Ansible role to provision a zone on OpenIndiana
Olaf Bohlen
2021-05-21 eaa3b17739df88f2daab02382e43d5e77877ba93
search: Olaf Bohlen (committer)
2021-05-21 Olaf Bohlen
fix typos, add code for kvm branded zones
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2020-08-25 Olaf Bohlen
fixed name for zone task
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2020-08-25 Olaf Bohlen
make role aware if a zone exists, also require python-27 as ansible modules...
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2020-08-25 Olaf Bohlen
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2020-08-25 Olaf Bohlen
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2020-08-25 Olaf Bohlen
fixes and include sudo
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2020-08-24 Olaf Bohlen
added housekeeping, ssh-key provisioning, local inventory, etc
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2020-08-20 Olaf Bohlen
cleaned up template
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2020-08-19 Olaf Bohlen
initial work
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2020-08-19 Olaf Bohlen
empty boiler plate
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