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Residency Lightning Talks

Short (time boxed) sessions interjected throughout the Enablement session to showcase and share stories of existing Labs residencies.


There are no set slides or material to present and no specific expecations on presentation of content.

Facilitation Materials Needed

  • Big Visible Clock

Facilitation Guidelines

  • Around 2 weeks before the Enablement session, identify who in the room has been involved in a Labs residency prior to this session (at a minimum, some of the facilitation team should have been).
  • Ask if they are interetsed in using 7 minutes to showcase their residency.
  • There are no set expecations on presentation - it could be a 7 minute talk, a few slides, a set of photos, a demo of an app / apps, etc. etc.
  • During the Enablement session, include each Residency Lightning Talk on the Enablement Backlog.
  • We suggest injecting these talks in at various points throughout the 4 day session. Recommended times include:
    • Just before lunch
    • Just before a coffee break
    • When the group need a break away from a lengthy exercise
    • When the content of the Lightning Talk is particularly pertinent to the exerxise or other content being discussed in the wider session
  • Time box the talk with a Big Visible Clock