Telka
python/wheel: update to 0.43.0
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2024-03-12 Marcel Telka
python/elementpath: update to 4.4.0
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2024-03-12 Marcel Telka
Add sybil Python project
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2024-03-12 Marcel Telka
Add seedir Python project
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
perl/PPI: update to 1.278
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/flaky: update to 3.8.0; obsolete package for Python 3.7
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
multimedia/yt-dlp: update to 2024.3.10
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-six: update to
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-requests: update to
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-python-dateutil: update to
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-psutil: update to
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-paramiko: update to
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-mock: update to
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-docutils: update to
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-PyYAML: update to
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/redis: update to 5.0.3
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/hypothesis: update to 6.99.2
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
perl/libwww-perl: update to 6.77
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
perl/LWP-Protocol-https: update to 6.14
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/pytest: update to 8.1.1
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/hypothesis: update to 6.99.1
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/packaging: update to 24.0
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/pyOpenSSL: update to 24.1.0
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-toml: update to
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-six: update to
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-requests: update to
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-decorator: update to
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/pytest-asyncio: update to 0.23.5.post1
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/mypy: update to 1.9.0
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-docutils: update to
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/types-setuptools: update to
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/uvicorn: update to 0.28.0
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/importlib_metadata: update to 7.0.2
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2024-03-11 Marcel Telka
python/Faker: update to 24.1.0
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