2022-01-17 99830e3e97620b723515ddd840592cf0cf0fd26e
search: jakegoerzen (author)
2022-01-17 jakegoerzen
stellarium: update to 0.21.3
commit | commitdiff | tree
2021-12-12 jakegoerzen
freeciv: update to 2.6.6
commit | commitdiff | tree
2021-11-01 jakegoerzen
stellarium: update to 0.21.2
commit | commitdiff | tree
2021-09-25 jakegoerzen
Add freeciv 2.6.5
commit | commitdiff | tree
2021-09-01 jakegoerzen
Initial commit of Stellarium version 0.21.1 with small patch
commit | commitdiff | tree
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