Michael Merickel
2011-08-10 fecefff5f0c3a6aaafdd43d902aaed15edb8559e
search: Michael Merickel (committer)
2011-08-10 Michael Merickel
Added the `pyramid.security.NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED` constant.
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2011-08-01 Michael Merickel
Merge branch 'ipython-0.11'
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2011-08-01 Michael Merickel
Refactored the PShellCommand to improve testability.
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2011-08-01 Michael Merickel
Removed unused PCommand testing hooks.
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2011-07-31 Michael Merickel
Fixed spelling in the IRoute interface.
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2011-07-31 Michael Merickel
Fixed a spelling mistake in ISession.
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2011-07-30 Michael Merickel
Updated all of the docs to reflect the new pyramid.* settings prefix.
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2011-07-30 Michael Merickel
Added the pyramid.* settings to the settings dict.
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2011-07-30 Michael Merickel
Updated the scaffold settings to use the 'pyramid.' prefix.
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2011-07-30 Michael Merickel
Added support for a 'pyramid.include' setting to add arbitrary modules to p...
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2011-07-29 Michael Merickel
Added support in pyramid for "pyramid.*" settings prefixes.
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2011-07-22 Michael Merickel
Fixed formatting fail.
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2011-07-17 Michael Merickel
Changed the URL generation example to be more practical.
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2011-07-17 Michael Merickel
Added test coverage for 'PShellCommand'.
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2011-07-16 Michael Merickel
Updated 'pshell' to support the new bootstrap api.
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2011-07-16 Michael Merickel
Reworked pyramid.scripting. Modified docs and made make_request private.
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2011-07-16 Michael Merickel
Modified the order of the WeakOrderedSet to remember the most recent.
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2011-07-16 Michael Merickel
Renamed the 'info' dict to 'env' in scripting.
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2011-07-16 Michael Merickel
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2011-07-15 Michael Merickel
Modified tests to use global_registries.remove() instead of relying on gc.
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2011-07-15 Michael Merickel
Added test coverage for p.paster.bootstrap.
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2011-07-15 Michael Merickel
Modified bootstrap to return a dict.
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2011-07-15 Michael Merickel
Removed unused variable
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2011-07-14 Michael Merickel
Added p.paster.bootstrap for handling simple loading of INI files.
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2011-07-14 Michael Merickel
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2011-07-14 Michael Merickel
Added p.scripting.get_root2 that doesn't require an app arg.
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2011-07-12 Michael Merickel
Just changed some of the docstrings to reference config_uri.
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2011-07-12 Michael Merickel
Reverted get_root back to its behavior of expecting a router instance.
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2011-07-12 Michael Merickel
Updated scripting test coverage to 100%.
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2011-07-11 Michael Merickel
Added some docs for make_request and global_registries.
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2011-07-11 Michael Merickel
Added the ability to make a request object for use in scripts.
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2011-07-11 Michael Merickel
Moved the WeakOrderedSet into pyramid.util.
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2011-07-11 Michael Merickel
Added tracking of p.config.global_registries for created apps.
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2011-07-10 Michael Merickel
Adding a global to track the last registry loaded by Pyramid.
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2011-07-15 Michael Merickel
Merge pull request #236 from AnneGilles/patch-1
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2011-07-11 Michael Merickel
Modified docs to reference webob's new website.
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2011-07-10 Michael Merickel
Merge pull request #228 from ejo/patch-3
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2011-07-07 Michael Merickel
Updated proutes and pviews docs.
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2011-07-07 Michael Merickel
Added/updated documentation for the new interactive shell.
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2011-07-06 Michael Merickel
Added tests for the new pshell.
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2011-07-06 Michael Merickel
Replaced the manual parsing with python's ConfigParser.
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2011-07-06 Michael Merickel
Fixed a small bug in pviews initialization.
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2011-07-06 Michael Merickel
Updated paster tests to use the ini_file#section syntax.
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2011-07-06 Michael Merickel
Added [pshell] support to INI files and the ability to load generic wsgi apps.
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2011-07-06 Michael Merickel
Updated paster commands to use the ini#section uri spec.
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2011-06-23 Michael Merickel
A fix for classmethod-based custom predicates with no __text__ property.
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2011-06-21 Michael Merickel
Fixed a bw-compat issue with PyramidTemplate being moved.
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2011-05-30 Michael Merickel
Removed a pdb trace. Oops!
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2011-05-30 Michael Merickel
Fixed a bug in dispatch matching * at the end of a route.
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2011-05-27 Michael Merickel
Attempt to fix issue #193 by setting mako default filter to 'h'.
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