2018-04-23 d256b1e10c612a6c1b0fcbb12d9e8e39a464a64e
search: donal (author)
2018-04-23 donal
FIX - broken layout
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2018-04-23 donal
ADD - including the perf test stuff
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2018-04-23 donal
Linting labs WIP
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2018-04-22 donal
ADD some more pics
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2018-04-22 donal
ADD some more pics
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2018-04-22 donal
Fix url
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2018-04-22 donal
WIP - adding scanners to build pipeline
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2018-04-22 donal
Template of the lab5 stuff
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2018-04-20 donal
Swap Docker for CRI-O
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2018-04-20 donal
Swap Docker for CRI-O
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2018-04-19 donal
FIX typos
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2018-04-19 donal
ADD - ocp pipeline lesson
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2018-04-18 donal
FIXES based on MR conflicts
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2018-04-18 donal
FIXES based on PR
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2018-04-18 Donal Spring
Merge pull request #146 from rht-labs/exercise3/what-is-tdd
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2018-04-18 donal
FIXES based on PR
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2018-04-18 donal
FIXES based on PR
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2018-04-18 Donal Spring
Merge pull request #150 from rht-labs/fixes/rob
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2018-04-18 donal
PR feedback changes
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2018-04-18 donal
Merge branch 'master' into exercise4/zap-braniscan-and-arachniboy
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2018-04-18 donal
DONE - added tests to e2e dev pipleine
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2018-04-18 donal
ADD tests running in pipleine
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2018-04-18 donal
WIP - adding e2e to the pipeline
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2018-04-18 donal
FIX - document title
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2018-04-17 donal
FIX lab instructions cuz of the rework
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2018-04-17 donal
rework of the projects structure based on Justin feedback
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2018-04-17 donal
rework of git lab section as per feedback
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2018-04-17 donal
UPDATES - some minor pr changes
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2018-04-17 donal
ADD some extension tasks
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2018-04-17 donal
ADD - exercise 4; the Jenkinsfile
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2018-04-16 donal
FIX - changes from bringing in master
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2018-04-16 donal
TIDY up based on PR
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2018-04-16 donal
ADD exercise 3
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2018-04-12 donal
ADD api tdd exercise
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2018-04-12 donal
Scaffold of ex3
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2018-04-11 donal
QUICK FIX before the demo ;)
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2018-04-11 donal
FIX - image wrong for git
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2018-04-10 donal
FIX - PR mergé issues
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2018-04-10 donal
FIX home page issue
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2018-04-10 donal
ADD the instructions for driving ocp-applier to backend app
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2018-04-09 donal
WIP - leaving for the day
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2018-04-09 donal
Tidy up the home page
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2018-04-09 donal
WIP - adding openshift-applier dir
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2018-04-08 donal
ADD backend b,b and d plus pipeline
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2018-04-08 donal
pipeline for fe done
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2018-04-08 donal
deploy for fe done
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2018-04-08 donal
add steps for the bake phase
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2018-04-08 donal
BUILD step for FE comlpete
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2018-04-08 donal
Beginning work on j-pipeline
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2018-04-07 donal
ADD docker slave instructions
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